FREE Evangelism Crash Course. FREE Handout. Part 1 of 4. Pray, Prepare, and Go in Faith.
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A full 87-minute crash course in evangelism, broken into 4 parts. Every Christian can and should evangelize. Church, we're deep into the 11th hour. JESUS has hired you. It's time to arise and go! Even if you have to go alone, remember, you're never alone. Jesus is with you, even unto the end of the world.
Part 1 of this course covers topics like how to pray for evangelism, how to listen to the Holy Spirit, and where to evangelize.
FREE handout here:
Make Peace With God, Right Now. Believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ:
God is perfect and lives forever. He created humans to live with Him forever, but humans sinned. We’re all sinful and our bodies die. Our uncleanness separates us from God and destines us for an eternity in the Lake of Fire, known as Hell. There’s nothing we can do to forgive our own sins, make our bodies immortal, and save ourselves from Hell. We need God to give us a clean soul, a new body, and eternal life with Him in paradise. God loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to Earth to do just that.
Jesus is perfect, yet He took our sins upon himself when He died on the cross. He suffered Hell on the cross so that whoever believes in Him doesn’t have to suffer Hell for eternity. Jesus died and was buried in a tomb. God raised Jesus to life, into an immortal body on the third day.
Receive Jesus– Right Now—and Be Saved for Eternity!
If you would like to receive Jesus as your Savior, right now. All you have to do is believe. Believe that Jesus, God’s Son, took all your sins upon Himself when He died on the cross. Jesus was buried and God raised Him on the third day. Repent of any false beliefs and believe that Jesus alone is your Savior, God in flesh, the Savior of the World, the Messiah, the Son of God. That’s all you have to do.
Whoever believes in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection receives forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God. In Jesus, and in Jesus alone, we have peace with God! In Jesus alone, we are children of God. In Jesus, your soul is made clean and the Holy Spirit seals you for the day of resurrection, the day on which you will receive a new and immortal body. You’re a new creation in Christ, inside out—body and soul. As a new creation, you get to live with God for eternity.
What Happens If I Reject Jesus as the Only Way to God the Father?
Rejection of the truth, that Jesus alone saves, is the greatest sin a human can commit. Rejecting God’s Son, Jesus, as the only Savior we have is the rejection of God the Father. The Bible tells us that all who reject Jesus will be cast into the Lake of Fire, known as Hell, for eternity. God wishes none would perish and wishes all would come to repentance.
I Believe Jesus is Savior. Now what?
Turn away from false beliefs, false religions, man-made traditions, superstitions, practices the Bible forbids, fantasies, idols, and self-made beliefs. Stop trusting in your own efforts and the people and products of this world for your security and happiness. Trust God alone.
Turn away from all sin, such as anger, grudges, ingratitude, constant complaining, sexually immoral thoughts and deeds, gossip, substance abuse, hateful thoughts and speech, selfishness, pride, greed, laziness, and indulgence in the empty pleasures of this life.
Talk to God continually in prayer. Read the Bible daily. Start with the Gospel of John if you’ve never read the Bible before. Worship God with other believers. Try joining a local church, and ask about baptism.
Go and tell others about Jesus. Wait eagerly for Jesus’ appearing, at which time all who are in Christ will receive resurrected bodies.
Part 1 of this course covers topics like how to pray for evangelism, how to listen to the Holy Spirit, and where to evangelize.
FREE handout here:
Make Peace With God, Right Now. Believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ:
God is perfect and lives forever. He created humans to live with Him forever, but humans sinned. We’re all sinful and our bodies die. Our uncleanness separates us from God and destines us for an eternity in the Lake of Fire, known as Hell. There’s nothing we can do to forgive our own sins, make our bodies immortal, and save ourselves from Hell. We need God to give us a clean soul, a new body, and eternal life with Him in paradise. God loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to Earth to do just that.
Jesus is perfect, yet He took our sins upon himself when He died on the cross. He suffered Hell on the cross so that whoever believes in Him doesn’t have to suffer Hell for eternity. Jesus died and was buried in a tomb. God raised Jesus to life, into an immortal body on the third day.
Receive Jesus– Right Now—and Be Saved for Eternity!
If you would like to receive Jesus as your Savior, right now. All you have to do is believe. Believe that Jesus, God’s Son, took all your sins upon Himself when He died on the cross. Jesus was buried and God raised Him on the third day. Repent of any false beliefs and believe that Jesus alone is your Savior, God in flesh, the Savior of the World, the Messiah, the Son of God. That’s all you have to do.
Whoever believes in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection receives forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God. In Jesus, and in Jesus alone, we have peace with God! In Jesus alone, we are children of God. In Jesus, your soul is made clean and the Holy Spirit seals you for the day of resurrection, the day on which you will receive a new and immortal body. You’re a new creation in Christ, inside out—body and soul. As a new creation, you get to live with God for eternity.
What Happens If I Reject Jesus as the Only Way to God the Father?
Rejection of the truth, that Jesus alone saves, is the greatest sin a human can commit. Rejecting God’s Son, Jesus, as the only Savior we have is the rejection of God the Father. The Bible tells us that all who reject Jesus will be cast into the Lake of Fire, known as Hell, for eternity. God wishes none would perish and wishes all would come to repentance.
I Believe Jesus is Savior. Now what?
Turn away from false beliefs, false religions, man-made traditions, superstitions, practices the Bible forbids, fantasies, idols, and self-made beliefs. Stop trusting in your own efforts and the people and products of this world for your security and happiness. Trust God alone.
Turn away from all sin, such as anger, grudges, ingratitude, constant complaining, sexually immoral thoughts and deeds, gossip, substance abuse, hateful thoughts and speech, selfishness, pride, greed, laziness, and indulgence in the empty pleasures of this life.
Talk to God continually in prayer. Read the Bible daily. Start with the Gospel of John if you’ve never read the Bible before. Worship God with other believers. Try joining a local church, and ask about baptism.
Go and tell others about Jesus. Wait eagerly for Jesus’ appearing, at which time all who are in Christ will receive resurrected bodies.