30 Baby Animal Births That Happen Only Once in a Thousand Years

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The birth of an animal is one of the most beautiful things on earth. But did you know that sometimes births happen that are incredibly rare? In the animal kingdom, birth can be very unique and unpredictable. There are so many unusual animals in our world that are worth seeing at least once! Today we show you 30 births of baby animals that only happen once every thousand years.

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The cat giving birth to a chihuahua
is impossible


Cats after giving birth can adopt other animals treating them as one of their own. Hence cat takes a puppy .


I would like to see the return of the human race that is full of compassion, common sense and accountability. They are not extinct yet but getting close


The animal I seek is one I don't know if it ever really existed. I believe they called it an "Honest Politician". See why I am skeptic of it having ever existed?


An extinct animal I would like to see brought back? How about Homo Sapiens Sapiens with common sense?


Hey, I know hope! She’s my mom’s turtle!❤


Deer normally have twins. The babies are Fawns.


It is so incredible that the horse you mentioned had twins twice! ❤❤❤ An amazing story.


The cat probably encountered a neglected litter of puppies and adopted them. That would not be unusual inasmuch as she was already lactating.


My dad was a professor of agriculture, majoring in genetics. As a child while traveling with him in the country, I noticed that in a field of maise, occasionally there would be a very tall stalk, while the rest of the crop was the same height. I asked him why, and was told that the tall stalks were hybrids. It’s interesting that hybrid animals are usually quite a lot larger than the parents.



What I think about the cat giving ‘birth’ to a dog it may be because the cat adopts the puppy without the owner knowing.

That's just my opinion.


First off, baby deer are called fawns. Second, that was a cheetah, not a leopard. You can tell by the 'tear track' markings on the face and the lean build.


My great Uncle had a dairy in Dane County Madison, Wisconsin, Bowman Dairy. One summer I spent time there a cow successfully delivered triplets and it made the news. That was about 1966 or 67.


The Polar bear and the Grizzly are essentially the same species - but for help in not confusing the two, they are called sister-species, of the bear. They're not as strange as you think. There's only distance in where they actually lived or tended to raise their young. Obviously, the Polar bear lived in the Arctic (no wooded areas) Otherwise, there isn't much difference in the species, themselves. They are both deadly.

Something people call rare is misunderstood -- it actually means it's something they've not seen before - it may be very common to those who know the species that live together. Body shapes are certainly the first thing that makes them possible to interbreed. No different from someone from Russia having a relationship with an American. It's no longer so rare. They are of the same species. Humans.

When it comes to different species - use your common sense. When you have two entirely types of animals - a different species, entirely (i.e. horse & cow) you are only apt to believe it's possible if you are supremely ignorant. Stay out of making this a part of a freak show & educate your people to a few facts as in those I've mentioned. The outside skin just doesn't pull much weight if the bodies are of the same species.


I wonder how I will know I “like” the video before I watch it?


I had a basset hound (registered) I bred with another basset. After over a week, brought her home. We also had a German Shepherd that must have hit her at the end. Got 7 puppies (registered). She had 4 pups pretty quick... then waited, then this large pup finally showed up after many hours and pain. He was twice the size of the others. Finally finished having the last of the litter. In just a week, that pup was huge, after a couple weeks took them to vet to get checkups and shots, he said... why did you bring this pup??? I said, he was in that litter. He was shocked and said, "that proves that there can be 2 fathers to a litter". He said "hide that pup". everybody wanted that pup. LOL He was beautiful, I gave him away.


Those spotted puppies with the golden retriever mother are clearly mixed with beagle. Nothing strange here.


The retriever with the spotted "cow" puppies is completely fabricated, the retriever lived on a farm, her pups died in a tragic barn fire and she sank into a depression, her owners sought a litter of orphaned puppies, she then raised these pups, the "cow" puppies and it made her happy


Where is the vastly pregnant horse in the advertisement of this film? WHERE IS IT ??


8:12 funniest goat ever, 8:30 human goat, that's the funniest ones!
