Your FIRST Motorcycle Ride WON'T BE EASY UNLESS...

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Today we talk about things to consider when going out for your first motorcycle ride.


Best Beginner **Sport** Gear:

Best Beginner **Dual Sport/ADV** Gear:

Best Beginner **Retro/Classic** Gear:



What should my first bike be? A Turbo Hayabusa.

Very funny, no seriously. What should I get? A TURBO BUSA.

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00:00 Intro
00:26 Personal Story
01:56 MSF
02:44 Safety
03:10 Calm and collective
03:54 Traffic
04:25 Plan a route
05:06 Practice, Practice, Practice
06:00 Listen to your gut!
08:02 Final thought
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Easy answer: ride as if you’re invisible. Meaning, ride as if other drivers don’t see you. Be cautious of drivers pulling out of driveways and changing lanes


I just bought my first bike 4 weeks ago, a 2019 Triumph Street Twin. Im 37 yrs old. Other than the motorcycle course I had never ridden a bike before. That said, im a pretty competent man, great with a manual transmission and fully understood HOW to ride. I was indeed a bit nervous when I went to test ride the Street Twin but the moment I set off I felt at home and I literally rode it for 4 minutes before telling the salesmen I wanted it. Drove it home that day for a 30 minute ride and I was VERY surprised at how comfortable I felt. I definitely was careful and a bit timid. Took everything nice and easy. Four weeks now and im still surprised at how quickly I adjusted and comfortable I feel on 2 wheels now. Get out there and ride yall! Don't be afraid, take it easy at first, stick to roads you know well and increase your riding on busier roads as your confidence builds.


My boss drove me 20 miles away to pick up my new motorcycle on the clock. I have never operated a motorcycle but knew how everything worked thanks to your videos. I got familiar with the bike in the parking lot for about 10 minutes then decided to hit the road. I pulled out on the highway with a little jerking and reached 6th gear and felt like I was flying. Looked down at the speedometer thinking I was way over the speed limit and I was doing 40mph. A few miles after that I stalled at a 4 lane stoplight. Made it back to work safely and took a hundred miles before I felt comfortable in traffic.


I got my Ninja 400 last month and rode it around the neighborhood after bringing it home in my buddy's truck. The first time riding it reminded me of my first time skiing a black diamond when I was 14. It's much scarier to think about than it is to actually do. Once you get going you just have to remember your training and be aware of your speed and surroundings.


a month after i got my licence i had to take the bike from the dealership. i planned my route and i was super afraid of it because no matter what i had to go through a highway.
i got home safely and that same weekend i took it to a nearby twisty road.
sometimes all you need is pure confidance


Yammie is 100% correct with this advice. Also a little tip, the MSF course can (not always) allow you to get a discount on your motorcycle insurance. It did for me in my state.


I was already at the age of 50 when I bought my first bike. I bought it in Helsinki and had to drive it home 500 km north. In the beginning I was a bit nervous but as soon as I left the ring road and reached the countryside it became more calm and it was a great ride. I could even have continued further but the saddle of my Rebel 500 is very painful after a long ride. I had about 8 hours of driving lectures when I passed the test and I would say that is really the minimum. Some very talented beginners can maybe do it with only 5 hours of lectures. Now I have had my Honda Rebel for 3 years and maybe it's time for something bigger. Maybe an Africa Twin or a HD Heritage Classic or Low Rider st. Thanks for the video!


I bought a 2016 V-Star 650 last spring right after passing the course. Trailered it home. Took it out the next day. Wasn't too nervous as I had just taken the course. Was more nervous about stalling the bike and pissing off other drivers than crashing the bike. Day one was driving around the city. Day two went out on the highway. Best weekend.


My wife convinced me to trailer my first bike home about 8 months ago rather than ride it 45 minutes. That was probably a good thing. I hadn't even taken the MSF yet.


Great advice! For beginners MSF is a must first and foremost. Always plan your route to and back home. Avoid groups ride while you are a beginner. Have proper gear and never ride in rain. Don't do too much too quickly take baby steps. As strange as this one will sound go on mental rides it helped me tremendously...!


Back in 2018 I went to take the MSF for the first time and on test day was too nervous to even show up. Fast forward 2021 took the MSF plunge again which was a success. Ended up uhauling my first bike (Honda cb300F) back home, because home for me was 3 1/2 hours away. First ride was daunting, but more and more rewarding after each ride. Crashed it, totaled it, scrapped it. Worked up some doe. Now ya’boi is a proud owner of a FZ07!


Only if I had seen this video earlier! My first ride home with my new Harley was nothing short of a freak event. I thought everyone is going to crash into me and almost had 2 close calls. The most anxious moments of my life. Trying to remain cool but with a heart rate faster then the bike’s speedometer 😅
Thankfully Made it back successfully but boy it was an experience I can’t forget. Well great memory to remember by…


Ordered my Sportster while in Iraq, had it delivered to a dealer 30min from my parents house. Had bought a small trailer, too, so drove my truck and trailer to pick it up. Didnt have my M endorsement, yet. Planned to get back to Kentucky and use the on-base MSF course. Till then, i just did a bunch of easy laps around the neighborhood to get used to the bike. That was Dec 2008. Bike now has over 36, 000 miles on it.


I bought my first bike a week ago and asked a friend from work to drive it home. The first couple of nights I just sat on it and turn it on but nothing more cause I was so afraid of even start riding it, but two days ago I just did it, and started riding around in the parking lot of my apartment complex, which has plenty of space . Funny how fast you learn in a couple hours of just doing it, i'm still not taking it outside tho since im not licensed but gonna keep practicing.


I had the dealer deliver mine. They threw it in for free for me as part of the deal. I was satisfied and greatly relieved. It was an hour away and I hadn’t ever ridden on the road yet. Was so glad delivery was an option for me.


I almost ran into the back of a car on my ride home after getting a 2020 Katana 1000cc..I learned how to ride long ago, but it had been a while.. 😂😂😂


Took my MSF course in early November 2022 (with neither prior riding experience nor ever driving a stick shift car), got my M endorsement end of the month, and bought a 2020 R3 from a private seller early December. Trailered it the 1+ hour route back home w/ a U-Haul motorcycle trailer (and had to learn how to strap the bike down safely). Spent the first few weeks riding the neighborhood until I mustered enough courage to get on the freeway to go get gas. Stalled plenty of times on the road but drivers were pretty patient if I'm being honest. Since then have been riding a little further each time on my usual route and getting more and more comfortable. Thanks YN for being a GREAT resource! I'm in Austin so maybe I'll see you around.


Learning on a dirt bike is the safest way to learn, might break a leg or arm, street bike you'll get killed on if you're not aware of your surroundings at all times. Ride safe and enjoy.


Got my first bike never rode a bike jumped on it rode it home about a 30 mile ride felt very comfortable and natural best thing I can say is don't be scared of the bike respect it but don't fear it this was a 1340 cc Harley dyna I got next day rode around my area to get more comfortable just ease into the corners don't be scared to lean with it once again DO NOT FEAR THE BIKE REPECT IT and you'll be fine


Rode it home last November. Didn't have any gear but helmet, heavy Danner boots, and gloves. Was way too cold even wearing 2 coats. Made it home avoiding freeways. Felt so awesome. Have 250-350 miles on it, waiting for salt to be off roads to ride more in March or late Feb when it gets above freezing in my area. (Got full armor gear and 4 season gear since riding it home, have worn insulated armor gear head to toe since bringing it home.)
