Top 5 Fears New Motorcycle Riders Have

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Spiders, clowns, snakes, or the depth of the ocean. We all have fears. As motorcyclists there are a lot of fears going through our heads. Let's check out how we can overcome those fears!


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What should my first bike be? A Turbo Hayabusa.

Very funny, no seriously. What should I get? A TURBO BUSA.

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I got pulled over for popping a wheelie on my R6 in a residential area (young and dumb). The first thing the officer said to me was, "Thanks for stopping." Since the confusion was very obvious on my face, he clarified that people on those types of bikes almost always run. But with all my paperwork being in order, he gave me a warning for a stop sign violation.


I sat on my new bike for 45 minutes before I got out of my own head and said " fk it" got out on my low traffic roads and absolutely enjoyed my first ride. Stay focused but get out of your head and just do it in a safe environment. That was 3 weeks ago. I've had a couple of really great short rides since then that absolutely boosted my confidence and I started to understand the mechanics that yammy and other guys were talking about. Im learning slowly. But enjoying the hell out of it


If you do have a close call and can pull over somewhere do it. Cool your head and get back on after your adrenaline calms down. Riding angry or spooked can be a distraction also. My first year riding was in a big city where cagers really didn't pay any attention so I had a couple of these moments.


I’ve been riding for 7 years but I watch new rider videos at the start of each season and it makes me remember that excitement I had, it’s coming soon :))


I'm 36 and bought my 1st bike sorta on empulse and it sat for about a week as I was pretty nervous about riding it. I work really wonky hours at a state job so a MSF course wasn't an option, if I was gonna do it I had to do it myself. I quit drinking because I found I was getting into the habit of using the old " after work beer, ohh shucks, can't drive now" as an excuse not get out there and try it. Eventually I just forced myself out to our little road and... it all just worked. Bike didn't fall, my 1st turn was a low speed u turn and ... nothing happened, bike obeyed me and then I felt it dogging down so I went to shift shifted lol. So now every day when I get off I do this course around town. Some days I go left, some days right, some days I ride to the river to have a smoke when it's really early and the river has that sweet low fog on it. But God...I was terrified at the start.


I ride an MT10 365 days a year in the UK. My main advice is stay relaxed. Even on frost /ice if you are loose and careful it's not "fun" but it's fine. If you stress you tense up and making it 10x worse.


"Don't be a squid and lane-split at 186mph"

Laughs in Gixxer Brah


If my little bit of experience is anything to go by, here is one piece of advice: NEVER hurry, and NEVER drive while being angry or scared. If your head is not in the game, bad things will happen. Remember, slow is smooth, and smooth is fast. I dont care how important that client meeting is. No job in the world is so great that you would risk your life to arrive there 5 minutes earlier. If you are half an hour late already by the time you start, 5 minutes will not make a difference. If you try to get through a 30 minute ride in 10 minutes, you stand a good chance of having to worry about things you did not even dare think of when you got out of bed that day. Best case, you get a pretty hefty ticket. Worst case: Pine box.


I was terrified of roundabouts, but now they are one of the funnest things to rip around. Just gotta watch people who STILL don't know how to use them.


2:00 I actually contest this... get aggressive and pull up to the back of a pack of cars and then sit behind them. This may not be possible if traffic is as far as the eye can see but hanging onto the back of a pack of cars is probably one of the safer ways to ride on the highway. If you are in stop-go traffic, stay essentially in the lane-splitting position while not doing so. It will annoy them a bit, not enough to deliberately hit you but enough to make your presence known. If you are constantly changing lanes and diving into a lane every few seconds, cars cannot predict you and therefore might be more likely to hit you.


I just bought a beneli tnt135 as my first bike, took it on a ride yesterday and man it was so much fun... can't wait to ride again and improve my skills! Great video as always Yammie ❤


Used to have the fear of washing my front wheel by using the front breaks too hard... It was quite bad actually as it would always make me reluctant and second guess myself when I had to apply heavy/emergency breaking. So, don't be scared, don't hesitate, just do it progressively: gentle at first, then progressively harder. It never hurts to train breaking either... That's definitely a thing that is likely to save your life or/and your bike's.


I just started riding this past weekend around block. Decided to take her to work, 13miles, this past Monday because I knew the holiday ment little to no traffic.. the fear of getting hit by a car I still my fear!!


I had an old lady pull out in front of me and I got to feel ABS for the first time. It was a bit scary but I was watching and was off throttle, instincts kicked in and I was fine.


A wise man once told me this about riding a motorcycle always look for two ways out of a possible situation because your guarantee someone will block one of them.


Hey Yam. Why does your voice sound so robotic lately? Or is it just me 🤔


I grew up on dirt bikes, so as far as control of the bike goes, I felt pretty comfortable. However, being new to street riding, I had a fear of traffic.
I was hesitant to go on some of my town's main highways, so I overcame that by slowly introducing myself to traffic; I learned how to better ready them, best place to ride to ensure I'm visible in their mirrors, and I just keep a little extra distance sometimes. I avoid weaving; I think that's dangerous regardless of how comfortable one might be.
Something I still am not comfortable with are major highways/turnpikes. Too many impatient drivers who don't signal, cut people off, and simply aren't looking for bikes. I prefer my backroads and country rides, anyway. :)


My biggest fear are intersections, people can be very unpredictable


I was a supersquid and started on a TL1000R, I just rode around my yards and land for a few weeks on the grass and gravel then took it out on the road.
First night out almost got waxed by a cop blowing through an intersection.


Thank you! I really needed this video because i’m thinking about buying a motorcycle but i have many fears. The throttle intimidates me. Controlling the power of the bike and being in traffic scares me.
