Laris is ISIS! Star Trek Picard S2 Theory

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Could Laris' return to Picard actually be a purrfect one? Indulge me on this Star Trek Picard theory, it's a bit wild!

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When I saw Picard & Laris disappeared in the smoke, first thing I thought of was Gary Seven's safe.


Guinan says "she will probably bite your eyelids off" to Picard just before he meets her. Certainly sounds like cat behavior. I think you are right!


I love the concept of Isis being brought back into this time line! I had a kitty that was a beautiful black color that some bastards abandoned when they moved away. I rescued that poor baby and showed her how much she was loved, And yes I named her ISIS after Gary 7 fantastic kitty.


Everything falls into place! The shape of the transporter!!! The smoky effects. Virtually identical. Mentions of "supervisors." So much. Gary SEVEN! Hello: SEVEN! The writers were watching TOS time travel episodes and BAM!


Gary7's cat is a watcher undisguised in 2024 Picard? Booker's cat Grudge is a watcher in 32nd century Discovery? MEOW!


I initially thought "the watcher" was Gary Seven, but he was a human (meaning he would grow old and die), and an agent, while Isis is clearly an alien with powers, so yeah, I like this.


That cloudy, obscuring teleport doorway...although not an identical effect--is certainly close enough to convince me.


I been thinking this "Laris" is really Isis too as the telepathic ability the Watcher demonstrated last episode goes beyond anything we seen before with Ni'varian ancestry...with full bloodied Romulans, like Laris, suppose to be have no telepathic ability at all. Beside if we took this "Laris" at face value then that mean she still has a youthful appearance at the start of Picard...roughly 400 years later. I highly doubt that Romulans lifespans are that radically different than their Vulcans cousins.

So it makes more sense it is something who can read Picard's mind and able to take the form of Laris...then if we throw in the Gary Seven connections = Isis


I hope you are right... Isis is one of my favorite characters from TOS and I even have a picture of April as Isis on my desktop. Would be a nice nod, like Discovery using the actual original voice of the Guardian of Forever. But, I don't think they're that clever tbh. As you said, we'll know soon enough. Those are some nifty clues you spotted. April is still around, btw.


This has been my theory since seeing the last episode, I think Isis (being psychic) simply plucked the image of Laris out of the Picard's mind, as someone he would be comfortable with and likely to trust. What would really be cool is if they appear in the New York apartment walking out of the safe. An appearance by Terri Garr would be icing on the cake.


Wow, you nailed it! (in concept) I was hoping that this would be it...that blue smoke sold me.


I really hope this is an Assignment earth continuation. That would be a really cool call back.


Now, WHO would you cast to play Gary Seven? Robert Lansing died of Cancer over 20 years ago, Who could do justice to him?


this is a nice theory and a brilliant idea.
but from what i've seen from Discovery and Picard so far, the less i think that the producers and writers are smart enough to create such a plot twist.


Gary Seven was supposed to be a spinoff Gene pitched the 60’s.


Having spent the whole of the last season of Disco waiting for the reveal that it was somehow the disembodied consciousness of the crew of SS Valiant behind it all, I think this is ridiculous, and I love it. (I did honestly perk up a bit in episode two when they said Kirk's Enterprise had slingshot time-travelled 'several times', since off the top of my head, not counting Voyage Home where they didn't have the Enterprise, I could only think of two other occasions where it happened - the short jump back in The Naked Time, and the one in Tomorrow Is Yesterday where they almost killed that air force pilot - and I feel like you need at least three times for 'several' so that seemed like it was sneakily acknowledging Assignment Earth, which I'd always understood to be quasi-non-canon in a "Look we know it was a half-assedly-disguised pilot for another show, let's just not talk about it" kind of way.)


Like a previous commenter said that Guinan said the Watcher will bite your eyelids off and the little will girl put a boot to your face as she was telling Guinan to leave. It's like Guinan is implying she is more of a dog person and Laris is a cat


I doubt the writers of this show can use a spoon without needing hospitalization afterward.

Every interesting fan theory in the last season ended up as wrapping paper for mystery box after mystery box with a bricks in the ones the writers bothered to fill by the finale.

I don't see this turning out any different.

My fan theory is that the writers have watched SOME of the movies and that's it.


I'm not buying into the Assignment Earth theory, except maybe in part. It could be a red herring. I am going with something happening with the Guardian of Forever from the City on the Edge of Forever. There are far many more referneces and nods to that episode as we saw in episode 4. Who knows. It will be fun unravelling all of this and see how it all gets resolved. I don't expect that to happen this season. I really don't expect it until we near the end of the Picard series.


Clever speculation.
Was thinking the same thing.