NT Wright Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus’ Crucifixion

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N. T. Wright (Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, University of St. Andrews,
Lynn Cohick (Department Chair, Professor of New Testament, Wheaton College, Illinois)
Michael Lloyd (Principal of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, England)
Ian Shaw (Associate International Director of the Langham Scholars Programme, Honorary Fellow at
the School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Mark Lanier (Moderator – J.D. Trial Attorney, Bible Teacher, Author, Founder of Lanier Theological

#N.T. Wright
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I used to work here. The Lanier Theological Library is one of the best kept secrets in the city of Houston

The place is beautiful.

A visit there is like being transported back to 18th century England.

Thankful for Mark Lanier in his continued work to promote biblical knowledge and to be a blessing to the Kingdom of God.


Amen 🙏 N.T. Wright mentioned “John 12:23” brilliantly. Thank God for His Revelation through N.T. Wright on this verse resonating with “2 Samuel 5:12” Lord praise you for your Masterpiece revealing your Words to us…Amen and Amen 🙏


When they discuss the Cry of Dereliction- " My God My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me " and the mystery of how God could forsake Himself within the Godhead/Trinity, I wondered if Jesus became fully "us" in that moment, experiencing our despair and abandonment, so that we could become fully Him- His last act of taking on our humanity in death, completing the incarnation so that we could completely partake of His divinity...? After all, God is one in the Trinity and how can He abandon Himself ?


The Gospel's message of eternal life should not be confused with the traditional concept of heaven as an ethereal realm where souls reside after death. Instead, eternal life refers to the continuous existence of a person in a living state, free from the constraints of death. This distinction is important because it challenges the misconception that we possess an eternal soul inhabiting a temporary body.

In the Gospel's perspective, human beings are not inherently immortal, but are granted the gift of immortality through the grace of God. The resurrection of Jesus exemplifies this divine gift, as it demonstrates the power to overcome death and attain an everlasting existence. By accepting the Gospel, we embrace the opportunity to partake in this eternal life, as a holistic and unified being rather than a separated soul and body.

This understanding of eternal life emphasizes the importance of the present and the transformation that occurs within us when we embrace the Gospel. Instead of focusing on a distant afterlife, the message of eternal life encourages us to cultivate a meaningful relationship with God and live according to the values of the coming kingdom. In this way, the Gospel invites us to participate in the divine plan for creation, which ultimately leads to the realization of the kingdom on earth and the experience of eternal life as an integrated and immortal being


Closing comment was phenomenal. Repay love, "...for the joy set before Him ..." with joyous love. I'd never heard or thought of that!
I imagine that this is why Jesus "must" dine with Zacchaeus, this honest, trustworthy, exuberant, maligned and hated little man who didn't push his way to the front, but rather mischievously climbed up into the tree. Jesus and Zacchaeus would have known each other; Jesus knowing of the integrity of him and the tax collectors who worked for him, Zacchaeus knowing of the fairness and love of Jesus and his materially minimalist followers. On His way to Jerusalem for the final time, Jesus "must" see the face, hear the voice of this one for whom He would be facing the darkest of evil mounded up, to be reminded and strengthened and encouraged by this one who loved Israel's God with a buoyant, joyful love under deeply trying circumstances personally, and who already had a footing in behaviors that would bring in the kingdom and live out the new creation. Jesus "needed" the soul-soul, spirit-spirit face-to-face, voice-to-voice meal with Zacchaeus, mischievous, joyous, exuberant love-filled.
And, so, likewise, Zephaniah 3:17, the Perichoresis delights in drawing us into their delighted, loving dance and song and rest, aligning us and strengthening and energizing us to live our days in the difficult, joyous, demanding, fulfilling work of loving others and loving God.
I might not have all of my theological ducks in a row (it depends on some of the verb tenses, which I don't have reliable access to knowing), but Dr. Wright's observation of his teacher's quote about paying our debt with love enriched the story I tell myself of what Luke really conveys in his relating this story in Jericho. (Explanatory details available, if you ask.)
What say you?


How I wish NT and Heiser could have done a series of back and forth. Heiser changed my paradigm as gas NT.


One thought that helped me better understand why Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cruel cross to save us is that He thereby paid for the cost of our sins: I thought about how sin does in fact cost a lot - to the sinner and to the victims of those sins - thus incurring a big debt. And such "costs" of transgression then also cascade on down into future generations. People wronged by transgressions against themselves and their loved ones will often say "Someone's gonna pay for this." Jesus' last words before He died were "It is finished!" These very words were found written on debts ("invoices") from those days when the debtor had finally paid the creditor in full. Perhaps when Jesus uttered these words as His cruel ordeal was almost over, He was declaring "The debt has been paid."


“The LORD asks you to be faithful not successful”


The panel and most of western evangelical christianity has taught us to view christ sufferring, death and resurrection in a two dimenionsional approach, but NT Wright has provided and view Christ life and death with a three dimenionsional lens.


Gospels explain the enthronement of Christ on Cross and gospels explain the enthronement of believers with complete restoration of whole creation


I guess the guy who keeps on interrupting is the major financial donor for this talk happening!


Did I understand NTW that he thinks theres a kind of halfway ‘paradise’? (Rather like the purgatory idea?). He is right in showing that our hope is for an earthly paradise (the paradise regained, the result of Jesus being the ‘second Adam’ and becoming a propitiatory atoning sacrifice for Adam’s disobedience). Gen 3:15 predicts the ‘final solution’ to the Adam problem in setting out the ransom to buy back an earthly paradise. Rev 21 and 22


I see Jesus as the epicenter of where Evils did their worse included unseen realm foes. the bulls of Bashan. Sin separated us from the tree of life. We have a death problem. The innocent blood Lamb of God covers man’s sin. A cleansing as in Leviticus. But in order for us to be resurrected, Jesus had to die and take the keys of death from Sheol.. Rise again to lead his sheep to his never ending Kingdom.

Would love to get NT critic of my thinking.


God is the only immortal and thinking that a person has access to immortality by saying you are an immortal spirit or soul is making yourself a God before God


1:19:11 The flesh Jesus was wearing was from Adam#1, it was the “sin” that Satan tempted and the “sin” that died on the Cross. We are in Christ Jesus, if and only if, we crucify the flesh we are wearing now, from Adam#1 as Christ Jesus did. Christ Jesus is the final Adam because just as Adam#1 was conceived by the Almighty Father from the Earth, The Son Of Man was too in an earthen vessel, namely Mary’s womb. The final Adam can be viewed as a seed from the tree Adam#1 became outside of the garden that is soon to die, that fell to the ground and died to become a new tree that will never die. We become part of the Tree of Life if we carry our cross all the way to our own grave. We are helped in accomplishing the task assigned only because of the help given us by Christ Jesus’ success of willingly pouring out his life, in faith for a greater reward, thus allowing the helper to be with us, now!


the video image is too poor, you need to fix it more


it will so easily help effectively and truthfully every searching believer to understand the truth about Christ's crucifixion
by just googling or typing this in google search.. bible verses about the meaning of Christ's crucifixion, .. and presto, you'll get direct biblical verses to this effect that will lead you in the right direction
