Episode 224: What Did Jesus’s Death Really Do? With NT Wright

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Jesus had to "die for our sins,” right? But what does that actually mean? We mess up, God gets mad, so someone needs to pay for our sin or we can't go to heaven when we die? But what if our ultimate problem isn’t sin, and what if our ultimate goal isn’t heaven?? Egads!! World-renowned theologian N.T. Wright joins Phil and Skye to talk about his new book - The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus’s Crucifixion. No biggie… just the absolute heart and soul of the Christian faith!!
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what a legend. watching this in 2021 and i think we're overdue for another NT interview on the podcast


Truly appreciated this episode as I read the book, helped me to understand what he is trying to communicate better


Thank you for this episode. Loved the books I have read by him, and his insights.


Prophetic words at the end. His already high stock just rose even further. It has been indeed a global disaster.


This podcast continues to deliver wisdom that stretches my spirit! (via scratchy telephone technology but still...)


so bottom line, the initial fall of man was not just about violating a set standard of morality, but was falling from a given identity as a royal priesthood, mediating between the creation with the creator. The ultimate goal of God is to bring us into a new heaven and new earth for us to co-inherit and rule with Him in this new world - instead of merely bringing everyone to heaven. Christ's death was not just about taking care of our sins keeping us away from heaven, but was more about freeing us from a former bondage we had in keeping us away from our intended vocation in taking dominion over God's creation: being images of God to rule over creation.


You guys should read Dr. Michael S. Heiser's, "Unseen Realm" alongside Dr. Wright's book.


Matt Walsh has a bit of a different schtick than Jack Chick. Chick was a sincere evangelist who felt he could make a good impact by being as explicit as possible with his more frightening beliefs, which happened to include some strange conspiracy theories. Unpleasant (and “hateful” in some people’s minds - though I think he was just overly-paranoid), but he lacked the anger and masked narcissism of Matt Walsh.

Walsh is also not an evangelist (Catholic or otherwise). He’s just a fiscal conservative of the more conceited variety. The type that defines proper behavior such that all its tenants orbit around himself as the perfect model. Self-centered and devoid of empathy for anyone except those whose happiness reflect well on him (e.g. his children).


I would whole hardedly recommend getting Dr Mike Heiser on the podcast and reading his new book "The Unseen Realm". Check him out at DRMSH.COM


#biologybeforetheology put that I a t-shirt!


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