The Fallout Of Kamala Harris Confronting Biden Over Civil Rights | All In | MSNBC

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Senator Kamala Harris told former VP Joe Biden his comments about working with segregationalist senators were personally hurtful.

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The Fallout Of Kamala Harris Confronting Biden Over Civil Rights | All In | MSNBC
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If he can't take it from Kamala how's he going to stand up to Trump?


As to the busing issue, one thing we could do is equal funding. Schools are funded based on the local property tax base. If you live in a poor community you get a poor school. If you live in a rich community you get a rich school. The quality of one's education should not be depended upon where they live.


The fact that Joe was making policies when Kamala was a child says to me that he's too old to be the new president. It's like he was part of everything we're now trying to fix.


Biden is not a racist, but he could have responded a lot more effectively.
It's probably more damaging to him that he did not respond well, than there being much substance to a racist charge.
It's going to be a long race and it's early.
I have about 4-5 of the candidates I like best and at this point would be happy if they ran.
But number one in my agenda is getting Trump out of Dodge.


You know what was hurtful? Watching Harris tear down another civil rights fighter to advance her own ambitions.


Harris did not mention this in the presidential campaign thus far. She actually waited all this time until the first Democratic presidential debate on national television to bring this up. That tells me she is self serving, opportunistic. That is all I need to know from her. She lost my vote.


Nothing good comes after: I don't believe that you are rascist....but this, is good grief. If she needed to air her qualms w Joe, why not long ago? Scoring cheap points and trying to polish her own star. Did she think hers was too dim?


This wasn't an issue when Biden was VP for eight years, so why now.


how many times that little girl like her put people in jail that were black and innocent of any crimes or jail cuz they were black and couldn't afford a lawyer


I lost respect for Ms Harris when the t shirts came out. Before that, I was listening


she really put it on thick whinny voice and all, shame on her maybe she does better in senate than president, she is a pretty good actor maybe she should go in that direction, so why bring up so long ago, it's not now.


"It was personal ... It was hurtful." So maybe it's time to put hurt feelings in the past and ask "What's the way forward?"


"Nothing will fundamentally change"
"My time is up"
Biden 2020


My father is 70 years of age and group up in the Bay Area all his life. The only problem he use to tell me about is police brutality but busing my pops don’t even remember segregated schools in Northern California like how he remembered them in Louisiana


This does not make a good perception for her..she seems really very ruthless. Reserve the ruthlessness for Trump. Dont’ sow divisiveness in ur own camp!!!!


Before Kamala Harris was able to speak, Joe Biden was speaking out for her and others like her. Apparently, that doesn't count to her or the media, anymore. Not a Biden supporter, just saying this treatment of him by her and the media is still a bit sickening to watch. Know why Harris did it. Ratings, right, media? Play up the controversy?


Per the issue of busing I agreed with Biden.

Sending any child, white or black, to a school far outside of their neighborhood was ridiculous. When all they had to do was provide equal funding. My husband and I bought a house in a good school district on purpose. I can’t imagine being told that we have to allow our children to be bused to a lower funded, lower rated school that is an hour away from our home. Local busing worked well for many children that got to go to better schools. Unfortunately many children had to go to bad schools. And children who weren’t bused might have been made to stay at bad schools. Federal mandated busing was not the best idea in many cases. Equal funding would have been the best idea in every case.


Good for Biden. This was a set up on her part. I liked her until this. Hon, I was bussed too.


We don't need another angry leader.


This is a referendum on both parties. Centrists dems, in my opinion, really should retake the Republican Party. New Democratic voters aren't putting up with flip-floppers, or compromises, or corrupt career sellouts. I want to catch up to Europe... I'm not accepting 'no' and I'm not accepting 'ok, but not yet'
