What the Titanic Passengers Looked Like in Real Life vs In the Movie

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Titanic Passengers - What 16 Titanic Passengers Actually Looked Like in Real Life vs in Movie

Have you ever wondered what the passengers of the Titanic looked like in real life when compared to how they were depicted in the movie? I know I have, especially since it is one of my all-time favorite movies.

Hi Guys and welcome to another video of Historicly.
Well today I was able to find out exactly how close Leo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet resembled their real life counterparts using photo comparisons. Ohh and we did go a bit further, we did use our skills to enhance the old photos and animate them, to give you a completely unique perspective on the Titanic cast.

Let us know if you think that they match their characters on the movie?

Let's get started.
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I love Titanic. I think they did a great job with casting actors that looked very close to the real people. But Rose and Jack were purely fictional. Great job!!! :)


Cathy Bates really captured the character of Molly Brown, I wished her part was bigger, as it is a great story.


Rose and Jack were a fictional creation of the film-makers to represent some of the different types of people who were passengers on the ship, to give a romantic story to engage the interest of the cinemagoer and to overlay the real tragedy of sink. I think they should have made a story about the two real people that was was on the Titanic. Isa and Isador Strauss, the owners of Macy Department’s Store in New York and whom had been married for forty years when they boarded the fateful ocean liner. Mrs Strauss could have been saved had she got into a lifeboat being a first class passenger she had priority above the others but, Mrs Strauss refused to leave her husband and they both went down with the Titanic.


Leo’s character was not based on Jack Thayer. Jack Dawson was actually a fictional character. Jack Thayer survived the sinking, and even claimed he saw the ship break in two during the final moments. For many years, his claim was not taken seriously. But in 1985, a man named Robert Ballard discovered the wreck nearly three miles below the surface of the North Atlantic Ocean, in two pieces.


They really found amazing look-alikes for this movie. These actors really favor the real people. It's really incredible. Awesome work Historicly❤


There are indeed striking similarities between the actual people on the Titanic and the actors/ actresses who portrayed them in the movie. Congrats to James Cameron and all his team! They all did a fantastic job!


This is kinda creepy with the pictures of the actual people who were on the Titanic moving their heads blinking, but as for getting actors and actresses that looked very much like the people they were portraying I think they did a great job with many of them. Especially Margret Brown and the captain of the ship.


The REAL people who were on the Titanic were so much younger looking.


William Murdoch was a hero on Titanic, he did not kill anyone and did not kill himself. He was reported by those who survived as staying at his post and helping as many people as he could. In Scotland he is a Titanic hero. It was the most shameful thing the producers of the film did for drama.


Jack Thayer actually survived the titanic and produced many accounts of the disaster. Unlike Jack in the movie, he was a 17 y/o first class passenger


It’s quite eerie seeing these old pictures brought to life, just as if those people are still living. Great work.


Rose, her mother, her fiance, his bodyguard, Jack and his friend were all fictional characters.


A very tragic ending of what was supposed to be a joyous experience. Showing the photographs of the original individual brings the person 'to life'. Thank you for posting!


A lot of these people were better looking than the actors.


I have goosebumps watching the transformation it is so realistic, great job.


Titanic is my ultimate all time favorite movie for eternity.❤️ I lost count how many times I've watched it already. And it's amazing how the actors who played the parts are close look-alikes of the real ones. 🥰


I knew they had cast the real characters really well and this demonstrates it superbly. But Jack and Rose were fictional.


It’s been a while since I’ve seen titanic and I can’t remember if this character said anything, but right before the ship goes down rose looks over at another guy. That guy was based on one of the main chefs aboard the titanic.


So sad to know that most of those passengers, ..captain, ..and workers died in this tragedy.💔


Nice but the character played by Leonardo DeCaprio was in no way based on Jack Thayer, who was a first-class passenger and survived giving a full account of the sinking of Titanic - the basis for A Night to Remember.
