Military Paying for Medical School: HPSP Timeline

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Omgggg you’ve just made all my stress go away, I was looking for someone like you. Thank you


Just a former high school classmate of yours dropping by to say how impressed I am with you Dr. Feery!!! If I'm allowed to call you that yet :D


Omg I’m C.Robles and I’m barely seeing this, I remember commenting it tho, that’s so crazy


God bless you!! I've been looking for information on this for so long and just found this video explaining everything I needed to know about the process. Thank you so much!! ♡♡


Hi, I’m so glad you did this video. It kinda helps me to sort out things a little bit. I’m about to finish my BS in Bio and I was considering the HPSP program. Since Med school requieres lots of studying and commitment I assume it won’t be realist for me to think I can work full time/pay bills/study while going Med School.
Based on what you explained on the video the HPSP seems like a good plan for me so far, however I still have a couples of questions :
1) I understand HPSP covers the tuition, fees, books, health insurance, but what about housing ? Does it have a-on campus option, and if in case there is an -on campus option is it based on military regimen I mean like waking up at 5:00 am and stuff like that .
2) Do you receive military training while in Med School ? Weapons, tactics if under attack all that stuff.
3) What about dealing with the military bureaucracy and hospital rank structure?
4) Is it true you have no control where you live during your service?
5) And at last is it true there is frequent deployments ? can you pls explain how this works.
If you pls could answer me I’d really appreciate it I’ve been doing so much reading online about the HPSP but I’ve not found a single article that addresses these questions. Thank you !!!


Great breakdown. The only thing I would add is that (as of 2018), those who do Army HPSP primarily only do military residencies. There are extremely few exceptions of people entering civilian sponsored programs.


Thank you for this video and for helping me clear out some confusions!


Thank you for the information this year will be my first year in college and this is really helpful


great vid, made stuff clearer. Thanks and best of luck!!


I have a few questions
1. Does residency count towards years of service I have to do?
2. How does a military physician’s pay work? Is it the base pay for the rank and then an additional doctor pay?
3. How many years of service do I have to complete if I get scholarships from college to me finishing residency?


Thank you so much for these videos! They help out so much.


Thank you sooo much. This video help me a lot ❤


Extremely Helpful! Thank you for sharing !


Thank you so much for these videos, they are very helpful!! Could you please let me know where i can find info to compare and contrast the different branches that offer HPSP? Also, making a video on this topic would be great to hear your side!


That explained everything so perfect, thankyou


This was so helpful to me. Currently a junior in highschool, and I think my passion for serving as a physician in the military has been reignited. I have a quick question: in college, is it recommended to do ROTC or is it just a nice bonus like in highschool to show passion? Also, if you do ROTC and HPSP that means you will need to do like double the active duty right? So I guess that means like 8 years, since they do pay for everything that would make sense. And also, after residency, and you start to work on those active duty years that you promised to do, that is when the real work begins right? Like that's when I'm shipped off to wherever to be a physician for the armed forces? Final question... I hear alot about people not ending up where they want to in the military. Here's where I'm thinking my endgame is: on a navy ship practicing medicine. Is that a guarantee if everything goes right and I learn everything and pass through residency?


Thank you so much for this information📖


Hey I'm currently active duty and was thinking about the program. One thing that had me curious is how the Army pays its soldiers. If you can talk about how the monthly allowance works such as BAH and the Lieutenant pay rate that would be great. Thank you.


Okay quick question regarding the service you owe after residency. You do an internal medicine residency for 3 years, you owe then 4 years of service for med school. Or, you do a neurosurgery residency for 7 years, and you then owe them 7 years of service, is that because the residency is above four years? Say I did neonatal surgery, which is a general surgery residency, not counting my fellowship, would I then owe 5 years of service? 4 for medical school and 1 for the extra residency year? Just as an example, I doubt I'd be able to specialize in neonatology in the military. (also thank you for these I am currently deciding on an undergrad school but seriously considering this for the future)


great information.

Question: What would the path look like if one goes via Naval Academy n such?
