I Found the M Cave of Kenny Veach!

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What's in Area 51? UFOs. Extraterrestrials. Top-secret aircraft. Quarantined aliens. And the mysterious, elusive M Cave. Area 51 certainly has a reputation for secrets! This well-guarded military installation on the sprawling Nellis Air Force base has been fueling the imaginations of ordinary people and determined explorers everywhere for a long time.

One question that comes up often is whether there are secret entrances to underground facilities at the perimeter of Area 51. Kenny Veach may have inadvertently stumbled upon such an entrance while hiking near the base in 2014. He spotted a cave in the distance which had what he called a curious, M-shaped entrance. When Kenny approached the M cave, he said his body began to vibrate greatly, and he felt an overwhelming sense of fear and dread. These unusual and frightening experiences made him immediately retreat from the area. Once he relayed his unsettling experience to his YouTube followers, they begged him to go back out with a video camera and find the M cave again so that he could film it for them. He agreed to do that in October 2014 but was unable to find the cave. After posting THAT video, his viewers urged him to try again to find the M cave. So in November 2014 he set out for a second time to find the M cave that he had initially spotted a few months earlier. Kenny never returned from that hike. A massive search was conducted shortly thereafter. His cell phone was found next to a vertical mine shaft, but search-and-rescue personnel determined that he was not at the bottom of the shaft. And that's where the trail turned cold. Kenny Veach had literally vanished into thin air and hasn't been seen or heard from since.

Why did Kenny Veach disappear six years ago? Some speculate that he purposely left his cell phone next to the mine shaft so that its GPS wouldn't track him because he wanted to hike far up into the hills and remote canyons to commit suicide. Others think he has fled the country and is now living abroad under a new identity. Others think more nefarious things are afoot and that the government stepped in and did away with him because of his inadvertent discovery of the M cave which, indeed, might've been a disguised entrance to an underground, top-secret facility at Area 51. Some think that the strange vibrations Kenny felt in his body as he approached the M cave might've been some kind of high-tech alarm or a low-frequency deterrent emanating from the cave.

In this video, I examine a location that a military acquaintance of mine named Don alerted me to. Don had been searching off and on for the M cave for several years. Unable to explore anymore due to an accident, Don told me about a location he had spotted way off in the distance on one of his last desert hikes but didn't have time to go investigate himself. With Don's help, I was able to make my way to the coordinates he gave me and found what appeared to be a very shallow cave with an M-shaped entrance. I did not, however, experience any strange vibration like Kenny did as I approached the cave. At the entrance, it was apparent that someone had attempted to wall-off the cave with stacked rocks. Inside the shallow cave I found some other interesting things which are all documented in my video. Was this Kenny Veach's storied M cave? I don't know. But it sure had some of the hallmarks of it, though. Enjoy!

**My follow-up visit to the M Cave a year later in 2022 is here: A Curious New Development at the M Cave of Kenny Veach

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JULY 2022 UPDATE: This video now has over ONE MILLION VIEWS twelve months after I initially uploaded it! No other Veach video comes close. Thank you all so very much! Keep the mystery alive so that the solution to the Veach disappearance can be found.


From what you showed, that cave seemed pretty easy to find for Kenny since he was so familiar with that area. My opinion is that this was not the infamous M cave. It does appear to be setup to mask the real one with the scratching, the sign and poor attempt to seal it. If it was to be covered by the military, some C4 would have done it. There are many that believe the feelings Kenny was getting while getting near the cave was a non lethal military weapon to keep people away. Thank you for all your videos love them all.


The fact that he found an Area 51 warning sign is creepy af.


Interesting and the back story too. Unless a body turns of, or Kenny himself, we will probably never know what really happened.


YouTube channel "EWU Unsolved" just covered Kenny & the cave. They said many have searched for the cave & no one has found it. So, I'm directing people to your channel for this Frank. 👍


There's definitely something off about that wall. Those cracks as well as clear air coming out is definitely out of place. I'm also surprised you didn't mention how "out of place" everything is. Even once again - those cracks on the wall are just not right. You should seriously ought to organize for more people to come back and for some very good friend in a different city/state to know about the specific location, who's going there, what time, etc - so he could at least make media aware if something were to happen to you. You should also consider bringing some "special camera" which would be thin enough to go through the cracks and give you some input of what's behind the wall!

This definitely looks like "M" shaped cave. And for those who say that "it couldn't be the cave because Kenny described it as "deep and dark" - well we haven't seen what's behind those rocks... yet!


In Kenny’s original video he described the cave to be “as tall as him” so that he could walk into it and very deep. I don’t think this is it. I’ve seen other youtubers looking out there and saw other “M” shaped caves in their videos. Maybe make a map of every M shaped cave you come across out there. One of them have to be it.


he literally looked in a hole with airflow and was like alright better leave now lol


I feel so bad for Kenny Veach.... He was just a man who wanted people to believe the cave that he found😢


This was a long time ago. I have not forgotten about Kenny either because I was among some of the YouTubers watching the M cave video back when he first went missing..It was like one of those stories you hear about when they say, "users went to reddit, and quickly solved the puzzle." It was shocking. It was worrisome. I just watched this guys M cave video and now they couldn't find him. I remember months later people were skeptical about all of this suspecting Kenny may have faked his own death. I can understand that also, it makes sense. If he faked his death it was brilliant. I just refuse to believe a man like him would do that. He had a daughter and he was probably a really great loving type of parent. I don't accept that he is in hiding, but maybe he started getting death threats and had to do it? His story became internet lore. I'm pretty sure Coast to Coast AM did a segment on him. This is an unsolved mystery and we should all go tear that cave apart to see if there really is a hidden opening.


Well, Frank, I think it's fair to say: "the mystery continues"


Dude… this video raised so many more questions for me. Why was there wind coming out of that crack? Why was there wood planks inside this random cave miles away from anything? Why was there a nail in the rock? What was the deal with that Area 51 sign, was that even real or did someone buy that in a gift shop and leave it there for someone else to find? Why did someone try to block off this this tiny cave if it’s so obviously non-dangerous? (Unless it is dangerous?) You know how heavy those rocks would be? Like 60-100lbs each. Why would someone go through the trouble of blocking it off. Even more strange is why didn’t they finish? Where’s the rest of the wood? Why is there only pieces of something obviously a lot bigger? Was it a wagon of some kind? Is that how they got the rocks there? Someone needs to go back with actual scientific equipment and do a real investigation. I know people that have the resources and equipment. If I only knew the exact coordinates. We could plot a trip out there using 4-wheelers and trailers and do some real work. Ground penetrating radar, metal detectors, geologists who could examine the cave for anomalies. Mr Veach said he felt vibrations and it made him scared. You said you didn’t feel any of that but you seemed obviously scared. I mean how long did it take you to get out there to investigate this cave? And then how long did you actually stay before bolting? What if there was some thing behind the rocks that was producing electromagnetic current? Electromagnetism can cause fear and paranoia. I am honestly intrigued


I had to google Kenny Veach but the cave you found looks like an old cowboy camp. The stacked rocks are a windbreak for having a fire and for sleeping. There are 2 packrat nests (middens) in the cave - one in the upper left at 3:11 (you can see the droppings piled up so the nest probably goes back into that crack in the rock a bit) and the one at the end that the Area 51 sign is in, the sign most likely was carried there by the packrat, they do that.


I used to be in the military (years ago), and I can assure you that there are many underground bases in places people would never guess. Around all big cities, is a sizeable base to hide the leadership of military and of the civilian high-ranking elected officials. Because, if a ballistic missile were to be coming in that city's direction, then these secret locations would open up and allow the Upper Cadre to gain entrance and protect them during the blast. So, everyone should also look around the outskirts of big cities to find similar entry points. They are often not hidden, as much, as one would think.


It’s set to M for mini, when you need to set it to W for wumbo.


This appears to have been a prospectors home. We find these frequently in the desert. The wall they built was to protect them from the elements.


Lol, “doesn’t seem to be anything here”
Sits down
“Area 51 - well, time to go”


When this man looked into a crack and felt the airflow his entire tone changed


Theory: cave near or on millitary base. Tired of people camping in it, they blocked it with a wooden door. That didn't work, so they filled it in with concrete or something immovable?


I think that “wall” you are referring to is meant to be a windbreak
