Pros And Cons Of The Nomad Lifestyle: What You Need To Know!

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Ever wondered what it's like to live life on the move? Join us as we dive into the pros and cons of the nomad lifestyle! From the thrill of new adventures to the challenges of packing up your life, we’ll explore the freedom and flexibility this lifestyle offers, along with some unexpected hurdles.

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"The human being is dissatisfied, at such a level, that we are not incapable of being happy with what we have, but very unhappy, with what we do not have." Thank you, Guys, for all these tips and everything you do.


I had solo travelled to a few countries. Usually a week before I leave, I would have a panic attack. I used to ask myself: "why am I panicking? I am going to Austria and Hungary for the Christmas markets. Shouldn't I be excited? This doesn't make sense!" But once I arrive and check in to my hotel, I am all happy. Leaving behind one's security blanket is not easy!


Ha! Two years in and my Nautica carryon from Marshall’s is still going strong! Lima Peru is a must do. Loved the Barranco neighborhood over the more popular Miraflores neighborhood. I think ya’ll would love Cuenca Ecuador also, with the huge expat population there. Very active FB group there that has power walking just before happy hour and then beers afterwards. About a third of the walkers are local, so very educational. AND the scenery along the rivers is unbeatable.


Hi to both. I think that you do a very good job at providing a balanced view of the choices that you have made and this lifestyle choice. It isn't for everyone. You two make it look so effortless because you are clearly a well matched pair. A couple with less connection, who bicker and fight at the best of times would struggle (I think) with all that together time. The challenge is that we as viewers don't see all the hard work behind the scenes to make your travel appear so easy and fun. Everyone has choices, and if they choose a lifestyle in retirement based solely on some well put together YouTube videos, then they can't say that you didn't warn them! Cheers to both!


I really ❤ your channel. Two winters ago I spent six months in MX, last winter six months in Ecuador and Peru. Slowly picking my way thru south america.


You guys are so smooth together! You never talk over one another, well spaced and just the right amount of pauses in between, very well synchronized 😂. Did you have practice/dryrun before the final version? Did you have Q cards? lol.
You guys are made for each other!


Thank you Brian and Carrie! Because of your videos we decided to try Vietnam and Thailand. We loved them, especially Vietnam. The people were wonderful and the countries are beautiful. Thank you


After 17 months of our adventures we could not agree more with this video.
We only go back once a year to Spokane area to see family and friends.
We've been having meet ups with people on fb group Gowithless.
We had coffee with couples in Malaysia and Thailand....
We start our migration to Chile in four Hopefully hitting Peru, Argentina, Galapagos this year if finances and calendar allow...

Safe travels,
See you in Argentina maybe...
Larry and Minnie...


Working out how the shower works, especially on multi stop trips is my major challenge.


Spontaneity is one of those positives that I don't take advantage of enough. I'm such a planner that I find it difficult to just wing it. It's just much less stressful to already have locations selected and tickets/accommodations booked well in advance. But I am trying to be less rigid with it, and I do give myself enough time in any place I stay so that I can venture off for a few days to visit some new place I've just learned about that interests me. I've embraced the minimalism as well. It's very liberating. I find the process of learning a new place is a good challenge for the brain. It keeps things fresh and interesting. And once you feel comfortable with your surroundings, you have a feeling of accomplishment. When you can walk around the city without a map, ride public transportation anywhere without a second thought, etc., you feel you've conquered the place. Plus, the familiarity of everything makes it start feeling like home. I appreciate you wanting to be transparent and talk about the cons of being a nomad as well. A con for me is the difficulty with eating healthy in some parts of the world. Certain places have some great tasting food but it isn't necessarily healthy or maybe doesn't have as many vegetables as I would like. I'm not much of a cook so I tend to eat in restaurants most of the time. But I manage the best that I can. I agree that the pros totally outweigh the cons with this lifestyle. I've never been happier! Cheers!


This is our 3rd year doing nomad life. Currently in Croatia. I agree 100% on what you said. Glad, that you did not sugarcoat the truth. I actually enjoy most of the travel planning aspect.😊


makes sense. what you all are doing is a lot of work and it's appreciated!


I'm peruvian and I'm happy to hear you are considering visiting Peru soon! Don't forget to stay at least a couple of days in Lima to enjoy the food, Miraflores, Barranco, and the historic center. Most tourists skip Lima and go straight to Cusco. But Lima is the culinary capital of Latin America that visitors should not miss! 😊


I just love you guys. Keep up the great work—this video is another solid gold piece of work.


You guys are looking so much happier and healthy. Compared to when you first started. This lifestyle suits you. This is our sixth year in Spain. Getting on with your partner is so important. Being together while working and now 24/7 is a big change. For us it has been the best thing. Great content.


Great video. We have been following you for about 6 months now. We are looking at our first slow travel trip being Portugal and Spain in 2026 with a repositioning cruise back to US. Thanks for sharing your learnings. Let the adventures begin!


Very objective info. Any route in life contains pros and cons. As long as pros outweights cons, keep doing it.


Totally agree with your thoughts on not pre booking accomodation. Our original idea was to spend 4 weeks in one place, then we changed to two. At the moment our sweet spot feels like 4 nights! It costs more to do this of course.


Brian and Carrie,
As my former platoon sergeant would say:"You gotta be flexible!"👍👍


One year into nomad travel, I agree that the pros overwhelmingly outweigh the cons. One con, though, that I would add is sometimes our rental apartment has a sofa or bed that is uncomfortable. My spouse also gets crossed eyed over less than ideal kitchens. We end up gritting our teeth and deal with it for the few weeks we are there. On the plus side, many of our places are bigger than our NYC apartment. We love the space. Plus I have fallen in love with many of the terraces and balconies that accompanied those apartments, including apartments with uncomfortable sofas! Our place in NYC only offers a fire escape. Oh…one more. We were just recently in Patagonia Chile, “the end of the world.” My spouse was huffing and puffing over the fact that there wasn’t any fresh spinach for our morning green juice. He was getting so irritable that I thought I would need to arrange a special emergency airlift delivery of fresh greens. But on the pro side, seeing the glaciers more than made up for missing out on our green juice. Nice video.
