The MOST RIDICULOUS School Dress Code Rules #dresscode #teachersoffdutypodcast

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Geeze, at that point just assign uniforms. These rules are ridiculous!


So, … Were they subsidizing the shopping trips? 🤦🏽‍♀️


My middle school was the exact same but our jeans had to have 5 pockets. No fake pockets. A whole 5 actual pockets and they checked literally every student. It was the worst because of how uncommon pockets were becoming on female pants in that time period.


so accessible to lower income students! I grew fast and remember constantly begging to buy pants that fit, again


Then there's my school's dress code: as long as there's some form of fabric covering you and you're wearing shoes, you're good to go


My sons school tried to tell me there wasn’t a uniform but that we HAD to buy the school shirts and the pants they wanted the kids to wear. I told the school that if it’s mandatory, then they’ll be providing it. My son didn’t wear their uniform for the whole 3 years he went there. Everytime a teacher said something to him, he gave them my number and told them good luck. 😂


Jesus Christ, just get those poor kids a damn uniform. Polos and short slacks, call it a day!


This is dead on how my middle school dress code was. I remember I couldn’t wear your own socks if the colors were showing. I remember we could wear white socks and the ones I had, had this very faint pink lining at the ankle of the sock. I got detention for it.


Teachers even wear some of that! Our school logo is bigger than a post-it, haha


If it’s not private school I would just refuse to follow it. I did that at my school for my hair dye (multiple colors at once, all of which were unnatural) and dress code. And when they tried to get me in trouble I would just loudly say something about it being public school and them not having the right to control what I did with my body or what I put on it. I was never in trouble for my hair or the dress code once, even though teachers (including ones that were not mine and just random ones I was passing in the hallways, said stuff to me about my hair and clothes constantly). And if they had tried to take it further I would’ve fought it. I was told to go to the principals office all the time for my hair and clothes and either never went, or if I was escorted down- told the principal the same thing I told the teacher. I had no problem sticking up for myself.
A lot of what I was being “called out” for was “being inappropriate” but I was wearing the *exact* same types of clothes and covered up the *exact* same amount, if not *more* than all the other girls in my grade. I just used to have a really large chest (I’ve since had a breast reduction). So purely on the fact that my chest was larger than everyone else’s, the way I looked and my clothes were inappropriate (according to them). I would constantly tell them to stop sexualizing a 13-17 year old (depending on what year it was when it happened) and that would usually shut them up.
I would also wear tank tops if I was hot even though it was against dress code. Again- why tf are adults sexualizing *children?* Or telling girls that the boys can’t concentrate because they’re wearing a tank top and shorts when it’s *hot* outside.
I’m a lesbian and I’ve never not been able to concentrate because a woman was dressed for the weather. If a boy can’t stop looking at a girl’s shoulders then he needs to leave. Girls don’t need to be punished and uncomfortable and overheating in schools without AC because of school’s buIIshit excuses.


If adults are paying that close attention to what kids are wearing, there's a problem... 👀


My highschool's dress code was basically "dress fully" (wear a shirt) and "no gang signs", this is ridiculous. It impedes learning and I hate hearing that people have to deal with it (especially as someone who is poor and would not be able to keep up with that)


You can be ONE MILLION PERCENT certain that they expected parents to pay for all of it out of pocket.


Miss Wooly: *Talks about dress code*

Other guy:


My jr year my bestie and I bought matching dresses wore them the same day and I got dress coded because it was inappropriate. Mind you I’m 5’11 and was a size 10 my friend is 5’4. Yes the dress looked shorter on me and I was more gifted in the chest and bottom but I was wearing the exact same dress and I got sent home and she did not get in trouble at all. Dress codes just single out certain people and it’s ridiculous to send anyone home from school for something they are wearing.


I remember having step kids and they had to wear a certain color polo shirt and khaki pants and there were restrictions on other items you could wear and backpacks. It was crazy.


What I don’t get is when other teachers explain that dress codes in school are there so we wouldn’t get distracted. Trust me, as a dude that got (and gets) distracted easily by whatever, it wouldn’t have mattered. Plus, there were girls in my high school that were beautiful no matter how modest they looked


I grew up as a girl in the 60's. We were not EVEN allowed to wear pants to school! If it was below a certain temp, we could wear pants UNDER our skirts, but we had to take them off when we got to school. I also remember my Mom being called to come get me when I wore coullottes (sp) to school. She came, and chewed them out. Said she didn't send her kids to school wearing anything inappropriate. I seem to remember I stayed in school that day.


we had full uniforms at my public highschool. you could buy the shirts bc they had a logo that was required, but for pants they just made a list of rules they had to meet and then basically you were on your own to find a few pair that met them. i had friends who never wore shorts again bc they could literally couldnt find any that met the rules.


They should just do macdonalds uniform. No hats
