The Router Bits: Comparing Router Lifts

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Incra Mast-R Lift II
Sherwood Router Lift 4
Sherwood Motorised Router Lift
In this episode of The Router Bits, Patrick compares the Incra MastR Lift II and the Sherwood Router Lift 4. He also discusses the benefits of these with regard to using round body motors on your router table.
Round Body motors free up your hand held router and make routing simpler and quicker for the woodworker. These, combined with the slick engineering of these router lifts, using your router table has never been easier.
Sherwood Router Lift 4
Sherwood Motorised Router Lift
In this episode of The Router Bits, Patrick compares the Incra MastR Lift II and the Sherwood Router Lift 4. He also discusses the benefits of these with regard to using round body motors on your router table.
Round Body motors free up your hand held router and make routing simpler and quicker for the woodworker. These, combined with the slick engineering of these router lifts, using your router table has never been easier.
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