Jesus' True Teachings on Sin and Salvation

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For the past 2,000 years, Christianity has profoundly shaped the course of history, yet surprisingly, the faith that bears Christ’s name was not founded by Jesus himself, but by a Jewish Pharisee named Paul, who never met Jesus in person.

The words of a true master deserve to be recognized, for humanity has received so few of them. Jesus is widely considered the greatest metaphysical teacher who ever lived. If his gospel message to humanity was stolen, distorted or replaced by a false one, should we not do all we can to restore it?

The Christianity we know today looks remarkably different from the teachings of Jesus the Nazarene. What we call Christianity could more accurately be described as “Paulianity”—a religion shaped by Paul’s doctrines rather than by Jesus’ message. The implications of this shift are nothing short of extraordinary.

What could have caused this great schism to take place?

How did the teachings of Jesus, rooted in loving God, loving your neighbor, repenting from sin and obeying God’s Laws give way to a religion focused on sin and salvation through confession/belief alone?

Why did the Roman Catholic Church make every effort to censor and suppress the fact that Jesus’ 12 hand-selected apostles vehemently opposed Paul and his teachings? Scholars call this “The Battle of the Apostles”. Is there more to this forgotten story than we've been led to believe?

I will answer all these questions and many more in “The Gospel Conspiracy”, an 8-hour presentation now available for only $33

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Wow wow wow ! You have just answered a question ive been struggling with for so long. 😮, Thank you Aaron, you always bring me the EXACT teaching i need at the time i need it ❤


*I'm glad you made this video, * it reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, $89k biweekly and a good daughter full of love..


Thank you Aaron, I’ve been looking for ways to introduce my catholic parents to the Law of One and the undistorted teachings of Jesus. I think this video will lay the groundwork nicely!


As a former Fundamentalist, I love to hear you explain Jesus' teachings from a Christ consciousness perspective. I have been so challenged in the importance of "non-judgment" - loving & forgiving everyone, even my enemies. Understanding I'm not separate from them. In my bible college days, I was taught that there was "God" and then there was "Everything else" (or "not God") - that we were separate and I've lived my whole life with that belief system. Only recently have I come to understand/learn/know that we are One. Thank you. So uplifting and validating.


This one truth is so simple, yet such a life changing truth. Many years ago I experienced and understood the power of forgiveness... and I understood how forgiving others liberated ME. Today I don’t hold any grudges, and nothing upsets me. I cry only from gratitude for all that is. Life is soooo beautiful. Thank you for this wonderful content ❤


The deepness of the teachings of Jesus make them so much more beautiful. In church I've always learned to look forward to the promise of an afterlife in heaven. But what Jesus really tried to teach was to bring heaven on earth.
Namasté 🙏🏼❤


That's because, if u don't forgive others, u cant forgive yourself. They are just a mirror that u haven't forgiven yourself! 🎉😅❤😂😊😮


Yes!!! I love this!!! You put into words exactly what I have known and have tried to explain for years. Hoping so many more ears and eyes awaken to such truth. ❤


According to the structure of creation, you will discover that everything you experienced is actually just more of you. Forgive yourself and be free.🙏


What Is Sin? Sin is insanity. It is the means by which the mind is driven mad, and seeks to let illusions take the place of truth. And being mad, it sees illusions where the truth should be, and where it really is. Sin gave the body eyes, for what is there the sinless would behold? What need have they of sights or sounds or touch? What would they hear or reach to grasp? What would they sense at all? To sense is not to know. And truth can be but filled with knowledge, and with nothing else. The body is the instrument the mind made in its efforts to deceive itself. Its purpose is to strive. Yet can the goal of striving change. And now the body serves a different aim for striving. What it seeks for now is chosen by the aim the mind has taken as replacement for the goal of self-deception. Truth can be its aim as well as lies. The senses then will seek instead for witnesses to what is true. Sin is the home of all illusions, which but stand for things imagined, issuing from thoughts that are untrue. They are the “proof” that what has no reality is real. Sin “proves” God’s Son is evil; timelessness must have an end; eternal life must die. And God Himself has lost the Son He loves, with but corruption to complete Himself, His Will forever overcome by death, love slain by hate, and peace to be no more. A madman’s dreams are frightening, and sin appears indeed to terrify. And yet what sin perceives is but a childish game. The Son of God may play he has become a body, prey to evil and to guilt, with but a little life that ends in death. But all the while his Father shines on him, and loves him with an everlasting Love which his pretenses cannot change at all. How long, O Son of God, will you maintain the game of sin? Shall we not put away these sharp-edged children’s toys? How soon will you be ready to come home? Perhaps today? There is no sin. Creation is unchanged. Would you still hold return to Heaven back? How long, O holy Son of God, how long?


Thank you Aaron for all your content. Every single video you post is filled with clear and concise information.
You amaze me every time with your wisdom, intelingence and eloquence, you are an amazing teacher
You are a blessing in my life.
Thanks a thousand times!


John 15
21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for *they do not know the one who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. 24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.*
22 *If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin*

humans and demons always want to ignore sin is evil.^ Jesus says people would constantly try to deny the nature of sin


Once again, dear Aaron, you pulled back that slingshot and BAM... hit me square in the third eye with these words! As the sub-logos is to the logos, you are the sub-Guru to my Guru, Yeshua. ❤ Many thanks to you, Aaron for your guidance and for mirroring my spiritual journey. 🙏


I just love 💕 everything about how u teach thank you 🙏 God bless you..


This brought clarity to me. Thank you! may I be free from addictions. And to feel god, the divinity within 🙏


Love and compassion to all, no exceptions 🌎😘


If I may ask you what faith do you represent.I ❤what you says Where can I find more people of mindset, let's say in Illinois, Chicago area . Thank you in advance for your answer.All those main religions/churches advocate 'guilt/fear infused theologies.I don't like what they offer.I deeply believe in one God+I do believe that Jezus has always represented and still does!! love, mercy, highest spiritual wisdom. Moreover he calls us to forgive others and serve others.Such a special, wondrous individual. Extraordinary.


I've been reading the sermon on the mountain often lately. Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you and who cannot give anything in return, give and you shall receive in abundance. Jesus is totally a community-oriented person. No man is an island even though on the surface it can seem that way.


Hi Aaron I really hope you see this request for less mocking- I saw your interview with Andre a couple weeks ago and having been loving your content since. I resonate a lot with your story I also was a pastors kid and turned to the esoteric/new age path around 22 and have Christian parents still practicing the faith. I’m sure so many people watching want to send your content to their Christian family members but I know if I send this to my parents it won’t be well received because of the tone of voice you use when imitating Paul or modern Christians it’s immediately going to put people on the defensive and take them away from the beautiful information you’re sharing. I think it would be so amazing if you made 1 or 2 condensed videos on these topics in a super respectful manor as if you had to debate a Christian on stage in front of an audience with out any tone in your voice that we could send to our Christian/catholic family and spread your message ❤


Thanks for your wonderful explanation that has strengthen my understanding. G.bless U Aaron
