let me finally rest.

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My Spotify Playlist:

💛 Mental health helplines:

Note: All of the tracks used in my youtube playlists are copyrighted music, so if you see ads in my videos, it's because youtube places them automatically based on copyright-owners needs, I have no control over it, so sorry about that. My channel is NOT a monetized channel. My only goal is sharing escapism music to help out people that are sad.

💙 Patreon:

Some of the tracks for this playlist were recommended by -
Drax9 (Via Patreon)

This playlist title suggested by –
Drax9 (Via Patreon)

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👀 Let me review your music:

song list:
00:00:00 changes w_ hélix
00:03:02 Rainy Day - Otixx
00:05:19 piedkies - morning mist
00:08:55 for home use only. - circles
00:12:07 les - tone
00:14:31 Moonlight
00:17:03 diedlonely _ nightblure - runaway
00:20:24 antent - lost tape
00:22:25 øneheart - apathy
00:24:22 øneheart - outside
00:26:08 hozuki - snowfield
00:29:58 les - silence
00:32:10 reidenshi - open world
00:34:16 afterthought
00:36:36 metahesh - life's too short
00:39:37 øneheart x kazukii - wanderlust
00:41:32 antent - first snow
00:43:38 reidenshi - november 8
00:45:40 øneheart - hide away
00:47:16 diedlonely - avenoi
00:53:39 callmearco - Miss You
00:55:32 Arbee - Misfortune, part 1
00:58:37 arli Liberman - Sentience
01:02:33 distant Highway - Hovering Signal
01:06:33 arbee - Missing memories
01:10:05 callmearco - Hannah
01:12:06 Metawaves - late night tales
01:14:10 chunkie - In Retrospect

#sadplaylist #sleepmusic #sadmood #3am #4am
Рекомендации по теме

Best tracks from my channel on a SPOTIFY playlist:


Hey stranger. I don't know who you are or what you're going through. Life can be a battlefield, and there is no promise of a better tomorrow.

But if you’re here, you've made it far. I'm proud of you. ❤


Three things never come back: Time, Word & opportunity. Therefore Don't waste time, Choose your words wisely and don't miss the opportunity.


I love these playlists. These playlists make the comments a huge safe space for people to vent, give advice, support others, etc.


If you’re reading this…don’t waste too much time ⏳trying to make a decision, Any path you chose is the correct path 🔦


I wish everyone a good night’s sleep and remember, each and everyone one of you are enough.


Really love your playlists, they make a huge difference in my life! Thanks for uploading


Every night I miss my grandma, telling her goodnight and giving her a kiss on the head…just wish I didn’t spend too much time gaming and actually being by her side during family outings…


I swear this is my subconscious in audio form. This does more good for rest, cathartic exploration and healing than I can ever say. Thank you.


I listen to this genre of music when I study. It gives me the best concentration. Thank you😀


I am sorry. I didn't know I was making you tired. Take care of yourself. Thank you for everything. I am grateful to you


goodnight.And hey, just keep on living and wanting to live.Everything happens for a reason.
_good or bad._


Im sick of it. 2 people ruined my life by spreading rumours that weren't true to everyone in school, even teachers. They would just look at me and smirk because I was alone. One time they saw me about to commit suicide and just stood and recorded me, then when i went to high school, they told everyone in my friend group those same rumours and they all left me too. On the last day of middle school, before i joined high school, it was our last party and some were on a stage to perform the lion king and i was on it, rhey got their mom to record it and make fun of only me on Facebook. On the last party i was in line for some food, and i heard them talking about me in front of me. Im still in high school and reported the cuts on my wrists and i got a lecture from the headteacher why i shouldn't do it. I wanted to go to a theme park for a school trip so i was well behaved and i went with the school. I wanted to go to one because i said i was scared of them to the two 'friends' i had. However i was partnered up with someone who was scared of rides, she didn't even let me line up to eat, and i didnt eat for 4 hours because of her and the worst part was that the two weren't even in school on the day.and they still try to upset me. 3 years of accusing me of stuff i never even did.


"Time is the only resource for which no creature may bargain..." --DD1

"Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge; hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the Universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again."
-- Diamond Dragons (series)


It’d be nice to sleep, but the storm is so strong…

Estaría bien dormir, pero la tormenta es muy fuerte…


Can’t stop hoping that I don’t wake up next morning


in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night...🌃🌌🌉🌙😴


I love life but sometimes I really wish life didn't want so many things from me. I kinda want to just curl up and say that's that. How did I get here


Nothing in stone. Youtube comments are contracts.


What kind of person takes pride in gaslighting ability? Sounds like they need more help than me
