Snow: 'You Killed MY MOTHER!!!' (Once Upon A Time S2E15)

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OUAT S2E15: The Queen Is Dead
This is such an immensely intense scene, the tsunami of emotions that hits you are just so overwhelming that I actually need some time to breathe! I felt agitated, saddened and at times really wish to give Cora that one big and deserving tight slap to her sagging face! Hah! How could Cora be so heartless!!!!

Indeed, this is by far one of the darkest moments in this season, not only does Johanna's heart got ripped, she was sent flying out that clock tower!
Needless to say, such an amazing scene! Now, will you excuse me, I still need that moment to take a breath. :D


Do share with all the ONCERS out there!
#oncers #OUATmoments #S2E15
PS: 0:39 I think Snow should just keep her mouth shut here. That was the trigger point.
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It's amazing this is Barbara Hershey's first villain role. She plays it so extremely well! -


When Cora throws Johanna out the window Regina is shocked, so it wasn't in the plan to kill her it just happened. Poor Johanna. Live on Outlaw Queen


“You see... in the end, it isn't good or evil that wins, but power.” Cora was completely right


This is the saddest scene in all of OUAT in my opinion...Joanna was one of the purest souls and Cora was literally heartless and just killed her’s been 9 years and it still makes me cry every time


Cora Is way more evil than Regina she didn't even have to kill her like wtf im still mad about this


This brings back a long standing issue I had with the Evil Queen. Why did she still blame Snow. Every bad thing that happened in her life was orchestrated by Cora. Even Snow was a part of her plan. It was Cora who killed the Queen, Cora who startled Snow's horse, and Cora who orchestrated it so that Regina would see and save Snow. Regina was so darn gung-ho on the idea of running away with Daniel that she just thrown caution to the wind. How else could Regina have convinced herself into believing that her overbearing mother, who frequently uses magic to control people, couldn't manipulate a naive child (Snow, who was in mourning) into spilling her guts about Regina and Daniel's plan to elope?


"In the end, it isn't good or evil that wins, but power."

Okay, Voldemort...


Snow: You killed MY MOTHER!
Cora: It was just a prank bro


"There is no good or evil. There is only power."
Voldemort quote. lol


Sometimes, I want Regina to be happy, and then I watch reruns...


So it goes like this - Queen Eva was rude to Cora who used Rumple to become magical then ripped out her own heart to become a heartless queen, trained Regina to become good at everything and then STAGED the runaway steed to almost kill Snow, the whole time KNOWING THAT REGINA AND DANIEL WERE IN LOVE, then Cora tricked Snow into telling her about Daniel and Regina running off together, killed Daniel in front of Regina to show her just how dangerous love is, how it makes you weak and stupid, and then YEARS LATER in Storybrooke, Snow kills Cora and it makes her heart a little dark.


3:25 Snow's face just breaks my heart.


is it me or regina was surprised when cora said to make my daughter queen


This is why I didn't feel angry at snow for killing Cora. Snow showed Regina mercy over and over and over again. And Regina continued playing the victim and punishing her for an innocent mistake she made when she was a little girl. Snow at least felt remorse, Regina has never even apologized. The moment things get hard she gives up trying to change.


Does anyone recognize the irony? Cora told a dead Eva (kind of weird when you say it like that) that she would continue to test Snow and make her soul black as coal. Well this motivated Snow to kill Cora and guess what? Her heart became dark. Kind of lived up to her promise, no matter how bitchy. 


When Cora says the reason she killed Princess Ava (Snow's mum) she says, "to make my daughter the queen". But if you watch season three, that isn't the only reason. Princess Ava spread cora's secret and killed off her chance to royalty (plus prince leapold). So that wasn't the only reason.


God, this scene gets me angry and sad and teary-eyed every time I watch it. Well done, show.


Snow: "Why? Why did you take her from me?"
Cora: [Shrug] "To make my daughter The Queen."
 [Regina's tune]

Haha simple, yet one of my favorite moments in the whole show.


Regina was such a puppet for Cora this season. Not my fave Regina season. She didn't even want to be queen, her whole attitude should've changed when she said that, bells should've went off. Cora's entire master plan should've clicked in her mind but nope, she wanted mommy's love. 🙄


and i can't believe people are still thinking regina was innocent. She had a choice, but still chose anger and hatred multiple times! She did redeem herself from season 3 onwards tho. But she needed to suffer for what she had done
