Can you walk on an ankle sprain?

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Jonathan Gordon, MD is a board-certified orthopedist, specializing in sports medicine and foot and ankle surgery, at Mount Sinai Doctors, seeing patients Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday in Midtown. Trained in Philadelphia and New York, he is certified by the American College of Orthopedics. He was awarded his medical degree from Drexel University, where he completed his residency in Orthopedic Surgery, and completed his fellowship in Foot and Ankle Surgery at the Hospital for Special Surgery. Dr. Gordon serves as the Medical Consultant for the NBA Milwaukee Bucks and a consulting physician for the New York Police Department and the Fire Department of New York. Prior to joining Mount Sinai Doctors, he served as an Orthopedic Consultant for the US Figure Skating Association, American Ballet Theater, New York City Ballet, World Boxing Association, and the University of Connecticut Men's basketball team. His research includes examinations of lower extremity trauma and the biomechanics of the ankle. He has a particular interest in arthroscopic and minimally invasive surgery of the knee, shoulder, foot and ankle.

Mount Sinai Doctors, 55 East 34th Street, is a six-floor multispecialty practice with more than 12 specialties, including Cardiology, Dermatology, Diabetes Education, Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Gynecology, Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology, Pain Management, Podiatry, Urology, and walk-in primary care appointments.
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Who is watching this with sprained foot
Edit: This was 3 years ago, still getting comments lol


It’s tiring hopping everywhere and having to stand on one foot


When you're on the job and you miss a step and sprain your ankle and now you're here 😅


Me: sprained ankle
Also me: keeps walking although in pain
Friend: bro you good?
Me: yes I'm good I think Call a doctor


I'm either crawling on the floor, hopping like a bunny, or walking super ultra slow like a snail get to places or walking like

Edit:Thanks for the likes! I'm all better now btw. (Took me like a week to heal, can't really remember) Hope you get better as well!!

Edit 2: I got better by actually trying to walk on the sprained foot since I have school and have no choice but to walk around. I guess it like makes the foot exercise and helps it heal faster.


i was just tryna walk down the stairs and life hit me outta nowhere💀


I have a sprained ankle and my parents keep calling me lazy and “sorry” When I physically can NOT walk without it hurting, they don’t understand it hurts soo bad.


I think I sprained my ankle, in P.E we had to run 8 laps and while I was running I stepped wrong, when I walk my foot really hurts


THANK YOU omg bc i was just about to cry! Sprained my ankle 6 days ago in practice and im still on crutches and idk when im gonna be able to play volleyball again 😢 probably not soon..
So this comforted me because now im more comfortable with putting some weight on my ankle.


Anyone whos watching this with a sprained ankle? I mean me 😓


I sprained my ankle trying to do a layup in basketball and my family said " Would you like some cheese with that whine" My ankle was swollen and purple


What happens when you constantly walk on a sprained ankle that hurts badly?


The weird thing is I remember rolling my ankle while jogging on an uneven surface but it didn't hurt at all until the morning after now it's difficult to walk on but no swelling. I really hate not being able to exercise


I think my sprain isn’t too bad. The first day I couldn’t walk I had a really bad limp and it took forever to move a few feet. Today is the second day and after putting ice on it and keeping it elevated or the most part. When I first get up it hurts but after moving around I still have a limp but I can walk better not perfect but for day 2 I think that a good sign. Swelling went down but it is still swollen and I don’t have full movement. I have 5 days to heal up then it’s back to work.


I rolled both my ankles and I don’t know what to do I had to crawl up the stairs to my apartment


All I did was walk, stepped wrong and it twisted and sprained. I nearly dislocated it.


Who else is jumping on left foot trying to do stuff and not having fun?....just


I got a mild sprain on my left ankle a few days ago in P.E. (I was doing high rope jumps and my foot got caught on the rope lmao). I hope it heals quickly bc I'm not tryna go to finals with a sprained ankle 😔


The most underrated, undertreated injury. R.I.C.E. only works for very, very minor sprain. It does not work for torn ligaments, pulled nerves or tendons. I found heat is the answer and rest are the answer. Average ankle sprain will take a minimum of 3 months to start to regain normacy.


Holy shit this guy blinks a lot

Edit: I counted 89 times in the whole video
