How to Deal with a Calvinist According to the New IFB - Examining NIFB Apologetics

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This video we pulled from the other channel to demonstrate the apologetics of the New IFB - a preacher claims he met a Calvinist while out "soul winning" and cornered him to admit he believes in a "works salvation". We take apart this short video and explain how a Calvinist would really answer his ludicrous assertions.

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Jeff, agreed. What I've often encountered among this group, as well as various Church of Christ movements, is not only a pride in ignorance.

When I hear someone parrot "all I need is my King James Bible.." or "no creed but Christ (which ironically is a creed).." one can almost guarantee the nature of the conversation.


One of the laughable ironies about IFBs and their KJV only stance revolves around their abject ignorance about how the KJV came to be. The KJV was promulgated through the auspices of one King James I of England (also known as King James VI of Scotland--he wore both hats) who was raised a Calvinist.


I was well over 20 years as a non Calvinist and wrestled with scripture, trying to explain away when reading text in its context. And, in my experience with others. Why are they against it? Simply because they do not know their Bibles.


Just use the Bible, and they quit answering you


If Calvinism is correct, then didn’t God ordain the New IFB? Why rail against it? Isn’t it hard to kick against the goads?


"Baptist confession of faith 1689 The Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, in whom, by the appointment of the Father, all power for the calling, institution, order or government of the church, is invested in a supreme and sovereign manner; neither can the Pope of Rome in any sense be head thereof, but is that antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the church against Christ, and all that is called God; whom the Lord shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.    now they teach the pre trib rap lie and walk hand in hand with antichrist pope


I've heard this argument many times before, that non Calvinists reach their conclusions because they don't know their Bible and take verses out of context. I think that's unfair to make that sweeping conclusion because that's true of individuals on both sides but certainly not everyone. If you want to debate someone who does examine a text in detail from a non Calvinist branch, I'd suggest you contact Leighton Flowers, he dialogues respectfully and often is willing to discuss this issue on YouTube with Calvinists.


This is way too funny. I continue to buy books (both for Calvinism and reformed doctrine) as well as anti Calvinist books. This is located elsewhere and probably will not be able to find it until I get home...whenever that is.

This a book against Calvinism. Guy was a pastor. Not saying these were his exact words but foes come really close to what I remember reading.

This author stated he was not going to use the scriptures to critique or criticize Calvinism. Why is that? Because the Calvinists are really good at using the scriptures to teach their doctrine.

Here is my question. Everyday that goes on, in America, we are getting divisive over the stupidest things. Those on the right are going way to right while those on. The left are going way left. Both sides see each other as the enemy. Not saying this is true for everyone, but enough has happened to see people diverging from each other.

I am talking about politics.

Here is what I am thinking-could this be true for those coming out with anti-Calvie books and videos as well as what we see in online social circles? In other words, IFB, NIFB, or other Anti-Calvinism is using the same sort of tactics or judgments we see happening in our politics.

I am sure there is a better way to word this so I hope you understand what I am asking.


man calvinism is in error, why haven't you fled from the doctrine of lies yet ?
