Easy Spaceship Design - Factorio Early Game Blueprint

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This is Boxcar, an early game easy and simple space platform capable of going to all the inner planets like Vulcanus, Gleba and Fulgora.
You can improve it with some quality items to make it viable for the mid game.


Music used:
Factorio - OST (Space Theme)

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Incredible, very well done. Has to be one of the most efficient designs to date for the first-ship to hit the first planet.


Thanks for the awesome ship. I really appreciate the extensive testing you've done.


I originally thought your channel was a supercut of nilaus content im so sorry. Your videos are amazing and so easy to understand when so much factorio content can be ramblings of mad men


Was really waiting for this! I like the design. Now, I am interested in a design for midgame ships and trading ships! Keep up the great content.


I just noticed the rarity level indicator on your video thumbnails. Nice detail!


NIce, I just finished my own version, but I think yours is slighty better. Good Job!


Once you're really established I highly recommend one non mobile platform per planet. It can really save on trips if you send stuff down for free. My 120 spm base on Vulcanus just imports carbon from space


If you, like me, wants to ignore quality shenanigans completly until reaching the Shattered Planet, you would need at least 6 or 7 furnaces to produce around 60 magazines per minute. Bullets damage level 6 gives a VERY big reduction in consumption of ammunition, so you would only need less than a stack of ammo ready to go. Assembler mk3 is mandatory, unless you want to wait 10 minutes for bullets to craft and store another 2 stacks of ammo somewhere else. You don't need to store fuel in tanks. Thrusters have a mechanic where the less they are filled with fuel (it looks only at the lowest meter), the more efficient they are in terms of fuel per thrust and the less they consume said fuel, with a minimum of 6 per second, so the more thrusters you have (without making your ship wider, because width currently makes ship less speedy more than its weight), the more fuel you can stock up just in them and the more efficient they would be shile consuming just what your chemical plants provide.
I found only two limiting factors there: a) Electricity consumption, which you can reduce by making at least carbon and ice crushers into one with switching recipies, with iron I have problems that iron takes priority and starves 2 other recipies, because you consume iron always. b) Ammunition crafting speed, which essentially can be increased with more furnaces and one more bullet assembler.
I build a long hot-dog and the only issue it have is that one multi-crusher always busy producing iron and that you need have a decent carbon and iron buffers for it not to clogged with carbon / iron / ice.


Thanks for the tips on stress testing, that's some really amazing advice.
Currently working on designing & optimizing a promethium mining ship, it will come in especially handy there


This design is too good! While I like to build my own ships to keep things interesting, Id like to use this for basic interplanetary logistics


I've been thinking about doing the 40hr achievement. Cheap effective ships are up my alley


Wow. This is fast, and nice and good. I like it. I would add one thing so: you could add a pump to inject fuel only when speed is below =, lets say 120 or 110. This way, the engine runs fast in the beginning to get to off and away from the planet but then settles in at a nice optimized fuel burn. Will test it, because now I know how to use the Editor. Damn, having over 1000 hrs and did not know this. Thanks


Certified spaceships. That's what we need. What the regular maintenance interval for TÜV and HU? How high is the tax and tolls for spaceship usage and owning?


I would love a design with a focus on mass producing ammo so that it is never a concern while in orbit of planets with asteroids. This gets close to what I have been trying to do.


I'm using something like this, not that optiomal, but made and tested(actually lost one ship and running second one now). Building bigger ship seems crazy expensive.


I made a beginner "stretch" Boxcar design, because I always like to over pack, so I added a cargo bay and a little more power, and it looks like I need to upgrade the assembler for the ammo, and/or asteroid collectors, hard to say, I let it go from Nauvis to Vulcanus to Gleba to Fulgora, by accident because I turned on automatic, but didn't realize it auto travels to all the inner planets... and it started to stress it's ammo production.

I consider my design not as parsimonious as yours which is a product of your experience and skill, but I have a larger suitcase to bring stuff...interestingly unlike you, I can't list a factorio bin link... alas


Here's one thing... If you never design your first ship, you will never learn how to design a ship that is good for your playstyle. If you avoid combinators like the plague, you will never realise their potential to elegantly fix problems that you will encounter eventually. (looking at you, Gleba)

If you are a new player: Don't use ship blueprints premade by other players. You can look at them to learn how they work, what solutions were used to optimize one thing or another... but DO NOT use them! This one in particular is cutting so many corners, you can't learn much of anything shipbuilding related from it. It gets you to another planet, yes, but you will want to trash it immediately after that, because it has zero scalability besides using better quality parts.


I didn't know that something so small could be done with just one thruster. I made a more or less large ship and with 6 thrusters, believing that was how it should be haha, I ran out of fuel and had to defend myself more because of how big it was


How about a video on using only a single chemical plant for all of the fuel? It's possible with some smart circuits!


I’d be interested in a blueprint for a mid game ship that can run continuously without stopping.
