What can you still plant in your Garden in September Zones 5, 6 and 7

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What can you still plant in your Garden in September Zones 5, 6 and 7

Happy Gardening! Today I spend some time teaching you what you can still plant in September and expect to get a harvest before winter settles in!

Here's the list:
1. Broccoli (by Starts)
2. Cabbage (by Starts)
3. Cauliflower (by Starts)
4. Kohlrabi (by Starts)
5. Brussels Sprouts (by Starts)
6. Lettuce
7. Spinach
8. Kale
9. Mache
10. Claytonia
11. Minzuna
12. Chard
13. Collards
14. Bok Choy
15. Endive
16. Arugula
17. Tot Soy
18. Beet/Turnip Greens

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Fabric pots are great also love that they are so portable and easy to store if needed . Every year I say in spring to start fall crops and I don't so much canning and preserving going on .


Just planted: broccoli, lettuce, swiss chard. Will plant this Labor Day weekend, cilantro, thyme, radish, parsley…in the greenhouse. 12 hours and 47 mins of daylight here. Still producing zucchini, cukes, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, watermelon and basil. The sweet potatoes still growing..won’t harvest yet. Expecting 90 degree temps this next week..then 80’s the rest of September. Plants should do well in the near future.


Thanks for the video!! I'd like to add radishes to the list of what can be grown in September by seed, as my packet says it only takes 45 days to mature. Besides, I've read about (and eaten) radish leaves and they taste great and do great in the cold weather. I just planted a row of them. They take less than a week to germinate.


Thank you for the video. I am goinh to groe my broccoli in several fabric pots this Fall.


This is the best time to evaluate and purchase seeds for next year. Also a perfect time to purchase garden supplies at a steal of a deal price. September is the perfect month to plant trees and shrubs and all types of hardy berries. It's the best month for gathering things for a winter compost pile. If you have a worm farm it's the perfect time to let some of the worms go free into your garden beds and compost piles. Once you clear the garden beds you can check your soil health and add what you need before planting up again. I have a lot of shade on my gardens during the winter months so at least half of my beds get a 6 inch layer of composting materials topped with leaves and then covered with frost cloth to button them up for the winter. The worms turn it to fertilizer while they increase in numbers all winter long (I'm zone 8b so the worms don't usually die form our winter temps.). I know some of these things seem like maintenance but it all provides fertile soil and weed suppression for next seasons start in the garden.


This video was really helpful for me! Especially since I just moved to zone 6 late in season - I did get a little green house that holds a couple raised beds. Sadly I haven’t been able to find any starters but I’m happy to plant from seed most of the greens you mentioned!

Also - what about winter peas? Can they make it in a greenhouse in zone 6?


What purchased soil mix would you use to plant these pots for the first time? Don't have "extra" soil to add from garden now. Zone 6a. TIA.


Do you empty your smart pots then refill and amend the soil. How do yo store the soil?


You should specify which country's zones because not all countries have the same zones.


You start talking about the topic three minutes in. There’s too much blabbing in the start. Please make your videos more concise or at least have chapters so we can skip to where we want. Just leaves us feeling frustrated and annoyed
