Israelis REACT to ISAIAH 53 and More Prophecies!

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We're going around Israel asking people about Isaiah 53 and more Old Testament prophecies, getting their thoughts on whether it's from the Old or New Testament. It’s amazing to see so many Jewish people seeing jesus in the Old Testament!

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This is such a gentle, honoring way to share the Good News of Moshiach with our brothers and sisters. They reach the conclusions themselves. They will have to wrestle with the teaching of the rabbis but they began to walk into the embrace of the ONE who inspired the prophets. That is how I came to reading the prophets.


In 1979 I read Isaiah 53 for the first time. When the woman who had brought that chapter to me told me it was written 700 years before Yeshua was born, I felt a sword go into my heart. It was a physical sensation. The next thing I said was this: "If this is not true, there is no truth in the world." Hashem saved me that night. In 2023 I led my 99 year old mother to Messiah 5 weeks before she left this world for the next. All praise and worship to the Almighty and blessed be His name forever!


The partial blindness is starting to vanish.... Hallelujah!


It is so beautiful. As an Iranian who accepted the Messiah when He revealed Himself to me one day in my bedroom, I am moved to tears to see my Jewish brothers and sisters learning about the Messiah.


I’m an Arab Christian from Jordan and I want to thank you for allowing the Lord to use you. I felt emotional watching and gave glory to God. He’s amazing.


I once did the same thing with a friend of mine who is an Orthodox Jew. I read to her the prophetic passages from Isaiah, Daniel, and Malachi that refer to the Messiah. Her reaction was the same: “Oh, that belongs in the Christian book.” Then I showed her that it was in the Old Testament. She was frightened and ran home to read the same passage in Hebrew from her study books. A few days later she called me and asked why her Rabbi had never read or taught her these passages in the Parachat. I said, “I don’t know. But study for yourself. Don’t depend on a rabbi or a pastor or a priest!”


I am a Jew who believes in Jesus, the Messiah, and attends a Christian Church regularly, and love finding information like this to confirm what my heart tells me.


As a gentile who trusts in Jesus, I love seeing the Jewish people hearing and responding like this.


Christians of Indonesia will always faithfully stand & pray for Israel... So much love from Indonesia to our Israeli brothers & sisters...
Greetings from Indonesia... ❤❤❤❤


This is how evangelism should be done- personal, respectful, loving and Scriptural. Kudos!


The scriptures describe this. "For lack of knowledge my people perish." Oh Father, your word is so true.


I’m a Christian in the US and I was moved to tears watching this. We’re praying for Israel. We know that God’s eye is centered on them.


Yes! 700 years before the birth of Jesus, in Isaiah... and they still miss it! Please, Israel, wake up! He has already come, stop waiting for Him, He is here! The Messiah IS Yeshua, embrace Him!


I'm a Christian and I was incredibly moved by this. What a perfect example of how to share The Gospel with Israelis in a loving and scriptural way. ❤


I am Greek orthodox, i have experience real miracle, Jesus is alive, he can see us, he can hear us, he can help us. His love for all humans is unconditional & devine! This is true!!!!


Jesus came for the Jews and Gentiles! He was pierced for ALL of us. He is the Messiah!


I am a filipino gentile and when i heard Jesus is the only one that gives you eternal life i was amazed and i believe on him immediately without wavering. I love to share my faith on the gospel. Thanks to my jewish savior jesus.🎉


As a gentile from Hawaii this brought tears to my eyes. I love the Jewish people. Thank you JESUS!


I was an "atheist" for 24 years of my life. I'm 62. Not Jewish. I still can barely walk and not fall when I think about how close I was to being lost. And the shame I feel. I've learned so much since Jesus opened my eyes. I wish I could remove my shame and guilt. By watching young Jewish folks see some light, I realize, we all were born with eyes closed. Thank you! We all must come to Him. We all are shameful at first. Until we are born again.


I am a recent Jewish believer in Jesus. Love this as I have been seeking a way to speak to my jewish friends about Jesus
