What To Do If You're Touch Starved

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Feeling touch-starved can leave you lonely and disconnected, but you're not alone in this experience. In this video, we’ll dive into what to do if you're touch starved and offer practical solutions to help you feel more connected. Our goal is to guide you through understanding touch therapy, navigating relationship and intimacy problems, and offering tips on how to cope with touch deprivation. Whether you're single, dating, or in a relationship, you'll find advice on how to rebuild emotional and physical connections so you can feel less isolated.

#intimacy #relationship #dating #love

Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Always consult with a qualified therapist or healthcare professional for personalized support.

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Kelly Soong
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Sunbiscuit

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I think what this is missing is that the majority of people aren’t feeling simply touch starved, but rather they are feeling touch starved from a person from whom it would truly matter (namely a partner). Getting a hug from a friend is nice, but getting it from someone who truly loves you (not in the way a relative would) really helps satiate that deep seated longing.


Sending out a hug to everyone reading this comment and is in need of one right now.


I denied all forms of physical affection for years and am now suffering from touch starvation because of it. Thank you


When we were teens, all of our friends were like monkeys.
Brushing each others hair, shoulder massages, cuddling up to watch movies. Lots of hugs too.
I miss those days.


0:54 touch is a basic human need
1:25 physical touch can reduce stress
1:41 create a safe touch environment
2:12 adopt a pet
2:23 engage in self touch
3:15 strengthen existing relationships
3:45 join a community group or club
4:25 cultivate emotional intimacy
5:36 being touch starved
It's okay guys :)

Imma touch you :)


I just want to feel save. I want to lay my head on someones shoulder or something and drop my guard. I wanna hug someone for minutes and just relax for a short time.


For Years, I used to hug a pillow to sleep, simple acts such as hugging a pillow can go a long way to help the feeling of lack of physical contact :)


Great video, A month ago, my five-year relationship came to an end. I really can't stop thinking about the love of my life, who made the decision to leave me. I've done everything in my power to win him back, but it's all in vain, and I can't imagine my life with anyone else. I genuinely miss him and just can't stop thinking about him, even though I've tried my hardest to stop thinking about him. I'm not sure why I'm saying this here.


I'm currently so desperate for love and touch, yet i get it from no one and nowhere. I feel so lost. This video brought up my mood. Thank you for creating this channel.


Babies die without touch. In the early 1900s they experimented on orphans 1/2 got affection the other 1/2 got none both had thier physical needs met. The damage on those without affection was so great the experiment was deemed unethical to perform even on chimps or similar mamals. It's a need not a want.


I moved to Asia one year ago, here people don't usually do physical touch 😢this made me feel bored and lonely. I miss the hugs, kisses and cuddles from my Colombian family ❤


I remember when i was 14 i hugged my curtains while bawling my eyes out


As much as the strategies help, nothing replaces partner type intimate touch. I don’t mean sex, I mean the soothing strokes of skin and warmth of a cuddle. But the coping strategies do go a long way for making up the difference


Autistic people like myself are especially touch starved. Even if we seem distant, we still long for that physical and emotional connection a simple hug can give, we’re just extremely awkward about asking for it. I usually cope by rubbing my shaved head. The fuzzy sensation is oddly soothing


Thank you this is the one thing that is hard about being single.


I really doubt writing this will amount to anything but this topic is so close to my heart so here we go. I've felt so extremely touch deprived for so long. This video suggests things like handshakes and hugs, but for me the truth is anything short of cuddling/kissing does nothing for me. Maybe I am just "love starved" but touch just feels so incredibly important to me and I've been single for nearly a decade, it just crushes my heart. I try to put myself out there in the dating scene but it's really hard for me and just feels hopeless after trying to for so long.

Thanks to anyone who read this, and thanks for this video Psych2Go.


I miss holding my friends hands without them thinking I’m being weird. Sometimes I just want the presence of someone there.


A true lesson that there is a difference between being alone and lonely 💜


Help the people in the comments saying “I’ll touch you” are cracking me up😭


I cant do anything without this channel
