Original 2005 Ford battery still running thanks to regenerative solution

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Many years ago I came accross an invention from a Czech gentleman mr. Mrazek who invented solution which regenerates catodes(anodes?) on lead based accumulators and brings back original capacity of the accumulator or even more.
Mr Mrazek wasn't selling the product himself, but I was lucky to get to one of his affiliates and he gave me one bottle for free.
This is my second round of regeneration, the first one I made maybe four years ago and my 2005 accumulator still runs fine even in winter conditions.
Mr Mrazek wasn't selling the product himself, but I was lucky to get to one of his affiliates and he gave me one bottle for free.
This is my second round of regeneration, the first one I made maybe four years ago and my 2005 accumulator still runs fine even in winter conditions.