School Shootings, Let's Talk Real Solutions

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As the tears fall and communities mourn another school shooting, a disheartening pattern emerges – a cycle where the pain of one too many lives lost becomes the backdrop for politicians to advocate for gun control.

The narrative unfolds with a familiar script, and the fallout reaches law-abiding citizens, whose rights and freedoms come under scrutiny and threat.

Join us for a groundbreaking conversation with Anna Reger, the visionary founder behind Fliplok, a company dedicated to transforming the landscape of school safety.

In this sit-down interview, Anna will share insights into her innovative approach to addressing one of the most pressing issues in our society—school shootings.

Anna's company has introduced state-of-the-art locks called Fliploks designed to fortify classroom doors and withstand an astounding 2500 lbs. of pressure.

Learn how her innovation can provide an additional layer of defense, empowering teachers and students with a tool that can make a significant impact during critical moments.

Anna's commitment to fostering safer educational spaces goes beyond product innovation. Join us as she discusses the broader mission of her company, shedding light on the importance of collaboration, education, and community involvement in creating a comprehensive approach to school safety.

Whether you're a parent, educator, or concerned community member, this interview promises to deliver eye-opening insights into the current landscape of school safety and the strides being made to address these challenges head-on.

Gain a deeper understanding of the technological advancements that are shaping the future of security in educational institutions.

🎥 Don't miss out on this crucial conversation! Subscribe now to stay informed about the latest developments in school safety and be a part of the movement towards creating safer learning environments for all.

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The fact that we heard from one of these shooters that they wanted to go to a dif school, but security was too hard. It literally prevents attacks. No amount of banning guns will ever have that same effect


It never ceases to amaze me that there are folks against hardening schools because they feel it will be like a prison. They are probably the same folks that never hold their children responsible for their own actions.


Fortifying schools, making them harder to breach is a good start but rendering schools defenseless by law is foolish at best,


If only our politicians were actually coming up with solutions without infringinging on our rights...


never made sense to me that the conversation is about guns and not rather what causes these people to snap and shoot innocent people.


In 2003 I was a sophomore in high school. We held active shooter drills from time to time and I can remember my teachers instructing us to hide in the event and don’t fight back. I always thought it was insane for them to tell us that if someone was trying to murder us that it was best to not fight back.


Repeal the gun free zone act, let teachers, parents and Guardians carry problem solved.


Get rid of gun free zones around schools! What that sign says to the bad guy is: "we're all unarmed, come in and hurt us!!" Just like the guy in Colorado, 5 theaters were showing the same movie that night, 4 of then were NOT "gun free" theaters, 1 was a "gun free" theater. Guess which one the shooter went to, the "gun free" theater, even though it wasn't the closest to his home!


Every time someone brings up school safety, I always say "how about starting with making the place where we send our kids as protected as the place where we send our money?"

Take a wild guess who's been fighting against additional armed security at schools.


While it doesn't take care of the mass shooting problem as a whole, it's definitely an effective solution to prevent casualities and that won't go against politician's agenda. Big props to that woman!


Schools need layers of security. No matter what the threat is.


The only issue I have with this lock is trusting the kids not to abuse it. One of the locks that was invented years ago is called a "classroom function" lock meaning you need to have a key to lock the door on the outside. This was invented because kids would intentionally lock the teacher out of the classroom as a prank. As long as the kids know not to abuse this device for pranks, then I think it is a good idea.


In other words stop relying on government legislation. Not to mention start addressing mental health issues the way they should be


This is an outstanding idea and thank you for putting this up interview. Bottom line, it's about protection. Having a gun or not having a gun isn't going to solve this "world we live in" issue. Yes, I believe having a gun and the ability to fight back is right and necessary. (Just saying.) Hard core 2A here. But there are a lot of potential solutions, physical, societal, and governmental, that are getting drowned out by the clamor of "take away all the guns and the problem will disappear" nonsense. Again, thank you for posting this one, bringing awareness, and kudos for continuing to show that 2A advocacy and safety go hand and hand. I'd love to see more like this.


My wife, a teacher, just asked me today, to come up with something for this scenario. Their police/safety team said they (teachers) need a plan to secure door, if someone gets the keys. But, they didn't have a Interesting timing for this video.


When I was a kid, there was another kid that was going to blow up the schools oil room ( containing thousands of gallons of fuel ) which would've been way more devastating than a gun. He was caught with a kill list too. There was no talk of banning oil / fuel. No talk of banning explosives.


Spot on for the debate. Focus on the ability to keep the kids safe and not on the government taking our rights away which doesn't solve any issues. Great Video Colion. Seems simple and reasonable on starting to harden the classrooms themselves.


My mind immediately went to "some kid is gonna lock the teacher out." If there's an override for staff and emergency personnel, it'll soon turn into an override for everyone.
As they say, "where there's a will, there's a way."


Mental health always seems to be the issue. That should be what’s adressed!


As a builder of schools for 50 years I know it is relatively easy and inexpensive to harden a school. Decent locks, a little thicker steel in the door and bullet-proof glass on the perimeter. Great idea and with the residential the door will give out before the lock. With school doors you can get through without a key but it will take a power tool.
"We don't want our schools to look like prisons" ---- you mean like Chicago and New York has had for the last 50 years?
