Wound Healing

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Ninja Nerds!
In this lecture Professor Kristin Beach, MSN, BSN, RN will be presenting on Wound Healing. Previously, we discussed topics such as pressure injuries, wound staging, and the Braden Scale. We now have all the information we need in order to identify, describe and document pressure injuries and various stages of wounds. We will now learn the pathophysiology and primary stages that occur with wound healing. We conclude this lecture with the nasty types of wounds that aren't healing as expected and the barriers/complications that can cause these chronic wounds. We hope you enjoy this lecture and be sure to support us below!
Table of Contents:
0:00 Lab
0:07 Wound Healing Introduction
1:33 Wound Repair
5:48 Phases of Wound Healing
6:06 Stage 1: Hemostasis
7:17 Stage 2: Inflammatory
10:12 Stage 3: Proliferation
11:23 Stage 4: Maturation
12:24 Barriers to Wound Healing
17:05 Complication to Wound Healing
19:35 Comment, Like, SUBSCRIBE!
#ninjanerd #woundhealing #NCLEX
Ninja Nerds!
In this lecture Professor Kristin Beach, MSN, BSN, RN will be presenting on Wound Healing. Previously, we discussed topics such as pressure injuries, wound staging, and the Braden Scale. We now have all the information we need in order to identify, describe and document pressure injuries and various stages of wounds. We will now learn the pathophysiology and primary stages that occur with wound healing. We conclude this lecture with the nasty types of wounds that aren't healing as expected and the barriers/complications that can cause these chronic wounds. We hope you enjoy this lecture and be sure to support us below!
Table of Contents:
0:00 Lab
0:07 Wound Healing Introduction
1:33 Wound Repair
5:48 Phases of Wound Healing
6:06 Stage 1: Hemostasis
7:17 Stage 2: Inflammatory
10:12 Stage 3: Proliferation
11:23 Stage 4: Maturation
12:24 Barriers to Wound Healing
17:05 Complication to Wound Healing
19:35 Comment, Like, SUBSCRIBE!
#ninjanerd #woundhealing #NCLEX
Wound healing
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