How to boost your child's immune system in 5 steps

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Decrease illness duration and support your kids' long term health with Dr. Amy's top 5 tips for a balanced immune system. 
In this episode you will hear: 
• The top 3 areas to optimize for any area of health
• How the immune system is connected to the microbiome, sleep, stress
• The top 2 things to minimize for decreased inflammation
• Practical things you can start doing today for your child!

▶ Supplements mentioned*

▶ Listen to the Ask Doctor Amy podcast

▶👩🏻‍⚕️ A B O U T D O C T O R A M Y
Dr. Amy F. Conrad is a board certified pediatrician, a mom, and her mission is to help modern parents raise happy + healthy kids.

▶🔨V I D E O T O O L S & G E A R
This video is not sponsored, and is for entertainment purposes only - not medical advice and doesn't replace your own doctor's recommendations. Some of the links are affiliate links, which means we might receive a commission if you make a purchase.
*Links do not constitute medical advice or recommendation. Please check with your own pediatrician before giving any supplements or medications to children.
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In summary:
1. Optimize intake of nutrition (unprocessed local, whole food), hydration, sleep.
Can add vitmain C and echinacea as supplement.
2. Optimize microbiome, inclusing feeding good bacteria in gut (fruits and veggies, i.e. asparagus, leeks, banana, seaweed, garlic, onions, good fiber. Introduce slowly), slow starches (white rice is fast starch, slow like beans, oats, barley, lentils), fermented food (yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, good probiotics, can introduce slowly).
3. Cut off inflammation food, esp added sugar. Vegetable oil and seed oil could increase inflammation too
4. Nerve system and stress management: Give unstructured time to let relax and better mental health. Regulating adults for better nerve systems for kids.


Amazing podcust and I'm so glad I found your channel!

Another topic to discuss is how to keep our kids healthy in our society. Any social activities, gatherings come with unhealthy foods. It's every day struggle: at school, play dates, any meetings, play grounds etc.

While trying to keep my child healthy I don't want her to feel that she's alone in it. I don't have many like minded people around me. I definitely see that it works, my child is barely getting sick. But I don't want her to feel anxious and excluded in it.


Thank you so much for all the good information you're sharing with us Dr.Amy, My son is a very fussy eater and i'm trying to find additional good supplements.


Thank you so much for the great information doc i learn well
