Triglyceride/HDL Ratio - A Better CV Risk Predictor than LDL? (Part 2)

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I managed to drop this ratio from 1.6 or so down to 1.2. I made a dietary adjustment for the sake of dental presrevation and preventing micronutrient deficiency.

HDL increased from 44 two years ago to 64 now. TG from 72 to 79, so not a big change there. I've tried to limit my carbs but at the same time, winter is coming and I need a little insulation, so I've consumed a bit of carbs these past couple weeks before the blood test. I eat sardines, pasture-raised eggs, and some blackberries as frequently as possible, with the eggs and sardines almost every day. I throw in beans, red meat, vegetables, cheese, etc to round things out. Have drank only water and tea for about 3 months.

Also got COVID earlier this year and sardines really helped clear the brain fog.


80 years old. Tri/Hdl went from 1.96 to 1.14 in my first 6 months after easing into low(ish) carb, if, increasing strength and cardio, vitamin and mineral intake. I had been in the school of low fat, high carb and was starting to go downhill…unstable BP, prediabetic, 12 lbs overweight, etc. Now everything is improving. It’s like I am turning back the clock. Docs like Brewer, Berg, Fung, Berry and Eckberg have been, literally, lifesavers. My regular doctors have been worse than useless.


I am in late 50s. Post menopausal. Eat a whole food plant based vegan high carb, low fat diet. Ratio is 1.1. Normal blood glucose and a1c. An apple ( carbs ) are not the same as a candy bar ( carbs ) .


Dr. Brewer, the primary care medical provider is grateful for your work on caediovascular health with emphasis on prevention. Thank you!


48 year old male… TG/HDL ratio is 0.3… The optimal ratio for TG in Australia is 0.5 - 2.0, mine was 0.7… The optimal range for HDL is 0.5 - 2.0, mine was 2.1…. Good to know I’m in tip top shape as I go into the second half of my life… Love your channel Dr Brewer.


You are doing a great public service with videos like this. LCHF diet has saved me from becoming a diabetic and possibly many other ailments that used to be associated with aging or obesity: alzheimer, stroke, heart disease, arthritis, migraine, weaker muscles, poor vision, and more.


I was looking at some old blood tests. When I was 54 (in 2011) my ratio was 7.95. I exercised all the time. I was put on statins and over the years it did reduce to 1.95 eventually but I felt so horrible both physically and cognitively that I got off them. Also, I'm not convinced that drug-induced reduction in ratio is really helpful. If it's a "marker" as opposed to a cause, then statin-induced ratios may be misleading. Ratio went back up to 5.79 when I got off statins. Then I went on Low Carb diet (and I don't mean "40% of calories"; that's not low carb. I went to 10% or less.) Last measurement it was 2.65. I know I have more to go, and will continue with this lifestyle. I feel more confident in my health with a "diet/lifestyle" induced ratio than I would with the same ratio induced by drugs.


Excellent presentation and spot on, Doc. Much appreciated that you gave the ratios in both US and Euro formats. The mathematicians will be pondering why would a ratio be different when alternate measurement systems are used? This used to pose a serious problem in misinterpretations when readers would assume it would the same for the units they use when they could be wrong by 100%. Take a minute to solve the puzzle before seeing the answer 😃

In the US system Triglycerides are not measured in the same units as HDL while in the Euro system they are. How on earth did the Americans land a man on the moon 😄


My Tri/HDL ratio is 1.3. I did a Quest Cardio IQ test, my ApoB is 99 mg/dl. I have as well lp(a) at 104 nmol/L. Getting a CAC. My CIMT is good.


I just got my lipid panel back yesterday. I freaked out. My ldl has jumped 50 points in the last year! My triglycerides are awesome (54). My HDL is 87 and my LDL was 193. But My TG/LDL ratio is .66. And my other ratios are also considered excellent. But this still makes me really nervous as a 49 year old woman.


I had my blood tested a few days ago and my TG/HDL ratio came in at 0.73. very pleased with that. No statins or other prescription drugs. My diet is high-carb/low fat plant-based. I do avoid processed foods as much as possible and added sugar. Dr Brewer says low carb is the way to go but that is not my experience.


thank u doctor cos your explanation made me awake not to take statins for my elevated LDL, normal triglyceride and high Hdl, inspite my doctor advises that i should take madications.. god bless u more and i appreciate if u can give me more videos like this..


Thank you for sharing, this informative video! You are on-spot about the ethnicity: I am hispanic 50% white, 27% native american, 13% black and the other 10% a potpourri of middle eastern, jewish and others. So, no we should not have a different cut point by ethnicity; I am hispanic and I have not been eating the way i should all my life. Now that i am careful about my nutrition my Tryg to Hdl ratio went from 4.19 to 1.98, so we are not doing the other ethnicities a favor by adjusting the numbers!


I just had labs done and my triglycerides have come down and my HDL has gone up and my ratio is now 1.09. The doctor still wants me to take a statin. No thanks!


So even a low carb diet of 30% carbs can work ? bc my tryglicerides are 92
HDL 50
LDL 150


To achieve the desired TG/HDL ratio, I can: either increase HDL, or decrease TG, or do both. My guess is, the latter is the best option. But, if I only increase HDL while TG stays the same and it may be even above the norm, is it still good? I'm just concerned when ratios are used in diagnostics without considering the numerator and denominator on their own in terms of their impact on health.


My ratio went from 4.9 down to 2.2 in 6 months. Saturated fat raises HDL, no sugar, starch fructose etc. lowers triglycerides. Quit statins, quit bp meds


Been using this ratio for a couple years. 1.547 is where I’m at. Currently using a CGM to figure out trigger foods, because fat, sugar, and insulin are the major players as we all know. It’s a complex series of chemical reactions, but imo you can’t go wrong limiting processed foods, simple sugar foods, and eating Mediterranean. My next issue will be moderating red wine intake 😄😐


My triglycerides 68( from152) HDL 41.5( from 30) in  a year period, LDL 188( FROM 150), VLDL 13.5. Im just having hard time raising Hdl. On a low carb diet


Great video! I am a Type 1 Diabetic following a low carbohydrate diet, and my triglycerides to HDL ratio is less than 1 62 Triglycerides, 64 HDL, my HbA1c is 4.8%. My LDL is 197 and my endocrinologist wants me to take a statin. I refuse and told her to check my LDL particle size if I have a bunch of glycated or oxidized LDL sure, but otherwise no need. She was not happy with that idea and said I was in high risk for cardiovascular disease. Even the ADA now admits universally the highest risk of heart disease comes from elevated HbA1c starting as low as above 5.4%
