Satan in the Jewish Bible

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Now I'm really curious as to your dating of Job. I was led to believe it is the oldest book of the Bible, written around the time of Abraham.


Easy. God, through the prophet's, and Jesus, Himself, and through His disciples both told us the evil spirits/nephilim would take over if we did not pay attention and listen to them. Well we did not listen and, "as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the son of man". We have come full circle. The book of Enoch is the clearest understanding of how it was in the days of Noah. Only God through His son Jesus, and guided by the Holy Spirit can help us. Amen.


What's a Jewish bible? There's a Hebrew/Israelite bible, but none of the Prophets were Jews, and God's word was given to the 12 tribes of Israel, not Jews.

Jew is the word that's been inserted into our bible's where Judean should be, and the inhabitants of Judea only included 2 Israelite tribes, but also included Canaanites, Shelanites, and Idumeans (among others). So calling someone alive today a Judean/Jew means very little.


2 Peter 2:4 says every angel that has sinned is being held captive in “Tartarus”. There are no free roaming sinful angels.

Nowhere in scripture does it call satan a fallen angel.

And you had to add to 1 chronicles 21/2 Samuel 24 to tru and support your interpretation. As we know, the word satan itself is not necessarily bad. As when David was called a satan of the philistines.

I completely disagree with you here.


Satan is a title NOT a name, ...ALSO in Job Satan is a member of the Heavenly Council


Is he a fallen angel ? Or a entity between a angel and jinn or what jews call a shedim ?


The story of Job happened before Edom became a nation. Esau (Edom) twin brother of Jacob (Israel). Lamentations 4:21 tells us that Edom was living in the land of Uz. Not exactly sure when the book of Job was actually written.


Satan exists in part of the bible. But Jesus is the central focus for everything biblical. Can you imagine what would of happened if Jesus failed His mission. We would all be doomed and God would have lost all His respect from everyone.


Exactly what does that mean, "number Israel"? I am confused.


Can you give your understanding of 2 Corinthians 4:4 and who the “god” of this verse is referring to. God bless thank you 🙏


Satan is our inner bad desires/bad thoughts/Kali yuga


Satan's Mother is found in Revelation 17-19 of The Holy Bible - The Arch Angel Revelation - Satan would want this revealed


the serpent, the adversary, THE devil


Everyone is working hard for the devil all the time.


Hi, Dr. Brown! I know this has nothing to do with your video, but have you ever read the writings of disciples of the apostles? For instance, Saint Ignatius of Antioch (direct disciple of Saint John), Clement of Rome (direct disciple of Saint Peter), Saint Polycarp (also direct disciple of Saint John), Saint Cyprian of Cartage (martyr by the romans)? If not, I'd strongly recommend you to do so. If you do, please, take notice on how Catholic Doctrine is present on these writings (for instance the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the priesthood, the Papacy, the sacraments, etc). No surprise since Catholicism comes directly from the apostles. Unfortunately, many people professing to be Christians are profoundly poisoned by the errors of Luther and it's important to always remember that Christianity didn't start in XVI Century.

But why am I writing about that? Because Catholicism is filled with judaism. And I mean it. Since you are a converted Jew, I think you may be interested in knowing this. So, if you
haven't read the writings suggested above, please, consider doing so.

There is an ex-protestant converted to Catholicism named Brian Pitre. He has many interesting videos on YouTube about the Judaic origins of the Catholic Doctrine and Liturgy. Please, consider watching them. You'll be surprised on the Judaic roots of Catholicism. But, again, no surprise here, right? By the contrary, this fact is expected since Christ came from the jews and it should be a strong evidence in favor of the True Christianity. More educated people like yourself would consider this argument to distinguish between the True Church of Christ from the heretic ones.

Unfortunately, as you may have noticed, the Catholic Church is passing through hard times after the Vatican II Council (but all of this was previously warned in many profecies to Catholic Saints). So, in order for you to learn the True Catholic doctrine, I'd recommend you to learn it from the Fraternity of Saint Pius the X, aka FSSPX. They are restoring Catholicism to its pure form before this terrible Council.

God bless you.


God 'creates evil' by removing Himself and His protections from the workings of the enemy that He has warned about, much like a ship leaving an area causes turbulence.


1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:


meh i see this passage differently based on how i have read the scripture the he that is mentiond in 2 samuel 24:1 isn't capitalized and it does say he, not the Lord it's mentioned in close sucession in the verse so we ASSUME the he is referring to is God, but perhaps the he is just refering to the devil so is it not possible that when he thought of this idea he was operating outside of God's will and the devil got to interfear that way, also i'm pretty sure at the end of the book in chaper 38 going to the end God KINDA chews Jobe out for beoing prideful and if you look at the rest of the book of job through the light of those last few chapters you'll really start to notice it


Tell me name of Satan in Hebrew please? Is it al ail bin shikhar?


All giants before and after the flood were the children of fallen angels and they did the will of their father, Satan. That is why his name is used in the next verse, the one you referenced. How many of the names in the lat part of the previous chapter are giamts, children of fallen angels.
These were born unto the giant in Gath;
and they fell by the hand of David,
and by the hand of his servants.1Ch:21:1:
And Satan stood up against Israel,
and provoked David to number Israel.
When the Jews returned to Jerusalem they were not healed or none of Matthew:23 could have been written. The NT clarifies what was going on that caused Noah's flood.
And there appeared another wonder in heaven;
and behold a great red dragon,
having seven heads and ten horns,
and seven crowns upon his heads.
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,
and did cast them to the earth:
and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
Satan was the trickster that caused the fall of man. The attempt to kill all 5 fingered people is what that verse is referencing. God stopped the attempt with the flood. Noah and his wife and 3 sons were the last 5 fingered people alive when the flood came. The wives of the sons were 6 fingered women and that is how giants made a comeback. God left them alive because if they had died there would have been a change in the Law. Angels have always been under the Re:21 law and that is what God used to determine the world was in sin. When the last giant died in the exodus wars the Law did change, the 10 commandments became the law during the time it (will) take to complete the two bruises from Ge:3:15. Jesus was the 'seed of Eve' and the cross was the completion of the bruise to the heel. Re:16 is the 7 vials and that is when the bruise to Satan's head happens. Once that is done the 1, 000 year reign starts with Christ once again acting as the High Priest, same as He was from Adam until Moses.You missed that part. The OT was brought back to perfect condition by Daniel and his 3 friends with the help of visiting angels so the OT is back to being as perfect as it was when first given. The NT was always written down so it remains as perfect as when it was first written.
