How to Synchronize by Timecode for Free in Premiere Pro

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Well… working with multiple cameras and premiere pro? You have a timecode? Awesome. Then it's time to sync everything up and create those synchronized timelines or multi-cam sequences! That's easy — if you have metadata timecode! But what if you have Audio Timecode from Timecode Generators like the Tentacle Sync E!?

Well, then you'll need a workaround for now, but it's free and can be easily done in a minute or so with DaVinci Resolve.

And I hope this video helps you in the process to make life a bit more synchronized!

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🎧 Chapters / Show Notes:

00:00 Intro
00:37 Premiere Pro is Lacking Audio Timecode Reading
01:52 Syncing files that have Timecode Meta-Data
03:37 How to Put Clips from the same Camera on one Track
07:19 How to Sync Audio Timecode Media Files for Free
08:05 Syncing Audio Timecode in DaVinci Resolve for Free
09:57 How to Export Multi-Cam Sequence from DaVinci Resolve to Premiere Pro through XML
12:07 UserVoices - Vote for Audio Timecode Sync in PP
12:33 Transcoding Media with Timecode from DaVinci Resolve
13:54 Outro

#TimeCodeSyncronization #TentacleSync #PremierePro #Tutorial

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man you just saved me so so much work and a big headache. 2 years later and still no audio timecode support in Premiere.... Adobe, get it together


THANK YOU much for the camera label part of the video. I was having troubles with it only importing 1 single clip and not showing the others, With labeling all clips as A and the Audio as X now they all come up! You're a life saver!


Really appreciate the part about the labels. That saved me a ton of time. If you have multiple clips from one camera that jump in and out of a timeline, you MUST label the clips, otherwise every clip will be placed on its own track, which is a headache. Again, thank you!


Great video - can you clarify: are you saying you have iPhone footage with timecode metadata written in? Is that from a particular video camera app for the iPhone, or done in conjunction with a Bluetooth timecode device? Thanks!


Fantastic, thank you for this. I just bought the new Deity TC-1 boxes and it doesn't come with an app like to be able to do this without having to buy the Tentacle app is great! I voted up the Premiere feature request...hopefully they're listening.


great explanation - very clear. thanks


Thank you, very helpfull! Is there a way to delete the "space in beetween clips" in the timeline. Basically the gaps that are not covered by audio, or I have to do that manually? Beacuse I've a lot of hours of audio with on top smaller coverage of videos here and there...


Thank you very much, this topic really sucks to search for and in fact, I only found it after searching for davinci and than finding about the premiere guide. The big problem is, that Premiere has a feature, that should to this, which just doesn't work. So every search result lists either Adobe's solution (which doesn't work), or the old way of syncing based on audio tracks... This really helps me out!


Thank you very much, it is just what I was trying to do !!!


Same today-we have to go to Da Vinci Resolve to get the timecode sync for files with audio timecode?


Chris - thank you for this tutorial. Question...when importing clips with LTC on an audio channel into Davinci, should I use the original files or the proxies I created to make editing 4K footage on an older Macbook easier? Naturally, if I could transcode the proxies and they still attach to the full resolution files when re-imported back into Premiere...that would be ideal. Thanks!


Hi Chris
I shoot a wedding with 2 cameras. My camera 1 (camcorder) captured the entire weeding with 7 clips and my camera 2 (DSLR) only took a few short clips (17 clips). I first tried to align/sync all clips in my timeline, but that wasn't possible because alignment is only possible with one clip per track. Then I tried to sync all my clips with Multicam. It doesn't sync my clips serially either. It synced with some strange seriel. In my case, is there an effective solution in DR to synchronize all clips serially?
Please help me 🙏


i have a question, will this save the settings for another project? for instance, if I start a new project, do I have to do this process over again?


is there a way to place files on order by when they were shot . like lets say I record a 10 second clip and then 5 seconds later I record another 10 second clip, when I place them on the timeline I would like to have that 5 second gap on the timeline not the clips sidebyside


OMG Too late to see your video solution now! 5 years ago, my team thought the timecode generator failed and then they lip-synced all video manually without camera audio but only timecode audio noise on camera for many weeks 😂😂😂


For some reason it puts each clip in a different video track. Is it because Each clip is in its own folder?


there is a beebing sound recorded in the audio when using timecode in canon, is there a way to remove that beebing sound?


how many of these devices do need for multiple cameras? for example, I've got 3 or 4 or even 5 cameras on and event for taking video how many of these in needed? I don't know my question was wrong or not!


What does this Tentacle Timecode tool do? I've been trying to find ANY type of documentation to see if this would fix the problem of loading the footage into Premiere Pro.
