How to Synchronize by Timecode for Free in Premiere Pro

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Well… working with multiple cameras and premiere pro? You have a timecode? Awesome. Then it's time to sync everything up and create those synchronized timelines or multi-cam sequences! That's easy — if you have metadata timecode! But what if you have Audio Timecode from Timecode Generators like the Tentacle Sync E!?
Well, then you'll need a workaround for now, but it's free and can be easily done in a minute or so with DaVinci Resolve.
And I hope this video helps you in the process to make life a bit more synchronized!
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🎧 Chapters / Show Notes:
00:00 Intro
00:37 Premiere Pro is Lacking Audio Timecode Reading
01:52 Syncing files that have Timecode Meta-Data
03:37 How to Put Clips from the same Camera on one Track
07:19 How to Sync Audio Timecode Media Files for Free
08:05 Syncing Audio Timecode in DaVinci Resolve for Free
09:57 How to Export Multi-Cam Sequence from DaVinci Resolve to Premiere Pro through XML
12:07 UserVoices - Vote for Audio Timecode Sync in PP
12:33 Transcoding Media with Timecode from DaVinci Resolve
13:54 Outro
#TimeCodeSyncronization #TentacleSync #PremierePro #Tutorial