EASY TENTACLE SYNC E Timecode Masterclass for DaVinci Resolve!

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Discover how you can instantly sync your footage using linear timecode that is recorded to the audio track of any camera that has a microphone input with a Tentacle Sync E and then edit in Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve 17 multi-cam and Sync Bin for your next video project! LTC timecode doesn’t have to be out of reach for indie filmmakers and DaVinci Resolve 17.3 makes it super simple with being able to convert audio timecode to metadata timecode with a simple right-click of the mouse.

We also go deep in this tutorial on how to work with multi-channel adaptive audio tracks in multi-cam. There is a trick to getting access to all of your channels and it isn’t super obvious, but you will have a solid grasp on all the techniques with this masterclass covering Tentacle Sync E with DaVinci Resolve 17.

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00:00 - How to Sync Faster in DaVinci Resolve
01:07 - Jam Synced Timecode Defined
01:46 - When to use Timecode?
03:15 - Tentacle Sync E Setup
06:03 - DaVinci Resolve Tutorial
06:44 - Assign Camera Number Metadata
07:26 - Show Timecode Window
08:28 - Update Timecode from Audio Track
09:03 - Multicam Sync Map
09:52 - Fix Multicam Adaptive Tracks
11:55 - Flatten Multicam Clip
12:55 - Edit Adaptive Tracks Individually
14:46 - Editing Multicam
15:18 - Sync the Dailies
16:20 - Sync Bin Editing

Recommended Playlist - DaVinci Resolve Tutorials

#CreativeVideoTips #DaVinciResolve #TentacleSync
Рекомендации по теме

00:00 - How to Sync Faster in DaVinci Resolve
01:07 - Jam Synced Timecode Defined
01:46 - When to use Timecode?
03:15 - Tentacle Sync E Setup
06:03 - DaVinci Resolve Tutorial
06:44 - Assign Camera Number Metadata
07:26 - Show Timecode Window
08:28 - Update Timecode from Audio Track
09:03 - Multicam Sync Map
09:52 - Fix Multicam Adaptive Tracks
11:55 - Flatten Multicam Clip
12:55 - Edit Adaptive Tracks Individually
14:46 - Editing Multicam
15:18 - Sync the Dailies
16:20 - Sync Bin Editing


Been in the videography and marketing scene for roughly 23 years. This is the most clear, detailed, and simple video I have seen about the topic. Zero "Bro" and 100% informative.

Thank you.


Chadwick, you've given us another amazingly useful tutorial! I will need to view this video a couple more times, but you've shared some very important tips regarding "jam synch", but just as important-- how DaVinci Resolve nests the audio in Multi-cam mode. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


DUDE! DUDE! DUDE! I am screaming all the way from TN. You are the MAN- Your experience is Over The Top. Thank You for sharing.


Thank you for breaking this down so perfectly. I'm a director trying to finish a commercial and you just launched me into being able to finish it :). Cheers.


Chadwick, I love this video... I've watched it half a dozen times and keeping getting more out of it everytime. Your generosity of knowledge is greatly appreciated. I hope the move to NYC has gone smoothly. Thanks once again for helping make me a better video editor.


After researching all the related muticam issues in terms of the audio track in Davinci Resolve in days, including Blackmagic forums, I finally found the solution here! Especially at 12'56"! I love you ! THANKS! Your other tutorials are great as well!


I knew this once (well, not some things), but it's so great to see it again as I had forgotten most of it. Thank you for the refresher, you gem of a person! :D


Excellent video, very clearly explained. Timecode is something I have held off using for a while, but I can see where it really saves time. Thank you.


Your info on unlinking tracks from an external audio recorder is fantastic. I've been wrestling with that for a while. Thanks for sharing that solution.


This is such a great video! Thank you for publishing the best video on timecode syncing in Davinci with multicam setups! You've saved me so many hours! Also love the extra tidbit on selecting 1 and 2 for the different camera setups. I used to cut out the clip using the razor tool and drag it to a new timeline then find the sound. This is a transformative video for me! Thank you doesn't seem enough.


You just saved me countless hours with multicam. Thank you!


Such a great explanation - plus, your production value is great. Thanks for doing this!


Good stuff man! Happy to see someone go in depth with this!


Thanks for this video. Looking because I have just got a MixPre 6 and have a Tentacle Sync E set arriving tomorrow. This answers all my questions and helps so much. It explains everything I needed to know. Once I got bit by some bad audio tracks - I am sold on having the MixPre record everything.


Chadwick, I've been watching your videos for several months now. Turn 70 next March and am just starting my Tuber gig. Named the channel Boomer Bloc. Keep em coming, bubba.


Chadwick again bringing us all the best tips and lessons! Highly appreciated!


This is the best time code video on the planet! Thank you 😀


6:13 you mention the mix pre 3. How did you handle the timecode setup there? You forgot to mention that. Is it having a LTC track or do you use the HDMI input in any way? Apart from that, a huge thanks for being so generous to share this with the community. It is a brilliant way to show how much more productive we can be in da Vinci than we already are. You rock!


wow So much I didn't know about Davinci I just learned in 20 Mins. Since I have a couple Z9's and a Z6ii with Atomos Ninja im going with the Atomos Ultra Sync Blues for Timecode. Im very new to this category and actually only been shooting Video for about a year (Primarily a Photographer) but you broke down many questions I had about Timecode very easy. Thanks!!
