Orthodoxy is a Process of Self-Revelation #orthodoxy

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The fact that St. Paul, one of the most Holy men to ever walk the earth, sincerely felt he was the worst of makes me realize how much I lack humilty.


Orthodoxy is so humble. Also many Protestants don’t want to even admit they sin, like being saved makes you perfect or something.


It's funny, I was reading about ancient Christianity for a couple years. Started to feel I didn't belong in my Protestant church.

Now, because of men like Father Josiah and Father Peter, I am in my beginning stages of becoming Orthodox. I started to just 'know' I was missing out on so much in the "thin Christian traditions".

August Edit: My household has been baptised into the Orthodox Faith. 😀


I only recently discovered orthodoxy, but the more I learn about it, the more it aligns with spirituality as I know it to be. I consider it to be the most valid spiritual path in Christianity.


Saint Paul is my favorite saint. Romans seven. I can't stop Sinning and I don't know why I keep doing what I know I shouldn't do. What I know I should do I can't do at all. That pretty much sums up the struggle with sin.


You are right. The decision to follow Christ is simply the first step in the right direction, not the end of the discussion. Newly discovering orthodoxy...raised southern Baptist. Very interesting.


O Holy Apostle Paul, pray for us sinners!!


Essentially this parallels with Socrates.

"The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing."

Socrates was a man that sought knowledge, so his self revelation had to do with the mind.

Paul was religious so his self revelation was about his spiritual condition.

Humility is born of wisdom and experience.


Orthodoxy is the one true church of christ. Love all Christians but Orthodoxy is the true way to christ. I was baptized catholic, I fell far away from God, I went to every denomination to find God. I only felt him within the orthodox church. It called to me like a booming voice carrying through the hills and over mountians. It's the true way to the truth and the light of Jesus christ.


Fasting & Prayer. Confession & Humility. ❤


Σας ευχαριστούμε παρα πολύ. 🙂
Χαίρομαι ιδιαίτερα να ακούω φωτισμένα λόγια για τον πανάγαθο Ιησού Χριστό.
Να είσαι ευλογημένος πατέρα. Ο Θεος μαζί σας!
Είμαστε παρα πολύ τυχεροί που είμαστε Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί!
Ειρήνη κι ευλογία σ όλον τον κόσμο.
Ευλογημένα Χριστούγεννα σε όλους σας!🎄
Σ αγαπώ Παντοδύναμε.❤⚜🙏🏼🎆👨‍👩‍👧‍👦✨


God bless you all my siblings in Christ ☦️


Elder Ephraim of Arizona said to someone I know to say to themselves "I make mistakes. I make more mistakes than anyone else. I am worse than everyone else". It has progression & hits those who struggle with perfection where it hurts, in a good way, to humble us. Some saints had their own little song of self-criticism e.g. St Siluan, Abba Pimon which helped their souls to hear the truth of our condition & feel humbled. But this hits our ego hard sometimes & we should beware of it's potency using it only like salt especially in the beginning.


Raised Pentacostal and am trying to decide which Catholicism to go to. And I must say this is exactly what my experience has been as I've deepened my faith in Him. I constantly discover new ways I'm falling short of His grace and things I need to change or improve. And it's really cool that you mention Paul because he, outside of God of course, is easily my favorite figure not just in the Bible but in history. A man so filled with hatred and contempt being transformed by God to be the man who most of our modern understandings of true love come from his writings. He's been such an inspiration for me in my constant journey with God.


This is why I love the Jesus prayer, it's both an expression of Christ's mercy and a recognition that you're a sinner in desperate need of that mercy.


I thank God for you Fr. Josiah, thank you for seeking Christ with as much of your heart, mind & strength as God's grace allows. I love Protestants and want to see my family & friends walking the royal path as only the Orthodox faith instructs. You are a gift from God to the lost Christian, to the Christian that wants to be truly Christian. Glory to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Catholic here — and I love my Orthodox brothers!


This is THE ONLY CHRISTIANITY Christ created!


Even as a kid growing up as a Protestant, the whole “say the prayer once and your saved” thing seemed a little effortless to me. It’s a little frustrating to know that this is what’s being taught in a lot of churches, almost like they’re teaching that after you go through confirmation, your miraculous saved. Imo all this does is cause young Christians to slowly fall out of the faith… I’m watching this happen to my little brother right now. Im really praying for a reawakening in the Christian Orthodox faith in our youth, because I’m watching what “watered down” teachings are doing to our young ones


Ephesians 2: 8-9 “For it is by GRACE you are SAVED, through FAITH. NOT by works lest anyone should boast.
