How Rwanda is Becoming the Singapore of Africa

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Animation by Josh Sherrington
Thumbnail by Simon Buckmaster

Special thanks to Patreon supporters Alec M Watson, Andrew J Thom, Arkadiy Kulev, Chris Allen, Chris Barker, Connor J Smith, Daddy Donald, Etienne Dechamps, Eyal Matsliah, Hank Green, Harrison Wiener, James Hughes, James McIntosh, John & Becki Johnston, Keith Bopp, Kelly J Knight, Ken Lee, Kyle, KyQuan Phong, Manoj Kasyap Govindaraju, MyNameIsKir, Plinio Correa, Qui Le, Sheldon Zhao, Simen Nerleir, and Tim Robinson

Select footage courtesy the AP Archive

Rwanda Umuganda photo courtesy Rwanda Environment Management Agency

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Normally the sources go the description but there were too many this time to fit. 

One small note, at 11:14 it seems like some of the footage we used was mislabeled so these two clips are not actually of Rwanda. My apologies for that slip-up.

As a policy, if there's anything more that I feel needs correcting or clarifying I'll update this top comment to include it.


I hope Africa turns into a place where Africans can live in peace.


It is so heart warming to see comments from people all around the world who wish great things for Africa.


Dear citizens of Rwanda, keep at it! You guys are doing great!
Cheers from Singapore.


There's a HUGE aspect that you missed in this video: abandoning French. France has always been in the way of African development, and has weaponised the French language to enforce its interests. By no longer using French and switching to English, Rwanda was able to integrate into the global economy, which paved the way for its later successes.


May Rwanda have abundant success ! wishes from Singapore.


This country literally went through a genocide and now is the safest country in Africa

Edit: I didn't mean by the "safest" country in Africa, just almost the safest


Rwanda's also the place where they manufacture Africa's first smartphone: Mara Phones and they also manufacture motorcycles. This is what I hope the future will be in Africa, instead of just being a source of raw materials for Europe, America and China, they'll do their own manufacturing and trade with each other, similar to the EU. I really hope that Rwanda and other African nations can achieve their goal of reaching wealth and prosperity.


I'm from Kazakhstan and I love traveling. I love Africa. Been to Egypt, Tunis, Morocco, Senegal and Rwanda is one of my dream destinations for the future. 
What I know about Rwanda now:
- the sad historic events at 1994.
- it is one of the cleanest and safest African countries.
- the nature in Rwanda is breathtaking. 
- Rwanda has the best coffee and masala tea.😀

I wish all the Rwandans bright future.
Peace, huge prosperity and strong developments to this beautiful land.
I believe we meet someday. Very soon.
Love from Kazakhstan.🇰🇿


I bet Rwanda’s president used Skillshare to do all this


Huh he's not mentioning anything about planes anymore...

"One of Singapore's largest companies is Singapore Airlines..."

Oh there it is.


I am from Germany, went to Rwanda in 2014 and was impressed about the countries development. The airport is modern even with smart gates at that time, passport control on open desks. It was so clean in Kigali and at the supermarket I did not get a plastic bag!!! To open a business you need one afternoon in the municipality. Many countries all over the world are not that far. The people have been polite and so friendly. I am sure Africa will raise above other continents within the next decades, the key is stability and education. Keep it up!


I wish Rwanda, and all African nations great success in our generation. Too long have they been oppressed by effects of colonialism, war, poverty, disease and corruption.


I'm from Kenya East Africa and we Kenyans love Rwanda. They are setting a good example for us. Viva Rwanda


Rwanda has implemented some of the largest habitat restoration programs in the world, they have learned how to properly manage their forests and waterways, which has helped the economy and brought electricity to cities.


I really really want the African countries to rise.


I’m from Colorado, USA. I’m white as it gets and of German ancestry. I just wanted to say even I am rooting for Africa and I shed a tear for Rwanda! I’m so proud of them! They literally beat the odds. How many countries that have a civil war can put that aside and move foreword. Not even the USA could do that… and Rwanda had the worst genocide I can think of and over came it….. crazy. Crazy. SO PROUD OF YOU ALL!!!


Community cleaning at last Saturday of each month is freaking genius!


Unfortunately it lacks 1 very important thing that Singapore has though: Ocean access for container shipping.

Edit: typos "lacks", "container"


This happened in Korea as well. It's hard to turn a third world country into a first-world country without control.
