Yoko Kanno feat. Origa & Ben Del Maestro - Inner universe (lyrics)(crystalized)[HD][FX]

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It's 2024 and this song still pops up in my feed!!


_There's something oddly beautiful yet sad about someone who has died, but left there voice behind. No longer a ghost in a shell, but a ghost without a shell._


I am 35, professional musician from Moscow. I've just read she died almost a year ago. When i was 22, this song meant much to me, it seriously did. I am 35 and i am crying listening to this right now. This is horrible when you are old enough that those who inspired you when you were young are dying. Fuck this, growing up is also watching things you love passing away. Rest in piece, Olga.


As long as our technology lasts so will Origa's voice. A ghost in our shell.


The first time I heard this song, I was napping on my bed with the TV on. It penetrated my dreams and woke me up. I stared the TV down until the song was over. I soon downloaded the song, and was hypnotized. I listened to it for 2 weeks every moment I didn't need my ears for my life responsibilities. At the time, I thought the song was more beautiful than my entire life, and I focused hard on becoming a person who's life had as much meaning as some random anime song. For over 15 years, this has been my favorite songs. It pulses at the beat of my heart, and vibrates in tune with my soul. I believe this song has the power to change a person's destiny, and whenever I make a major life decision, I do so with this playing in the background. Thank you for uploading.





Angels and demons were circling above me
Swishing through the thorns and galaxies.
Only the one doesn't know happiness,
Who couldn't understand its call…

Watch in awe, watch in awe
Heavenly glory, heavenly glory
Watch in awe, watch in awe
Heavenly glory, heavenly glory

I am calling, calling now
Spirits rise and falling
To stay myself longer…
Calling, calling, in the depth of longing
To stay myself longer…

Watch in awe, watch in awe
Heavenly glory, heavenly glory

Stand alone… 
Where was life when it had a meaning…
Stand alone… 
Nothing's real anymore and…

Endless run…
While I'm alive, I can try not to fall while flying
To learn how to dream… to love…
Endless run…

Calling, calling, for the place of knowing
There's more than what can be linked
Calling, calling now, never will I look away
For what life has left for me

Yearning, yearning, for what's left of loving
To stay myself longer…
Calling, calling now, spirits rise and falling…
To stay myself longer…
Calling, calling, in the depth of longing…
To stay myself longer…

Watch in awe, watch in awe
Heavenly glory, heavenly glory
Watch in awe, watch in awe
Heavenly glory, heavenly glory


Oh my god, I did not know Origa died.

As a writer of science fiction, I listen to this song regularly while writing my stories. To say she was a Muse to me is a complete understatement.

Godspeed, Origa. You will always inspire me. R.I.P.


Still the greatest theme song for an anime show ever....Inner Universe is just beyond epic. So sad she is gone (RIP)


At first, I didn't hear the difference either, but then I changed the quality to 720p and put my speakers to the best clarity, and suddenly I COULD HEAR EVERYTHING.
It's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. The things I thought are subtle are not subtle at all.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cry over this amazing masterpiece.


I'll miss Origa.  Keep her loved ones in your prayers.


This song is such a rarity. It's composition rivals some of the greats from the Baroque period. The lyrics speak of great joys and simultaneously unspeakable tragedies. Origa's voice conveyed everything in an otherworldly way. Most importantly of all, it speaks to my heart. I pray for her family, and for blessings and love on everyone who put this music together.


You know -i've listening this beautiful song since its release..i was a school student ..everyday i rushed to cybercafe open youtube searched then play this song nonstop until i left!aah those days ...those days was like few moments ago!im not crying its my heart thats longing for those moments i left behind!this song means to me very much...Thanks yuko kano & Origa for making such a beautiful heart touching song!Always love u GiG & Origa 💙💙💙
Ohh i forgot to say i love u all ppl whovr comments frm 10yrs ago & in future


This song is so enchanting! Heavenly and inspirational lie raging against the dying light. God bless you Origa for adding this beauty to our world. We are blessed to have had you here with us.


What is it about this that can strike base with me so strongly that it can conjour up such strong emotions when I can't even understand a single word she is saying? Such a beautiful song. You don't even need to understand the spoken words to understand the song.


This song is more than just catchy; it's right up there on the top of all OST's, including Lithium Flower.
R.I.P. Olga, may your voice haunt us and inspire us...


Origa has passed away- I've just read the news on this thread.
I feel so sad, this song inspired me a lot and still does. It's power and beauty in a unique combination.
God bless you Origa, you'll live forever in the heart of your fans, thank you for the beauty of your voice and art.


Origa's been a big influence on my radio show material and personal artwork. One thing's definite - she will never be forgotten thanks to beautiful works like these.


Aeria Gloris was taken when I wanted the name, but hey, I like the translation too. No feelings lost in the transition. I can't believe I'm still addicted to this song. Already 12 years have passed, but every time I hear it, it still feels heartbreakingly new. I miss this woman. I can get lost in her inner universe any day.


One of the songs that came to shape the golden years of my childhood. Thank you Kanno and Origa
