How to unlock the spiritual realm and gifts!(It's simple)

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Matthew 6:33 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Mark 4:19 19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.
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YOU are a beautiful soul. YOU have a GREAT reward waiting for you. You are a child of God. The Most High God of Isreal.


Its like i am looking through Jesus' eyes at seeing how proud He is of you. Hes shouting from the rooftop 'Thats my son' so cool God Bless U


When I spoke in tongues I just asked God to open my eyes and I seek his face and I call upon his name multiple times then the spirit flowed out of my mouth. And a day ago somebody spoke in tongues for the first time on the call that was on glory be to God


Amen Brother, Jesus is the ONLY WAY to the Gifts of the Spirit. God has great plans for you!


Let God bless you, because without dedicated ads - we still get ads. With dedicated ads we get more but your video goes to more new people.


Im 18, stubborn street kid. You are who i aspire to be. Thank You my brother for sharing your knowledge with us. Jesus must be proud of having a son like you who walks in his footsteps. Bless You my Brother!


Hallelujah! This is true.i found myself in this place. And this is just a confirmation. Just keep on seeking Jesus, and telling the Gospel. Amen.


Matthew 7:13-14 King James Version (KJV)
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
I want to encourage everyone to walk the straight path and as we go through life not knowing what will come tomorrow but to live for Jesus in everything we do today. When the times of trial come, hold on to the Lord and when times of joy come, rejoice in the Lord give thanks to God for all things. I will be praying for all that I can! - C.J.


Thanks bro... you just saved me years of seeking.


Brother thank you, and so many Angels in this video, they are all around you.
God bless you brother.


It's awesome to see the young wise in the Lord. Loved this❤


I'm recovering from a very bad stroke (5 years). I would love prayer for healing. Can't wait to meet you my brother!!


I have a prayer request please. I pray for my my family to be happy together serving the Lord & for my 13 ur old son. For his heart to be soften and wanna seek Jesus. I pray for all Gods Children's eyes to be open to the Glory, the Power & the Love of Jesus Christ for all of us. God Bless Everyone! And God Bless this channel for sharing Gods Love with us. This is this 1 video i watch in the morning & Joesph Prince's preaching on youtube. Great wau to start the day. Thank u and God Bless


Our new life begins at the revelation of the cross.. what he has done what jesus has accomplished, what had been fulfilled.It is finished and now we declare jesus Christ our lord and savior he sits at the right hand side of the throne watching as we demonstrate our obedience and allegiance to our creator our savior and our councillor .. we are not alone..Thankyou jesus


“What’s in the abundance of the heart comes out the mouth “ Had to rewind and hear that again💯🙌🏽


You just talked to my spirit tonight🙏🙏.


Great video brother. Please pray for me


Please pray for me and my children to move to our new home in Orlando fl and for a legitimate high paying work from home job asap


How did I not find your channel earlier! Thanks for this... it has really opened up my eyes. I thank God for leading me here. Blessings. 🙏🏽


You have the Hand of God on you. I got in my heart to tell you that God is well pleased with you, that the enemy is zooming in on you, but you have to push into JesusChrist, you have to walk in the Spirit every day, you are doing Gods will and that annoys the enemy. God wants you to keep your eyes just on Him, walk in the precious gift that is His Blood. God loves you so immensely, you have no idea how much God loves you, your human mind can't even start to fathom the love God has for you. Be blessed in abundance, you are very very special.
