Hear Sandra talk about waking up at the hospital after a total laryngectomy

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"When I woke up after the operation, it was of course very, very hard not to be able to talk about how you feel. I was quite worried that I would be in pain afterwards, but it was not as bad as I had thought. " Hear Sandra, sharing her expereince of waking up at the hospital after having had a total laryngectomy.

#laryngectomy #totallaryngectomy #cancer #laryngeal #larynx #voice


When I woke up after the operation, it was of course very, very hard not to be able to talk about how you feel. I was quite worried that I would be in pain afterwards, but it was not as bad as I had thought. I started taking care of my stoma very quickly on my own. Tried to teach me that to get into the routine so that I would be prepared when I got home later. Of course, it was uncomfortable at first. It was sore, it was tender and such. But just starting early I think is important
and helps one. Then you can have the care staff next to you when you do it so that you feel safe. After two weeks in the hospital, it was time for me to go home. Since I had taken care of myself in the hospital for quite some time, I felt ready. And I felt I had received the information I needed. I knew how to use, take care of my self-care. Then of course it was a security to be in the hospital even if it is most comfortable to be at home, but a security to have the staff close at hand in case something should happen. But I still felt ready to come home and I thought it was very very nice. Get to come home and sleep in their own bed. And get to come back to their own lives
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Is a relief that someone with a laryngectomy is able ton still talk. My father is about to get hes tomorrow 11/22/2023. Hes been soo depressed knowing hes going to sound like a robot and is really hard seen your father giving up.


I have just had a Laryngectomy and want to be able to sing, Veterans Cancer Support


Du låter fantastisk! Njut av resten av ditt liv


Did she have throat cancer and how old is she?


Can anyone speak like this who gas gone total laryngectomy?
