Did Chat GPT Just Disprove Christianity?

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Good God, they're trying to give ChatGPT authority.


“let’s use a non sentient being to disprove Christianity”


First it was “cats don’t walk on the Quran!” to “Cows enjoy Islamic music!” to “A non-living robot says Islam is true!”


Without lies lsIam dies.
Year of lies : 1446 (529 000 days) and counting everyday.


I don't understand why people are so desperate to grasp for staws at this point. It's like they want Christianity to be false.


Asked this question to chat gpt and it said Jesus was God


Considering it's only been a couple of months since the "how many Rs in strawberry" why would anyone think AI would be factually correct about something with actual nuance


I mean I haven’t seen anyone use ChatGPT to disprove God so points for originality


It's over christian bros😔✊️
It's done let's pack our bags and get out of here and go somewhere idk


We have accidentally reached the point where people unironically think that computers are all-knowing, even though they were made by humans with all of their knowledge inserted into them by humans. Genius.


I did not know that was possible until now, I just had pretty normal and chill chats with ChatGPT about Christianity.


ChatGPT can't even count how many times "r" appears in "strawberry."


AP has done a great job debunking the false idea that ChatGPT is natively a Muslim.


the Samaritan woman at the well... what did he say in that conversation


Taqiyya is the action of speaking falsehoods or denying doctrines in order to benefit Islam.


He did say, many many are, will be clueless


Chatgpt simply doesn't just say "no" for anything. You have to prompt it to give you an extremely short answer. And even then, it might ignore your request and say alot more.


Chatgpt is a large language model. I'm not from tech but even I know that it's trained on lots of data sets (text) to yield an output (text) based on patterns that it learned during training.

It's used a lot at the company where I work. Many have reported that it reads browser history and often copies text from open browser sessions. It stores previous chats, questions etc It's an AI echo chamber of sorts. No one should take it seriously, no matter what their ideological position.


Imagine using ChatGPT for argumentation against Christianity. And imagine after using ChatGPT to not actually fact check if what the bot is saying is true


Not mentioning that He suggested it constantly if we actually go to look at the Bible...

He never directly stated to be God and to worship him because:
1) He is the embodiment of humbleness to the point of serving and loving no matter what people would do or say to him. He washed his disciples feet and, knowing who he really was, they were flabbergasted because how could God ever do this, lowering himself this much? Love, service and dedication in denying yourself for others. Example we are called to follow. If Jesus had boasted himself with his status he would have completely missed out in one of his main purposes: demonstrating the amount of love and care God has for us.
2) He maintained his revelations in implicit statements and parables so that whoever truly seeked to know him would understand him while close-hearted people that never put the effort to actually try to see what he was claiming and the reasons and evidences behind it would just ignore him and find excuses in the superficial approach they had in judging him. To those that accepted the first signs of truth, they were gifted with others; while those that chose to reject it in their heart were respected in their choice and never recieved anymore.

Clarified this, Jesus stated his divinity multiple times in stating his onness with the Father in John 17 all throughout the chapter and John 10:30 as main examples. Not to mention John 8:58 "Before Abraham was I AM" that is a direct association with the Father as it is referncing Exodus 3:14 where God tells Moses to say to the Israelites that I AM has sent him thus using it as a personal name. Also: The phrase translated “I am who I am” in Hebrew is ehyeh asher ehyeh. The word ehyeh is the first person common singular of the verb to be. It would be used in any number of normal situations: “I am watching the sheep, ” “I am walking on the road, ” or “I am his father.” However, when used as a stand-alone description, I AM is the ultimate statement of self-sufficiency, self-existence, and immediate presence. God’s existence is not contingent upon anyone else. His plans are not contingent upon any circumstances. He promises that He will be what He will be; that is, He will be the eternally constant God. He stands, ever-present and unchangeable, completely sufficient in Himself to do what He wills to do and to accomplish what He wills to accomplish. The words are capitalized in the Bible so this means it is referencing to a personal name for God just like the word LORD. To give other evidence and reference: John 14:8-9 "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father" Not to mention how Jesus's actions were the first demonstration of his divinity. His miracles performed in his own authority differenciating himself from other prophets, for example, Elijah performed very similar miracles as Jesus like: resurrecting a Child that though has happened by intensively praying to God that the soul of the child would return in his body (1Kings 17:17-24) and surviving 40 days and 40 nights in the desert though because of having ate food from the angels of God (1Kings 19:5-18). Jesus commanded in his own authority the resurrection of Lazarus and the control of the forces of nature as well as his surviving in the desert by his own strenght. Though he recognizes that these things are possible thanks to his sharing the divine nature with the Father and tells it openly to demonstrate to the people he is actually from God as it is narrated in the Lazarus episode. Also the fact that he had the authority to forgive sins individually (the woman that touched his clothes, the servant of the pharisee and the paralityc man) which is something only God can do and his defeat of death, hell and corruption of the world. How could a normal human have the authority to defeat death and the forces of hell? As it is prophecized in the scriptures in Hosea 13:14; Isaiah 25:8 and Psalms 16:10 and 49:15? Also, he recieves worship multiple times from his disciples (Matthew 2:11; 14:33; 28:9, 17; Luke 24:52; John 9:38). And never corrects them even though it is written that only God should be worshipped (Revelations 19:10). Not even when Thomas said "My Lord and my God!" upon seeing resurrected Jesus (John 20:28). Lastly, he establishes a new covenant and adds/adapts commandments which is entirely of God's authority: the sermon on the mount further explains and widens the 10 commandments and he later goes to add a completely new one, to love one another just as he loved us first.
