We bought a STUDIOBRICKS...

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Table of Contents:
0:00 - Intro
0:29 - What is a StudioBricks
0:43 - Price
1:20 - Soundproofing Options
2:19 - Buying Experience
4:28 - Timeline
5:08 - Delivery
6:11 - Assembly
9:39 - Inside VO Edition
12:38 - Isolation Tests
13:57 - I Messed Up
14:46 - Final Thoughts

📱Let’s Chat:


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#studiobricks #voiceover #vocalbooth
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I received my StudioBricks One XXL in November 2022. It took me 48 minutes to haul it into the house from the curb. Although there are many videos on Youtube of one person putting a StudioBricks booth together, once you get to the size of the One XXL, it is a two person job. I hired a guy on Taskrabbit to help me put it together. Fortunately, the guy was podcasting from his closet and was just as anxious to put this beast together. It took 38 minutes from start to finish to get it fully assembled, some of the parts were downstairs because they were too heavy for me to carry upstairs by myself, so that took extra time. There is no question, the door is the most difficult piece. It is extremely heavy though beautifully crafted. The StudioBricks booth is amazing, I love it.


Man great video and work but I wish they would place the desk inside higher up.


I love that I can channel my inner Ace Ventura now


Really cool! Glad you had happy with it! The shelf doesn’t look hard to move, ideally you could get some squares of the treatment to replace the part underneath where the shelf brackets are. Or perhaps add another shelf and keep the lower level shelf! In any case super awesome. I only do VO recording every blue moon and have a pretty streamlined blanket fort setup (using my boom poles to construct a cube with sound blankets) but as a day to day thing I can imagine how tough it would be. Happy you are happy!


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I’m coming over to belt my face off.


Looking to get one of these, thanks for the great insight and breakdown. Very helpful. 😊


Great video, Randy. As a voice actor myself I'm exploring the booth purchase option now. I'd love to hear a 'real world' sound test. As in, sound of kid upstairs dropping toys about the booth, jet flying overhead. Not sure if that's possible but would be really cool if you could.


Subscribed to support the channel and you! Thanks for all your guidance on Voices!


This was such a great video! Very great really helpful so many of my questions were answered! Also I still have my AKG P 420 along with my other mics. It does sound so good!


That's a "Mika" mic arm from Yellowtec, it's the standard arm in the broadcast industry; OC White use to be the standard, I prefer them too. This is just "normal" for radio station, anything else would be cheaping out.


Great review! I want a vocal booth for privacy as well as avoiding sounds coming in from the outside, so it looks like this works wonders for both. Did you get the double wall or triple? Looks like the double wall works fine and there's only -3dB difference between double and triple. Also, you can't beat the look and quality!

I'm a synthpop artist/vocalist, so I'm trying to decide between this vocal booth or L.A. Vocal booth and a local custom builder. Looks like a double wall is gonna come dear no matter what.


Such a great review! Love the details! Forgive me if you mentioned this, but can you tell me what size this is? I definitely want the VO Edition, but is there a specific size? Thanks in advance!


I built myself a recording guitar box, spent 2500€ and it works great, used lots of rubber lead and that stuff is pretty heavy but it works very well on bass frequencies, glass wood, wood, polyurethane agglomerate and very dense pyramid for the inside acoustic. I'm doing final tests in these days but I already know I am around -35dB from 200hz to lowest frequencies, -45dB in the midrange and - 55 on high frequencies. Of course I didn't need a window or the air system, only a cabinet will be inside not the amp but I am pretty happy with the result.... of course it's a lot of work!


Are there advantages to an acoustically treated room with bigger bass traps, acoustic panelling, etc? How would Studiobricks compare to a properly treated room?


Great video! You mention having some height issues with the assembly. My ceiling is borderline acceptable according to SB. What was your ceiling height, and what would have been the minimum to have assembled it without problems? My ceiling height is exactly 90 inches.


Hi, in terms of sound isolation
with the Studio bricks Booth which is better to go with the glass door or the double wall door


Can anyone Tell me what it Sounds Like with an sm7db and with the cabine one plus, Like for singing. mostly loud singing, how well does it treat the hall


Howd the ventilation in there? Whisperrooms have super powerful fans, how does this hold up


how about space? there are enough space for a guitarrist?


Not throwing in a few voiceover examples of something being recorded in there is crazy lol
