The Most Mysterious Place On Earth? | Random Thursday

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The Bermuda Triangle has held our collective attention for decades. This area of the ocean is blamed for countless missing ships and planes, spawning theories as wide-ranging as time/space vortexes, methane bubbles, the City of Atlantis, and, of course, aliens.

But is there a rational explanation for all the weird phenomena reported in the Bermuda Triangle, or is it more of a pop culture phenomenon? Let's take a look.

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Lemmino did a great video about the Bermuda Triangle:

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You gotta love a guy who uses Scooby Doo as his historical source of information.


Sometimes i just want to see and hear something interesting fast, no matter what. Joe's channel provides just that.


"The entire world is the Bermuda Triangle" is a pretty good tagline for 2020.


When I was in the Navy I spent nearly two years in and around the triangle, I was on an oceanographic research ship that did detailed bottom mapping along with many other measurements, like gravity and magnetic, salinity & water temp / depth, and we used various navigation systems, inertial, LORAN, and pre-GPS NavSat.

The only oddity so to speak is like you said, they can get some bad storms and what makes them sort of odd is that you can go from glassy water and still air, to serious waves and wind in no time, less than an hour and with little or no warning. These storms generally blew by quickly also but if you were on a prop plane or small ship or poorly navigated ship it would be easy to see how they could go down and not leave a trace. As far as storms at sea I saw a lot worse in the North Pacific so even the storms were not unusual in magnitude but they did come up faster than in most places.

One of the reasons this has decreased I think is that there far better weather monitoring and reporting in the area, jets that can fly around and over the storms and ships getting a lot longer heads up to avoid them in the first place.


The thing I love most about this channel... Joe presents it calmly, without yelling, without talking at 297 mph. Yet, he still presents with solid facts, balanced with a touch of humor AND humility. Keep 'em coming, Joe!


I like how you don't laugh at such topics, but rather tell an interesting story supported by facts, while avoiding pseudo-science speculations.


Get this: I often share your videos with my 72 year old mom, and yesterday I sent her the one on cold fusion. Last night we started talking about it and what she remembers growing up. The conversation eventually digressed into other sci-fi technologies and aliens but concluded on the Bermuda Triangle of all things. I told her that I'd send her some videos on the topic today, and of course what is the first thing I see when logging into YouTube today? This video.
You should do one on strange coincidences, lol!


"You shouldn't put 8 year olds in charge of the military."

Now you tell us....


I was also obsessed with the Bermuda Triangle (and other topics from my worn copy of Atlas Of the Unexplained) in elementary school. Until I was in 7th grade, and my mom pointed out I’d already flown through it 8 times - four round trips - going to see my cousins in Puerto Rico from our home in New York City. That took all the fun out of it.


I've passed through the Bermuda Triangle many times while in the Navy. The only thing that every happen was riding out a tropical storm on an aircraft carrier. USS America CVA-66. (God Rest Her Soul). Now that's a memory I will never forget. We just headed into the 20-30 ft. waves at full steam ahead. The coolest thing was the rumble that would come down the main hallways and pass under your feet every time we cleared a wave. The main hallways were under the hanger bay. The big ship was like a tuning fork. Looked out one of the side doors at the back of the Carrier (Which was not good Idea!) at about 30 feet above water line and only saw walls of water passing by no sky. I had got off watch and rocking boat put me to sleep. hehe.


I hear the Bermuda Triangle is packed with missing socks, car keys, punch lines, screws, warrantees and the missing link.


I, too, was always fascinated with the BT as a kid. Loved your Cold War idea, haha! Joe, you really are a joy to listen to. I've learned so much from your channel and am also amused by your quips and observations. Thanks for the lessons and entertainment. You are top-notch!


“Dogs and cats, living together, Mass hysteria!” Love the Ghostbusters reference!


Idk why but joe feels like he’s my cool history teacher that tells his students to call him by his first name


As a retired sailor (Navy and Merchant Marine) I've sailed through the Bermuda Triangle several times. Nothing weird ever happened.
Of course the worst storm I ever sailed through was coming out of Bermuda itself.
But it is also one of the most storm ravaged parts of the ocean, so I'm sure that may play a large part of strange disappearances.


A ghost ship re-disappearing makes me laugh for some reason


I hereby demand the immediate repopularization of the term “Push-Button Age”.


Electrical shorts that occur on aircraft flying through the Bermuda triangle are referred to as bermuda shorts.


"...cuz, you know, all the hurricanes..." Love your style, Joe!


I grew up loving the old show, “In search of”. I was hooked on “spooky happenings” in the Triangle, Loch Ness, etc. thank you for the video.
