How to Respond to Racism in the Workplace

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I just googled how to handle racism because of a situation I just experienced 💔 it’s heartbreaking and unfair.


I complained about racism on my job and was fired.


I can’t deal with the racism at work anymore. I’m always a target of bullying no matter where I work… I’m really depressed. Nobody is there to protect me… speaking out will get me more in trouble..


Record everything. Dates, times, what was said, who was there, and keep all of your receipts. You will have to be the strongest person in the room, as you will be on your own most of the time. Regardless, recruit every ally you can. You will need them.


Being the only visible minority, it can feel like you're held to a higher standard and you are scrutinized more. Alot of it is so subtle too. For instance, any mistakes you make is seen as more "serious" and "magnified" with harsher punishments. Whereas, the white coworkers who make exact, same mistake are given a pass ("Oh, it's a learning curve.", "Oh, it's no big deal. Everybody makes mistakes. They're only human."). It's almost like you have to work 10x harder than white coworkers just to prove yourself.


This just happened. And I asked my manager how to respond in a workplace setting / language & they were useless.


We've all been there says clint eastwood


thank you, from a black woman who constantly experiences this and ignores it for job security, whose constantly being sought out by wittiness's who want to lend a shoulder behind the perpetrators back ...owing to discrimination i'm presently in the process of training three individuals to take my position at work as per the story in my 20+ professional life - instead i shall have a frank none heated discussion then walk out- moving forward i now know how to approach the situation before it gets to this stage so thank you for broadening my mindset


I'm working a job where I'm treated poorly because I don't speak Spanish, by the Hispanic workers, which is everyone except me . Wtf is wrong with people .


I've had my experience with a racist co worker a few years ago. They decided to say the n word to me and I reported it to a manager right away. At first all they really did was put us on opposite shifts/days which is only a temporary solution. Before this incident I was very nice to this person. After that incident I stopped helping that person and stopped telling them when their break was. Months go by and she got fired for an unrelated incident and I got promoted.


Good point sir, I'm from a minority who is a citizen who never felt I belong to the US, and now I'm in the process of migrating for good.


As a white person trying to help stop racism and help stop POC from the unnecessary harassment and disgusting discrimination this video really helps. In future I’ll put this method into action!


Overcoming racism is not emphasized enough nowadays - I just put up a deep video on my channel on some strategies to overcome racism. I encourage everyone to tackle the topic productively and not negatively. Got to bring original thought to the table.


I’m going through this now. It’s a horrible feeling. I grew up in diverse environments and this is the first time I’ve ever felt racism.


I get a kick out of people who this sort of thing comes from telling you how to respond to what they say 🤔


I’m Chinese, what my dad taught me: unless you can over power that person like your boss, be a boss to him. Otherwise, there’s nothing much we can do. 🤷‍♀️


I showed the guy next to me always ranting about Asians the whistleblower link of our intranet page and told him should I ever hear another racist comment I would make a HR case and he would be gone faster than he can blink.


my head boss is racist but he dose it really well i need help :(


People of all walks are failing to realize/acknowledge that the most racist acts aren't the names called. It's the double standard. I am one of the members of this Trust, and the state of Michigan has recognized me as a genius, and yet in most of my conversations, before I have a chance to respond it is assumed that I am ignorant, or cannot comprehend the conveyed concept. I observe how these same people have conversations with my non-African peers and the conversation isn't laden with negative presumptions. Until this changes there is no progress, and it should not be this difficult for humans to treat people based on their actions and their actions alone.

I understand that some of you may respond in a way that requires me to interact. I most likely will not.

I WILL ONLY respond IF AND ONLY IF you are willing to come to my production studio, and let us make you black for 6 months while we film what happens.


I wish I had your phone number . We are experiencing racism in our workplace to a large group of people . I think I should say something, but no one else is willing to say it
