How to Memorize Paragraphs, Sentences, and Passages Fast

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If you want to know how to memorize a paragraph, hang on Magnetic friend.

Making it fast and easy requires a foundational skill.

And I'm going to teach that memory skill to you today.

It involves a Memory Palace and you can use it to memorize any essay, speech, sentence or paragraph.

The best part?

Once you're set up with the tools you need, you can memorize anything quickly.

What are the tools you need?

Well, first of all, you need patience - and that means the willingness to start by...

0:25 - Progressive learning mindset

1:02 - Learning to memorize words

2:10 - Using dynamic associations

2:33 - Magnetic Lists

3:07 - The Memory Palace

3:15 - Your Start with Paragraphs

4:21 - Memory Palace example

4:47 - How to memorize a passage

5:23 - Another Memory Palace example

5:44 - An important tip from Thomas Krafft

6:03 - Extending your Memory Palace

6:39 - Long term memorization

7:06 - The rule of personalization

7:53 - Mental lego

8:26 - Advanced: Numbered paragraphs

8:45 - 00-99 PAO

9:08 - Compare two passages

9:55 - Practice tests

10:12 - Thank you

Need more help extending to entire passages?

Check out the blog post version here:

For an alternative approach from Nelson Dellis on how to memorize lines of text, please see:

Enjoy using memorization techniques and talk soon!


Dr. Anthony "One Word At A Time" Metivier

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I have memorized several entire books (well, they're novellas, but it's still a lot of words). After a lifetime of doing this, I've found that spaced repetition is the MOST important aspect of memorization. You have to give your subconcious mind sufficient time to impress the information permanently in your mind.
I always give myself at least 24 hours before reveiwing the same information.


You’ve convinced me to shift my peg words over to images of people, rather than the existing objects.
Seems much more flexible!
Going to try applying this to some common teaching stories I tell. (The pillar method seems a bit intimidating!)
All of my other memorizing is word by word.


Haha, this video popped up in my YouTube home page today and tmr is my exam. I have to cram up sadly because there isn't much time left and hopefully I do pass the exam.


About two years ago I watched a lot of these videos but in the meantime work, business, and life have interrupted me. However, I recall that I took enormous value from these videos and Mr Metivier's methods. So I have bought several blank sketchbooks, several Blackwing 602 pencils and other stationery, and I intend to draw memory palaces until I drop. I know they work.


I knew your channel would grow. I remember finding this channel when there were just a few subscribers


Very interesting video Anthony!
Especially the “personalization” part.

I now have my own pictures for every number
00-99 Major Method.

I always train my Major System by memorizing the number plates of the cars follow on my way to work.


Till today, i haven't used any memory technique. I study CA, where i have to learn a lot of bare act of company Law, Audit, keywords, sections for exam. But i forget easily. I learn & again i forget. I am so much frustrated. From where i should start ?? I got confused from where i should start memory technique ? Please guide me


It might be helpful when you have a little amount of information. But wht about when you have to memorize a huge amount of information like memorizing laws for an exam? In Brazil, in order to become a public servant you have to take an exam. And it is more than 500 pages just about laws with all details. I mean... one single word changes everything. For example... bidding here can be "needless", "dispensable", and "exempt", which migh looks that same idea, but it means 3 different things (by the law). How to memorize that? Thank you.


This is brilliant! is it possible if you could do "how to memorise audio" next? or gives advice on it. Say, memorising podcast while cleaning the house. I'm not sure if you already done a similar video on it. It would be awesome memorising your podcasts while i'm cleaning or relaxing haha.


Do you know Jim kwik? You are like him you are professional like him thanks for the Video and dedication Anthony:)


Off topic, but I've lost the link to the proper video-in another video you mention that a person's face can be used as a memory palace. Could the same be said of objects around the house or anywhere I might be like phones, guitars, lamps, etc? Thanks in advance!


Just to ask, hope you might understand this question. This memory palace thing..once we are done creating it, we add living rooms, dining halls, do we go to these places in real life and memorize?


Hi, what happens if you fill out your memory palace?
Can you ever reuse it for something else? In other words, you cant use the same memory palace for two different things that you are memorizing, right?


I'm arabic and studying English literature, I can't memorize paragraphs or long texts even in arabic.. especially if it's self-evident or axiomatic ideas, like talking about simple psychological situations in so much details.. it's like i get the idea and memories it, but can't memories the words, sentences and phrases explaining it.
Still not graduated cause of that, couldn't pass long literary explaining subjects, cause they need a lot a lot a lot of memorizing long paragraphs...


But this actually works for like other languages like for example i do not understand a single French word but still wanna memorize


Thanks Anthony! I have a question about fast recall.
I am reading the victorious mind and just started filling in a memory palace with definitions that are relevant for my craft (things I keep having to look up on google). I can recall everything, but it takes me a while to decode, If I had to cite all the definitions to someone I would sound like a robot and taking my sweet time.

Let's say I've managed to encode my information correctly, how could I possibly decode it at the speed at which you'd normally speak?
You say in the video (at 8:04) that with training the sentence will usually come back to you faster than the memory palace. I can understand that if information is still in the short term memory, but what about when you recall something from long ago?


Awsm video..just wanted to know if there's an alternative to neighborhood locations because I don't go outside at all..and also wanted to know whether we can use the same locations and stations to fit in all bits of information. Huge thanks for your content on YT.


So I can learn a language really quickly by using this palace thingy :)


I actually used peg word system.Seeing that its easy to remove individual words i coonected them and voillaa my memory got 10x better😅


Hello Dr, I’ve got 5 days until my Arabic gcse speaking exams, where I have to memorise 50 questions in preparation. I will be eternally grateful if you can help me
