'I Didn't Feel Right': Sherri's Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer Story | The Patient Story

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Sherri Lynn first experienced subtle symptoms on a trip to Costa Rica, including shortness of breath, fatigue, and dizziness. Upon returning home, she had a frightening episode where her heart started racing and she nearly fainted while walking.

After many tests and exams, a mass was found in her breast and she was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. Sherri was put on 12 rounds of Herceptchemo and began transfusions. Three months after her breast cancer diagnosis that had spread to her bone marrow, Sherri was no evidence of disease.

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Please read the comment under Martina McBride's ' In My Daughter's Eyes' video: My mom recorded a cover of this song for me and it took years before I could listen to it. Then it took a long time for me to be able to listen without crying. She got H1N1 back in 2009 when there was a huge break out of it. She was hospitalized and pit in the ICU 6 weeks before my 6th birthday and my little sister was only 1 1/2 at the time. The doctors told my dad and my grandparents to start preparing for her funeral because they didn’t think she was going to make it. So we prayed. Then not long after that on my birthday (September 27) she slipped into a coma. So we continued to pray and a few days later our prayers were answered as she began to get better. About a week or two after that she was home and on the mend. It was a true miracle and I don’t have a doubt in my mind that God had heard our desperate cries and answered them. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have her today. Praise the Lord.


Happy you’re cancer free. Praying you continue to be cancer free❤❤❤🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Thank You for telling Your story.
Truth. Nobody knows except God.
I got stage 4 in 2006. Told to go and write will etc.
Well I'm still here. More healthy and strong than ever.
I read all serious info and took my own decisions. Received the standard treatment. But after that I went my own way. Vegan diet, climbing mountains. Protect nature(park ranger) seeking peace with God. I refuse to die until that is achieved. Love for all things living keep me going. We are blessed.


Very inspiring. There is a study made with children with some kind of cancer, they told the children to play a kind of video game (pacman style) and asked the children to think they were fighting cancer and the improvement on their health was awesome. Your testimony made me recall that video.
I am very very glad for you and i really hope you live a long and healthy life.


Wow. What a story. I worked for 21 years at the company that makes the medicine she is on. The drugs are amazing, but the attitude makes such a difference. Just to clarify, Herceptin is a biological, not chemo. However, chemo is often given with Herceptin to complement the treatment.


This is one of the most impactful videos for me from this channel. The combination of accurate and detailed facts about Sherri Lynn's discovery of her cancer, her cancer treatments, and her responses to those treatments, together with her clear descriptions of psychological and life-style responses to each stage of her cancer journey inspire me and give me a guide for moving forward with hope. I will be returning to watch and consult this video again in the future.


Mind-blowingly inspiring. What a gal, what a story. Very very good video. Explaining her attitude shift, and her integrated response to her disease speaks volumes. Thank you!


Thank you so much for sharing your story. I felt like you spoke directly to me ❤. I have just been diagnosed with HER2 positive breast cancer (still getting the workup so unsure the stage but at least stage 3). I have two young boys so this diagnosis has been devastating. Hearing your story gives me so much hope!


Thank you for sharing your story with us. You have a wonderful attitude about life. Congrats on being Cancer free. I pray you stay that way. God Bless you and your family ❤😊


Thank you for having the courage and sharing your story with us. Wishing you health, wealth and vitality ❤


Thank you for sharing your story. Bless you.


Thanks for mentioning the support group not for everyone and thats ok, I went a few times and out of 5 breast cancer survivors I was the only one not in relapse I would be depressed for a few days afer the meeing, My Dr suggested a journey to wellness program I met with a wellness coach we started setting small baby step goals on nutrition excercise, and that helped me so much with all the emotional and physical after effects, thank you for Sharing your story I'm 11 years cancer free


Your story is body and soul what everyone dealing with anything in their lives needs to hear.😊


So happy for you! You’re just glowing in your pictures! Whatever you’re doing keep doing that! It’s obviously working for you. Best wishes and best health to you! ♥️


We all live for today be gratefull for what you’ve got&what you’ve achieved.💕💕


Great video! I love your visualization and asking yourself what you need. I like to call that mothering myself 💜. You are quite an inspiration.


What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing


Wow!!! Was she misdiagnosed? If not This is a miracle. Praise God❤❤❤❤


Taking on other people's emotional pain all the time manifests in the body. Amazing outcome!


I talk to my body all the time!! I ask it WHAT is it we need?? Help me figure it out!! Visualization is also great.
