The Battle of Kosovo (1389): A Pivotal Clash in Balkan History

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The Battle of Kosovo, fought on June 28, 1389, was a crucial conflict between the Ottoman Empire, led by Sultan Murad I, and a coalition of Serbian and Balkan forces under Prince Lazar Hrebeljanović. The battle took place on the Kosovo Plain, with both sides incurring heavy casualties. Although the outcome remains contested, it is generally seen as a pyrrhic victory for the Ottomans, who lost their leader, Sultan Murad I, while Prince Lazar was captured and executed. Despite the significant losses, the battle marked a pivotal moment in the Ottoman expansion into the Balkans. While Serbia was not immediately annexed, the battle severely weakened its ability to resist, paving the way for eventual Ottoman domination in the region. The Battle of Kosovo is deeply embedded in Serbian national identity, symbolizing both heroic resistance and the enduring struggle against foreign domination.
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