Why You Should Never Approach A Yellow Jacket Nest - Instant Attack Mode! Mousetrap Monday

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Destroying A Rare Above Ground Yellow Jacket Nest In The Barn.
Do You Have A Mouse Problem? I invented The World's Greatest Mouse Trap - The Dizzy Dunker

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Do You Have A Mouse Problem? I invented The World's Greatest Mouse Trap - The Dizzy Dunker
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Personally I would wait for nightfall. YellowJackets return to the nest at night. That allows you to seal the nest off and gas it, and which is generally the safest way to deal with them.


I had a horrific experience with Yellow Jackets when I was 11. I climbed a tree and did not notice a Yellow Jacket nest. They got me all over. Face, chest, back, head, legs I had over 200 stings !! I dropped down so fast from the tree screaming . A neighbor took me into her house and thank God she saved me !! She was stung a few times.


I found one of their ground nests with a string trimmer one time. Luckily I saw them coming out before they were all swarming around me and I dropped the trimmer and ran inside. They attacked that trimmer like you wouldn't believe because it was sitting there idling and making vibrations. I stayed inside for several hours after it ran out of gas to give them time to calm down.


With proper PPE, I'd rather deal with radioactive materials than hornets, given the choice. You, sir, are a brave man.


Shawn, the yellow jacket vids are slowly becoming my favorite content on your channel! Please take every opportunity to film and take down these nests, i could watch these videos all days. I love how elaborate their nests are


One of the easiest and most effective ways to neutralize a yellow jacket hive is with WD-40. Just one drop of the thin oil coats and chokes them and also makes them unable to fly. I use two cans at a time; one set to fog and one set to spray a stream with the straw. Start fogging the hive as you approach to kill all flying around, then focus the fogger on the hive entrance while you stab the other can's straw through the hive and soak the inside. No stings and no survivors 😁


I LOATHE Yellow Jackets so seeing you wipe out their nest is always a pleasure. Keep it up.


When I was a kid fishing at a farm pond I found out that yellow jackets not only sting but also bite and will follow you for at least 100 yards. As a teenager I discovered that some smoke and a dustbuster help avoid most of the stings.


I remember being a youngster and cutting grass one summer afternoon. I started feeling things stinging me. I ran over a yellow jacket nest that was in the ground. I am allergic. I had to go get a shot and man, that was the closest I ever felt to not having air. My throat felt like it was closing up and I was stung a ton of times. Watching this, I backed up in the chair just noticing them come out :)


Im a big fan of the 20' range cans of wasp & hornet spray for nests on/in buildings. Away from structures, it's bug BBQ.


Those things are vicious. I had to call in a National Park Ranger to my campsite one time because of ground hornets.
The military of the insect world!


I came close to breaking a hip, about a month ago, when the little devils came after me and started to run and fell. They "had their way with me" for a few seconds, while I was on the ground, but adrenalin allowed me to get up and hobble at a fast pace for a 100 yards or so until they called off the attack. Had major lumps all over my body and hip is just now starting to heal.


I saw this video where Japanese honey collectors use mouse glue traps to catch super hornets. He catches one and puts it in the trap to get it to release the ‘help’ pheromones which just brings more hornets into the trap. I’d love to see you give it a try!


Hey Shawn! I thought you might feed the yellow jacket nests to wildlife. Chickens love that stuff, too. Great video, thanx!


I had the unfortunate experience of stopping to sit on a log for a rest during a hike. I didn't realize until I felt an incredible burning sensation that my ankle was covered in yellow jackets. The hike home was quite painful, with a swollen ankle and all.


"So, if you pound on this wood right here, they'll come swarming...so, I'll pound on it!" Gotta love it! Somehow, the little boy in all of us just never really goes away. Great vid.


Takes me back to 1959, NavSecGru base in Md. 3 different places YJ's had built nests on our building. The Chief of the Mast shop went out with a backpack sprayer of ammonia solution and the bejeebers out of them. One was close to the air intake of work spaces and the chief gave it a quick spurt for fun. Within milliseconds, crew began pouring out of the 2 exit doors coughing and hacking. He got a good reprimnd from the LtCmdr, the crew went back in after about - the 15 minutes we were out of touch with CINCLANT (which brot the LtCmdr some flack)


You should check out the Hornet King. He uses a vacuum to clean them up.


If you have these building nests - with a bee suit - then just taking a honey bee smoker and a butane torch, on low flame - all you need to do - same as smoking bee hives - is smoke and confuse all the insect hormone attack aromas (stopping communications). Then put the flame (and holding it) to the entrance, burning the paper nest ... and as the wasps/hornets come out the flame(s) will burn off their wings - and then they all turn into crawling "ants" - instead of flying attack and stinging insects !!!
