The Psycho Spiritual Profile of sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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We are very externally referenced as a society. We are always looking outside of ourselves for answers. We consult with others to get advice about how to live.

External referencing is exhausting. AND it's unconscious. Those with CFS have been schooled to externally reference or to be hyper vigilant from the earliest of ages. This has become a weltanschauung or their world view. It's how they internalise the world.

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This is interesting. I can trace mine to a specific trauma/period of my life. but I also was a very hyper aware type person before that so I guess that was the straw that broke the camels back. My school environment was hostile growing up so I learned to be hyper vigilant about all people all the time. I can feel the fatigue being connected to when my family life went to shit. Basically a lack of safety at home. Thanks for this video. Looking forward to hearing about triggers.


Thank you Jenny, these videos are wonderfully informative. It makes complete sense that someone who has been hypervigilant their whole life would develop a Dysregulation nervous system that cause myriad symptoms that are being lumped under these diagnoses such as CFS, fibromyalgia, etc. So glad we are finally weaving various specialisms together to understand these conditions. And as you point out, ancient wisdom saw this interconnection on all levels... Appreciate you sharing your knowledge, Cat


I really enjoy your perspective Jenny it really resonates for me. I recently watched your chat on Raelans channel, it totally compounded my experience in IFS therapy and the realisations I'm coming to. I definitely grew up hyper vigilant due (partly) to being a HSP (highly sensitive person) and not fitting in because of finding things overwhelming. Then getting panic and anxiety and not fitting in even more! I had such strong emotions that i could tell people didnt know what to do to help me and that felt so scary. Thank you for putting your important work out into the world 😊❤ xx


This is spot on. This is extremely helpful for me, thank you so much 🙏💕


"Always looking outside to please someone somewhere." Oh 100%! As you said, it's unconscious. Recently I did start to think about this. I was wondering if my whole life, from the choices I make to how I look, was based on how I believe others would see me.
I concluded that this was in fact the case.
It IS the backdrop of my entire life, as you've said. Just wondering if after 40 or more years, I can bring my attention back to centre.
I've been attempting this, but very dissociated and disconnected from reality. 😊
Edit: Just discovered more of your vids on this. Thank you! 💙


Thank you so much for this! It really benefited me. Much love to you.


The exhaustion of chronic external referencing. Is that what’s making me so tired?


2:35 I have chronic fatigue and have for years and don’t think like this AT ALL . I have never compared myself to others because I don’t care and I know my life is mine and their life is theirs. I wasn’t meant to be them (nor do I want to) and they weren’t meant to be me. Also I don’t care to be a people pleaser and never was. I am the EXACT opposite of what you have stated. Maybe moving forward it would be better if you said SOME people with chronic fatigue have it because of etc etc. This video does not resonate with me at all.


This is very interesting, sounds like me...


Intetesting view thank you, definately not the pleasing part. Referencing, suppose all do that, diver yes, but never wanted to be like someone. As a kid I could do with 2 hours sleep to no sleep till deep into adulthood ... just if you wanted to take your opinion or research further😊
