When Animals Get “Elevated”

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Probably posted this a month early lol

Special thanks to @safarisammie for the amazing big cat footage. If you like my content, you'll love hers so do check her out. (no sponsor, just a longtime fan)

Music from:
Don't Starve Theme
Super Mario Galaxy- Honeyhive
Super Smash Ultimate- Pikmin 2 World Map
Hollow Knight- Queen's Garden
Club Penguin- Coffee Shop Theme
Legend of Zelda- Hidden Village

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"More stoned than a witch in Salem"
"Like a human downing nine wine glasses, and they do it without four kids and a failed marriage"
This man's analogies are on a whole other level and I am here for it


His play on words are ALWAYS on point.


Seeing him smile for once strikes fear into even the most evil people


Welp. It's 2024. I'm 68 years old, and the princess kissing the toad and seeing a handsome prince in it's place, now makes perfect sense! LOL


I knew about a few of these, but I had no idea so many animals go out of their way to get hammered. What a silly world we live in. It’s actually sort of comforting to know just how silly it can be sometimes. I hope you were having as much fun with this video as it looked like you were and as much fun as I had watching. Great video as always.


Real story: I had a bad pest bug infestation in my garden, so I grew tobacco as a bug break (Yeah, I made some cigars too). Wasn't long before I started seeing lots of tiny holes in the tobacco leaves, and a coroner's van full of dead grasshoppers. A few months later I started seeing bigger grasshoppers getting lethargic near dime size holes. Not dead. just faded. They'd sway back and forth and barely pay attention to me. New meaning to grass-hopper. About a month later, I found birds and squirrels on my fence that were swaying back and forth and barely paying attention to me. One squirrel chittered at me in a way I swear it said "Duuuude". On the plus side my corn and peppers were being completely left alone while the grasshoppers were self deleting or fading off the tobacco, and the squirrels and birds were getting hopped up on hopped up hoppers, while I was rolling my own product.


Fun fact: Catnip is in the same family of plant as peppermint. We had a cat once who had no effect from cat nip but if you walked in with a peppermint or mint gum, he would go out of his way to find it and elevate himself. One day, my mom was trying to defunk our house and put on a pot of water with peppermint oil and the cat had the zoomies like a toddler downing a 50pck of jumbo pixie stix.


“Santa Might’ve Been A Mushroom”, a new Christmas banger classic


Biologist with a BSc here. One of my pitches for a master's program involved using catnip as a lure to get fur samples from bobcats and lynx for genetic testing. Its a good way to make sure you get just cats and not things like bears or coyotes with food lures, and don't have to rely on hunting, accidental deaths, or dumb luck to get samples. Plus you get that good feeling of making some cats evening into a great evening. It's also not just cat mint but a few different plants that give them that feline funny feeling.


One of my cousins lives up in Colorado, and after she tossed some old "green" brownies, the opossum who comes around for food named Stank found them in the garbage. She found him outside in the grass absolutely faded. He was alright, and a few hours later he staggered back into his tree near their house, but we always talk about the time Stank got lost in the sauce.


"At best a child gets a PlayStation and at worst a child witnesses three moose stationed in play"

Can we PLEASE applaud this man's way of being able to make jokes out of _every_ word and sentence


"Get R Kelly'd by the right reindeer and you'll both believe you can fly" is the most insane line I've ever heard


"Santa may've been a mushroom this whole "More stoned than witches in Salem." OMG, you're killing me! LMFAO!!!


That moose was high in two regards at least.


Safari Sammie giving the jag belly rubs while saying "chubby belly chubby belly" is the wholesome side of YT


It happens. Every year during a certain time of the year, we would hear birds slamming into our windows and doors. Big thanks in part to the neighbors who had crab apple trees and some form of cherry trees. They would get drunk or trip off it.


Some years ago in our suburban, midwestern old neighborhood, I watched the gray squirrels get plastered on a fungus growing on the elm tree in our yard. The birds gathered in the trees to watch snd I was laughing pretty hard. The squirrel was reacting to things only it could see until it finally tipped over on its back to watch the clouds for about an hour before slowly coming out of it enough to make it way back up the tree for a nap.


Life’s stressful, ain’t no creature safe from the need to escape it all XD


I have never felt more in tune with nature until I discovered this channel.


8:18 I LOVE the image of the fact that chimps raid *Illegal* brewing setups. Like imagine what that's like at the police department
"Hey Chief, we've got reports of a suspected illegal brewery in-"
"Let the chimps handle it."

"....w h a t-"
" *Let. The Chimps. Handle it.* "
"uh, yessir!"
