How To Overwinter Pepper Plants

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Peppers Are Actually Perennials! No matter where you live, you can keep your Pepper plants alive over winter, and have the ready for action next spring! This will eliminate the need to start seeds next spring, and your plants will be further ahead and more advanced as the warm weather returns!

Its not hard, and in this video I show you the various scenarios where you can save your huge adult Pepper plants from this year, all the way through winter, right into next spring's bud burst!

Pepper Growing Series....Seed To Planting!

Fabric Grow Bags are an excellent alternative to standard pots, and in some cases even better for large single plant crops like Peppers! Lightweight, inexpensive, and they come in almost any size! Check out the affiliate links below and give them a try!

If you're just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Peppers up and running this year as well as prepare your gardens for fall! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there's a whole population out there that hasn't gardened before. Let's help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

#peppers #selfsufficient #growyourown
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After watching probably 10+ overwintering videos, including from big gardening channels, yours is the first one where you've actually EXPLAINED how to prune it, which, as a beginner chilli growers was invaluable. So much more helpful to explain how much of the plant I should leave instead of "clippers go brrrr" like other channels. Bless you sir, you earned a mad sub


I've watched several videos on peppers. Yours is the best I've seen. You explain everything very simply. Great video! Thank you!


Nice job. Very straight forward video. I over-winter my peppers and it really makes for a much faster start next Spring. I do have a hack for more peppers on your plants. I planted 5 identical sweet pepper plants in 3 containers this year. I put 2 plants each in two 7 gallon containers and one in a 5 gallon container and spaced them equally apart. Each plant in the 7 gallon containers grew over 2 times the amount of the stand alone pepper. If I had to guess, my pollinators are lazy and hung out on the 7 gallon more than spending their energy flying from plant to plant. Give it a try. The root systems on peppers aren’t huge so they don’t stress when they have a buddy next to them. Good luck and happy gardening!


Best video i have seen on over wintering ...


I live in Texas, normally over winter my peppers indoors. I lost them all as the "once every 100 years polar blast" last February dropped INDOOR temp to 26°F. I lost 12 yr old chili paquin plants! Just a reminder, save some seeds as you you never know what will happen (especially in Texas).


The most comprehensive, easy-to-follow video I've seen on overwintering peppers. Thanks so much, fellow BC-er, for all your incredibly helpful content!!


Pruning is mostly optional, the cool and reduced light storage area will cause a natural dormancy and leaf drop. Really in any case, I would give them a week after removing all the fruit before digging pruning or moving so that the plant can photosynth and build up its stores (which were all being diverted to the fruits).


Thank you for clarifying the process for those of us that live in milder climates, because all the other gardening tutorials were about having to bring them inside.


this video came out exactly when I needed it, thank you.


I love peppers….especially those called « piment d’Espelette » a variety grown in the south west of France


Believe it or not just by chance i did over winter a habanero scotch bonnet/ out side with old windows and a lot of leaves/ its a very rich color green and a beautiful big bush but i have a few storys about this plant. I was first to grow this type and the guys at work made salsa. They couldnt wait to get some. One fellow on the way home went in his bag and pulled a small one out to try, he stopped at the first gas station grabbed a quart of milk and couldnt wait in the long line so started to drink it before he payed for it. Second fellow went home made his salsa cleaned up, his daughters used the pan he made the salsa in only to start yelling the eggs they made were hot. Last fellow made his and went the the mens room and you can guess what happen to him. I will never forget this plant. I didnt know bell peppers could over winter even tho i got lucky with my habanero. I learn something every time i watch your videos. Thanks.


Alberta boy here. Great tips bro, I have about 6 types of peppers and chilies in a half barrel planter that overwinter in my dining room and have done great for 2 years now. I definitely have learned a lot from this video though. I was letting them grow leafs all winter and my yields were becoming smaller, but the peppers were much bigger and had incredible flavour. Thank you and keep it coming. New subscriber and student for life.


It seems, like with all perennials, a period of dormancy, is normal. If not
required. So, mimicking out door conditions, far less light, low temps,
and almost no water would work. Our cellar, here in Maine, never goes
below 45° with very little light. While outside it's almost always below
32° (for a high temp), and less than 8 hours of direct sunlight. When Spring
comes, warmer temps, longer days, plants can be moved to our mud
room. Minimum 55° and more diffused light, longer days. This is to wake up
the plants same time as the hardy perennials outside are starting to bud.
Just in the Spring, when setting them back out, to harden off, protect them
from frost. Baby steps as Mother Nature takes.
TYFS, Mark n Rosa


I saved pepper seedlings last fall that were volunteers and I'm glad I did. We harvested more peppers from those plants this than previous years when I starte from seed! I'm definitely going to winterize them. Thanks!!


This is great. Thank you! I live in Vancouver BC. It can get below 0 for weeks at a time here... and I am tired of growing peppers from seed every year. Going to try this method! Keep up the good work my friend.


I followed your advice last fall and put away all 5 of my potted pepper plants. They survived the winter and are sprouting new leaves. Waiting for the nights to get warm and I will start putting them out. I'm in SW Ontario. Looking forward to trying this with other potted plants!


First. LOVE. Second. Love. Love. And LOVE.


My peppers took forever to fruit this year, like almost the end of September. So I'm going to try this and see if next year I can have a better outcome.
Thanks for this great video. I'll echo what another viewer said " out of all the videos out there, yours is the most helpful".


I have a 3 year old Jalapeño plant that is fruiting even now.


Your channel is one of absolute top blessings on yt! Ty!
