Tyrannosaurus Hunting Edmontosaurus [Prehistoric Planet]

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A pair of T. rex brothers attacking a herd of Edmontosaurus under the cover of darkness…

After witnessing these 9 ton beasts swim, feed, and raise families, we finally get to see the legendary Tyrannosaurus rex hunt an equally impressive dinosaur, Edmontosaurus...

Sauce: Prehistoric Planet - Season 2 Episode 3 (Swamps)

(I do not own any of the content shown in this video and uploaded it for entertainment purposes only.)

00:00 Darkness Falls
01:23 Formidable Prey
01:50 The Brothers’ Plan
02:56 Tyrannosaurus Ambush
03:24 30 Ton Wresting Match
03:56 A Textbook Hunt
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I love how they picture T-rex as a intelligent and stealthy hunter. Its nice to see that Edmontosaurus wasn't just a 1 bite easy kill.


Best Tyrannosaurus hunting scene in media by a HUGE margin. Really encapsulates the powerful yet stealthy nature of the more ambush-focused adults.


I love how this scene demonstrates just how terrifyingly competent T.rex really are as predators, even at night. I also love it took 2 T.rex instead of 1 to take down something as big as themselves, despite the lack of physical body defenses. This is quite possibly the best depiction of T.rex hunting in media *EVER* .Thank you, Prehistoric Planet.


I love how the first bite, despite being on the back of the neck, doesn’t just instantly paralyze the Edmontosaurus. While yes, T-Rex had a ridiculously strong bite, I think people often forget that it was hunting very large and powerful herbivores.


I love how smart they’re depicted, apex predators don’t get their place by mindlessly rampaging. To have a successful hunt, they need a plan.


Loved how the Edmonto actually fought back and not just one bite and dead. Shows that it wasn’t easy prey, and t rexs bite wasn’t always a one shot


Media: scientifically accurate Tyrannosaurus isn't scary!
Scientifically accurate Tyrannosaurus:


Just when I thought T. Rex could not be more terrifying as a predator. It is chilling how something so big can be so stealthy especially at night. It could be right next to you and you wouldn't know it until it's too late.


In many ways this is like the anti-jurassic park T.Rex. It's very withdrawn and doesn't make its presence known unless it wants you to. It's intelligent and has adaptations that counter its massive weight. A really cool T.Rex to see on screen. Like a Mark Witton picture brought to life.


PP Rex: *stealthily stalks prey with cushioned pads on its feet*

JP Rex: *can be heard stomping a quarter mile away*


This is probably the best T.rex hunt ever featured in a documentary and one of the best scenes featuring Tyrannosaurus in general. The concept, the music, the narration, the CGI, everything is pretty much perfect. It also reminds me of Phil Tippett's Prehistoric Beast, where a Rex stalks and kills a Monoclonius at night.


This is one of the best depictions of T.rex hunting in Paleo-docs. It really exhibits how deadly T.rex is.

The part when David said T.rex could be quite stealthy despite its size, reminds me of “Extinction Event”, a spin-off novel of Primeval. In which the spin-off novel also described T.rex to be stealthy hunter despite its size.

I know some people compare this segment with JP/JW T.rex. However, I would say JP/JW T.rex, especially Rexy, are still capable of making a surprise attack/ambush. In the first JP movie, she made a surprise attack at a flock of Gallimimus and successfully killed a Gallimimus. In the climax, she sneaked up a raptor and killed it.

Rexy also made at least 2 surprise attacks in Fallen Kingdom. One of them was killing a Carnotaurus, the other was killing Eli Mills.

However, the segment in Prehistoric Planet felt more natural and less “Because the plot requires T.rex to ambush her victim.”

I also love the fact that they made Edmontosaurus being capable of resisting T.rex for a short period of time. This really shows “Why T.rex would need to evolve a ridiculously powerful biteforce, ”because their preys are tough as hell.


OMG ITS BEAUTIFUL. Everything from the accurate designs, the hunt setup, atmosphere and camera angles used, and the attack itself. The Trex doesnt just one-shot the Edmonto and its a bit of a struggle, with the Rexes trying to body its prey and use its mass to push the Edmonto around. Everything about this is simply amazing


Probably the best depiction of a T-Rex hunt, with them being ambush hunters, and at night, which is absolutely Terrifying to even think about.


Ever since I realized how massive Edmontosaurus was, I really questioned how T-rex was able to hunt them at all. Glad my question was answered by Prehistoric Planet of all places.

Edit: Due to some replies with decent points, I think the problem stems from me seeing T-rex vs Edmontosaurus as similar to a T-rex vs T-rex, even though they're very different from each other.


I love how the edmontosaurus really tried to defend itself when the tyrannosaurs managed to grab it, I was slightly disappointed because I wanted to see at least edmontosaurus manage to hurt one of the rexes enough to break this stereotype of defenseless hadrosaurids, but overall this scene is really cool, 10/10


Love how they show that one bite wasn’t able to kill the Edmonto. People forget dinosaurs (like most animals) have flesh and muscle, it would need more than just one bite to take down an animal especially of that size


I loved this whole episode, I've enjoyed the series up until this point too don't get me wrong, but including season 1 this was the first episode to give me that true Walking With Dinosaurs feeling, I absolutely loved it l, the Baby Pterosaurs Vs the Crocs, Beelzebufo trying his hardest to get a mate and dealing with annoying sauropods, the Pachycephalosaurus battle and finally T-Rex hunting in all its glory, fantastic episode.


I love this.

T.Rex was big, but it was just as capable of being stealthy as anything else. Sure, they weren't fast, but then again, they didn't need to be.


As someone who grew up practicaly BREATHING dinosaur-related media, this is absolute perfection.

Prehistoric Planet 1 & 2 have been EVERYTHING I've wanted in a Dino Documentary, and this scene, this AMAZING scene, is the icing on the cake. Seeing my all-time favorite dinosaur depicted & portrayed as a stealthy, intelligent & brutal ambush hunter rather than a roaring, lumbering monster is so mind-blowing for me. I was hoping I'd get to see the tyrant lizard king hunt in season 2 and when it happened it did NOT disappoint. It just fascinates me how something THAT BIG can move so quietly and only make its presence known when it WANTS you to know somethings there, absolutely phenomenal.
