super powers

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hi guys new video. this video is about super powers. a while ago i asked you on my community page if you had a super power what would it be
and this is some of the asnwers. there are a lot of good and creative super powers in the comments, and i sadly only covered like 4.
i want to do more of this, im thinking i could cover more of the comments in like a tier list kind of thing? maybe?
i'll let you know.
spiderman has nothing on these super powers. spiderman can jump. cool. try literally flying.
best super power you could ask for. actually there was a shape shifting power that i saw i liked a lot.
and if you shape shift you can just fly by being a bird. kind of op tbh.
well anyway, idk if you can tell i did some special saucy things in this video that will allow me to animate faster.
i will tell you what i did in a later video. i hope you guys like the way it looks.

thank you for watching as always ❤️

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“What if you woke up and you feel good, great even” Honestly I expected the question to end there. That’s a super power in itself.


Wow what a coincidence, ever since my brother spontaneously ripped my hair against my will I too have found a reason to use KEEPS, thank you Andy


Friction control would be an interesting power. You could slide anywhere, become an immovable object, or even walk on air. Or cause fires.


I watch the same Ice Cream Sandwich videos at least 5 times each. He is one of the best animators in this app for sure. His comedy timing also gets me every time, sooo good!


I feel like the ability to shapeshift is underrated, because assuming that it's literally chemically changing your body's composition, you can technically become a superhuman in every other way - you can genetically shift yourself to gain muscle mass differently, to be faster, I have a very loose concept of dna, learn quicker, the sky's the limit. It's only limited by your creativity (and possibly by your energy and available resources around to shift with, if you wanna be lame and technical like a big ol lame-o)


One thing often ignored in the discussion about superpowers is the question of how physically taxing your power would be. Like, if we're talking about flying, how tired would you be after an hour of flying?


Somebody give this man an award for making sponsors entertaining


Turning into a ghost, and being able to turn back. Think of that: phasing through things, flying, and being invisible all in the same package.

Basically Danny phantom


I still stand by the idea that shape shifting is the best superpower. It encompasses most of the other classic superpowers. Give yourself wings for flight, turn into a random object to be invisible, etc


Telekinesis is the most underrated super power. Everyone always says "I wanna fly or stop time" when I ask what one power would you want. I can fly with telekinesis, lift myself. I can also defend myself with telekinetic barriers, hard enough wall even bullets can't go through. And combat would be easy, yank the gun out of their hands.


I asked my grandpa about the flying in government airspace question you asked (he was in the Air Force), he said “They would never see you coming. A person is too small to appear on radar.” There ya go Mr. Sandwich.


Here's a good few I like:

1. Time Control. Basically the ability to rewind, pause and fast-forwarding time. Just imagine going back in time to retry a test, pausing time to get somewhere on time, seeing what the future looks like or skipping a boring lecture.
2. Size Manipulation. The ability to change your own size and/or someone or something else's. You can't tell me it wouldn't be cool to just, absolutely tower over everyone you see or confuse them by being tall as hell at one point, then all of a sudden the size of a potato.
3. Mind Control. Though it would make everyone hate you, it'd be absolutely devious to reveal someone's deepest secret or love life.


Shapeshifting, always my pick. Instead of explaining why I want it, though, I'd rather explain why this is such a fun answer to this question, because it has so much more possible variety than most answers depending on your parameters.

If we want to go crazy with what counts as "shapeshifting, " that means that if I wanted to turn into Superman, I will not only look like him, but I will have all of his powers. If I want to be geokinetic, or produce weapons from my body, or clone myself? Turn into someone who can do that. I could also turn into non-human animals, or even inanimate objects if I wanted. Maybe I just want to know what it's like being a Brussels sprout, you know? You could even turn into fictional characters or ones that don't even exist, fiction or nonfiction.

Meanwhile, at the most limited, you can only turn into other people. Maybe you can only turn into faces of people you know, or maybe you need to obey the law of conservation of mass, so you can't become super muscular or go from overweight to scrawny. Maybe you're only allowed to turn into a certain type of person, like if you're only able to turn into the same sex (or only the opposite sex). Maybe you only have a single other form you can change back and forth into. And even more than that, let's say you got this power from a mischievous genie. You get to shapeshift, but once you do, you find out that you're stuck in that form forever.

The possibilities are as limited or as endless as you allow them to be when it comes to shapeshifting, so I love exploring that when I answer this question.


Two words "Toon Force"

Think about it the ability to alter reality in anyway you want so long as you find it amusing.

Like Jim Carrey from the mask except you can control it.

You'd never actually get hurt unless you want to.

You could pull whatever you need out of thin air like costumes or food or a giant mallet with bombs strapped to the head.

And you could make your enemies do a really embarrassing and elaborate song and dance number then film it for YouTube.

And so so much more.


with the comedic power this guy has, he could be blowing our minds every other week but instead he humbly decides to bless us with a few videos per year. We are still grateful ICS.


Covert, overt, experimental. So much potential.


I personally would love to have the power to go into any universe. Movie or book. Such as Percy Jackson, Gravity Falls, Over The Garden Wall, etc. By literally touching the screen or book and snapping my fingers. As well as the ability to become any of the characters, be myself, or even change the outcomes of events to my liking.


Dude, every joke landed and the only time I wasn't laughing was when I had a really big grin on my face; the pacing is always so good, the visuals are very entertaining, the jokes are funny, it's well written- It was 100% worth the wait! Love this channel and the content you make is always so good!


I love how this guy does sponsors sometimes I even look forward for them


Shapeshifting will always be the best power, almost no matter how it's defined. If you can only do full transformations, taking on the entire form of for example an animal, it's still freaking great since there are many different animals with cool abilities. You don't need a second superpower to fly, you can just transform into a bird. You don't need a second superpower for superstrength, you can just transform into a gorilla. Etc. etc. It's even more amazing if you have complete control of your shapeshifting and can freely mix and match different physical features on your body as you wish. Hell you could even modify your own appearance to look hotter, the possibilities are endless!
