OUR BIRTH VLOG! Unexpected early labor at 37 weeks *POSITIVE BIRTH EXPERIENCE*

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My positive birth story vlog is here! I can’t tell you how wild it is to watch this back now that I'm almost 4 months postpartum. It really feels like this birth experience was a lifetime ago. I’ve been asked a lot about our birth story and what it was like for a first-time mom to give birth to her baby boy at 37 weeks! SO, without further ado, here is our labor and delivery storytime vlog! This was a hospital birth.

00:00-00:30 - intro
00:31-03:33 - losing mucus plug
03:34-05:36 - 3.5 months postpartum
05:37-10:57 - laboring at home
10:58-12:55 - going to the hospital
12:56-17:54 - in triage
17:55-20:07 - getting an epidural
20:08-25:59 - water breaking and labor pushing experience
26:00-27:13 - golden hour with baby

This was definitely an unexpected early labor, but overall it was such a positive birth experience. Even the actual pushing was a positive labor experience for me! While I didn’t film too much of the real birth at the hospital (the hospital I delivered at didn't allow cameras in the delivery room), I wanted to be able to use this birth story video as a memory for me to look back on in the future. I wanted to be sure to either write or record everything I remembered about giving birth for the first time. The turth is, as soon as it's over, you really forget about the pain of giving birth. I even remember saying to Michael: "I'm never doing this again!" as I was having contractions...but then shortly after getting an epidural, I said: "I could do this again!"

My epidural experience was amazing, as well, as you can see :)

The human body is truly miraculous. I am so proud of my body for all it did to bring my baby boy earth-side! I'd love to hear about your birth experiences down below!

TikTok: @luciebfink

Thank you so much for watching! I hope you subscribe to my channel for more videos.
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Of course, at time 26:00, I meant to write November 21, 2021 (not 2022)! 😂 He wasn't born in the future!!!


I’m in awe of people who choose to share what is one of, if not the, most important, special parts of their lives with the world. I love the way you talk about your labour and delivery and I’m so happy that the nurse listened when you expressed concerns about going home. Congrats guys! ❤️🇦🇺


I don't understand how it helps to tell the birthing mother that she inconveniently stole you from your "Jaz night". Saying stuff like that is obviously going to make her feel bad. I think it's unprofessional.


With all the real and mostly negative things out there surrounding epidurals and birth it was really refreshing to see such a positive experience and see that it can happen.


29 weeks now, going in at 37 weeks for planned C-section. I enjoyed every single moment of this wonderful experience. Thank you for sharing.


I was in labor 5 months ago, so I felt every single thing you tell us here. So beautiful, I hope you guys the best. Hello from the Netherlands


I dropped everything to watch this video when I saw you posted it. Thank you for sharing this part of your life!!


Congratulations Lucie! ❤️ As an OB nurse anesthesiologist it's always great to hear positive experiences broadcast on such a platform. Your little boy is the cutest! 💙


Watching this at 36 weeks! Having so many little contractions today. I’m so ready for my November baby 😊


I’m 23 weeks 5 days pregnant and watching all these vlogs is so helpful to know what’s going to happen when I deliver. That’s one of my fears is that my OB won’t be able to get there in time because she is like an hour away from where I’ll be delivering. Her main office is an hour away. I can’t wait to meet my baby girl though. 😊 so happy that you had a positive experience!!


This is like the first normal husband I’ve seen in one of these. You got yourself a good one sweetie.


You are literally my favorite story-telling person 🥲 congrats again to you and your family, always sending positivity and love 💛💛💛💛


The last part where Milo sneezed melted my heart <3 Thank you for sharing this with us


Awww, my goodness…and he’s perfect. Thank you for sharing. I’m 37 weeks and I believe my boy is coming out sooner than 40 weeks and I’ve been a little concerned bout it. But I believe he’ll be just as perfect.🤍


Lucie - I’m only 7 minutes into your video and laughing…I used the same contraction timer and didn’t follow the instructions to go to the hospital…when I did decide to go I was already 10cm and almost gave birth in the hallway to the delivery room LOL!!!! Loving this content and that you filmed it for yourself to look back on!


My mom never got an epidural for either birth because she progressed so fast that they either never got started with it or had to stop partway through so she could push. She literally went from a 1 to a 10 in 30 minutes at 33 weeks with me. I was so preemie that nobody believed she was in labor until she started pushing and her doctor missed the birth because he thought he had time to cross the River for a conference. It made me so happy to hear that your doctor was willing to trust you enough to show up when you were a 3 and to commit to stay there until you delivered. How cool!!! So happy for you and your family.


I would have went off about the Dr. even mentioning her prior engagements with you during labor. My Dr. told me today at my appointment that I needed to be induced at 38 weeks (1 week away) and she told me she would make sure that she’s there for me


I’ve been told that i’m gonna have my baby by 3nov (37th week of my pregnancy) because my blood pressure is elevated and the baby is almost 5.5 pounds. I was scared but now I saw your vlog and it feels much better to know that it’s normal to have a term baby. I just need so many prayers for a healthy baby!!❤️❤️


You being in the darkness with the spotlight mirrors your wedding 💕💕
Congrats, Lucie!!


Congrats! Seeing this ans remembering 3 months ago i had our daughter makes me emotional! and now I finally posted my very own “to our daughter” on yt! Enjoy this special time with your newborn💛
