OUR BIRTH VLOG! Unexpected early labor at 37 weeks *POSITIVE BIRTH EXPERIENCE*

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My positive birth story vlog is here! I can’t tell you how wild it is to watch this back now that I'm almost 4 months postpartum. It really feels like this birth experience was a lifetime ago. I’ve been asked a lot about our birth story and what it was like for a first-time mom to give birth to her baby boy at 37 weeks! SO, without further ado, here is our labor and delivery storytime vlog! This was a hospital birth.
00:00-00:30 - intro
00:31-03:33 - losing mucus plug
03:34-05:36 - 3.5 months postpartum
05:37-10:57 - laboring at home
10:58-12:55 - going to the hospital
12:56-17:54 - in triage
17:55-20:07 - getting an epidural
20:08-25:59 - water breaking and labor pushing experience
26:00-27:13 - golden hour with baby
This was definitely an unexpected early labor, but overall it was such a positive birth experience. Even the actual pushing was a positive labor experience for me! While I didn’t film too much of the real birth at the hospital (the hospital I delivered at didn't allow cameras in the delivery room), I wanted to be able to use this birth story video as a memory for me to look back on in the future. I wanted to be sure to either write or record everything I remembered about giving birth for the first time. The turth is, as soon as it's over, you really forget about the pain of giving birth. I even remember saying to Michael: "I'm never doing this again!" as I was having contractions...but then shortly after getting an epidural, I said: "I could do this again!"
My epidural experience was amazing, as well, as you can see :)
The human body is truly miraculous. I am so proud of my body for all it did to bring my baby boy earth-side! I'd love to hear about your birth experiences down below!
TikTok: @luciebfink
Thank you so much for watching! I hope you subscribe to my channel for more videos.
00:00-00:30 - intro
00:31-03:33 - losing mucus plug
03:34-05:36 - 3.5 months postpartum
05:37-10:57 - laboring at home
10:58-12:55 - going to the hospital
12:56-17:54 - in triage
17:55-20:07 - getting an epidural
20:08-25:59 - water breaking and labor pushing experience
26:00-27:13 - golden hour with baby
This was definitely an unexpected early labor, but overall it was such a positive birth experience. Even the actual pushing was a positive labor experience for me! While I didn’t film too much of the real birth at the hospital (the hospital I delivered at didn't allow cameras in the delivery room), I wanted to be able to use this birth story video as a memory for me to look back on in the future. I wanted to be sure to either write or record everything I remembered about giving birth for the first time. The turth is, as soon as it's over, you really forget about the pain of giving birth. I even remember saying to Michael: "I'm never doing this again!" as I was having contractions...but then shortly after getting an epidural, I said: "I could do this again!"
My epidural experience was amazing, as well, as you can see :)
The human body is truly miraculous. I am so proud of my body for all it did to bring my baby boy earth-side! I'd love to hear about your birth experiences down below!
TikTok: @luciebfink
Thank you so much for watching! I hope you subscribe to my channel for more videos.